Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 449 is getting worse


    In the huge empty cavern, the flood of dark red flames, which was originally like a raging fire, suddenly exploded and turned into a powerful destruction shock that struck all around.

    The vibration of the air is already a burning start.

    The entire cavern once again trembled.

    The intense dark red fire wave hiding the sky and covering the earth oscillates to the four directions, causing the detonation to sweep across the center of the large cavern, and the power is astonishing.

    In such a terrifying fire wave, Fang Li's slammed on the blast wave and fell back to the ground. A pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes stared at the center of the fire wave that exploded in mid-air.

    The center of the explosion that made Seireiden seem to have trembled, and Sabrac was standing on it with the raging flame of fire.

    Faces that look like fuzzy shadows do not look clearly.

    The dark red luster's in the eyes, as Devil presents, is a fragment of emotion.

    The only element that can be used to judge Sabrac's mental activity is his voice.

    Under such circumstances, the other party spits out such a sentence with a deep voice.


    As Sabrac's phrase rang, the dark red flame underneath its waist began to fluctuate violently.


    Dark red flame underneath the waist.

    A closer look, from the waist, Sabrac's entire lower body disappeared.

    It was neat and tidy.

    "And there is no way to recover?"

    Sabrac's voice brought a hint of shock.

    Sabrac, as a powerful Crimson Lord of Third Rank, has many features that none of the other Demon Kings have.

    The perfect aura that hides itself is able to launch unpredictable yet powerful surprises from the very beginning.

    Including numerous sword, dark red flame attacks like tsunami.

    The evil Unrestricted Spell will slowly allow the wound to expand after the enemy is injured.

    In addition, the abnormal Endurance force also acts as a fighter.

    Sabrac is known for these characteristics.

    Relying on these advantages, Sabrac became the powerful Crimson Lord who feared everyone. Since he became assassin, he never lost his hand. Even "Bal Masqué" had to treat him cautiously, making him a guest and hired.

    Today, all of Sabrac's strengths have collapsed.

    Unpredictable and powerful incomparable raids did not silence opponents.

    Including countless swords, dark red flame attacks like tsunami are blocked by opponents.

    Unrestricted Spell to expand the wound was cracked.

    Unusual Endurance power could not even be used. Under Fang Li's just a knife, it turned into a result, became disfigured, and could not be defended and repaired.

    "Is this guy really human?"

    This is the only one thought in Sabrac's mind.

    Of course, as everyone knows, Fang Li's also has almost the same ideas.

    "Is this guy really an assassin?"

    Fang Li thrust Moon Blade into her chest with force.


    After the glass cracked sound, the Unrestricted Spell applied to the Fang Li body was killed.

    Looking closely, a terrible knife wound is bleeding on Fang Li's chest.

    Just after Fang Li took Sabrac off the board, Sabrac resolutely detonated Akaneiro no Dotou, under his control, to make the terrible explosion just happen.

    Faced with that explosion, Fang Li had to wear Azure’s evacuation ring to match his own Prana defense and Light Breath's injury-reducing effect, so that Kankan blocked the Third Rank’s flame attack.

    However, the numerous swords that were mixed in the blast even if Fang Li tried to dodge with the flight effects of Boots of Hermes in the exclusivity of Nanaya Assassination Arts, it was still a hit.

    "It is obviously an assassin. Destructive power is so strong. No wonder it is Third Rank."

    Fang Li took a bloody chest and felt the pain from above, but his mind was very calm.

    Although the opponent is extremely powerful, Fang Li is not without a fight.

    After all, different from before, Fang Li's battle mode has been fully formed.

    The addition of the all-round speed type, coupled with the surprise and extraordinary combing technique of Nanaya Assassination Arts, combined with Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's ability, is enough to allow Fang Li to face any opponent with a chance to come back.

    Even if the opponent's Rank is higher than himself, that's the same.

    The appearance of Sabrac is now a proof.

    However, there is not much time left for Fang Li's.

    Fang Li raised his eyes and watched as he took over the wind and carried waves of torrential flames floating in the air behind Sabrac.

    Due to Sabrac's terrifying incomparable blow at the beginning, the entire Seireiden seemed to have been thoroughly penetrated, not only smashing the ground, causing a large hollow that penetrated the bottom, and it even defeated the ceiling, resulting in a straight through horizon. gap.

    Outside the gap, dense shadows began to gather.

    It was a large force of "Bal Masqué" patrolling outside Seireiden.

    Now, this large force has begun to converge.

    "It is only natural to take it for granted."

    After all, the movements caused by Sabrac's attack were so terrible that Seireiden's large troops did not come. That was a strange thing.

    And a Sabrac had already forced Fang Li to make every effort to resist. If he added the "Bal Masqué" Wanderers big force, it would be really troublesome.

    "no solution anymore…"

    Fang Li collected the Moon Blade and Bo Xie and took another weapon from the space of the bracelet.

    A weapon that has been put down by Fang Li for a long time.

    That's…Sabrac immediately noticed this scene, but it was also shocked on the spot.



    Fang Li precisely takes a gun from the bracelet space.

    The Glock pistol that has been used throughout the world of Aria the Scarlet Ammo.

    "I haven't shot for a long time…"

    In this way, whispering, Fang Li did not hesitate to raise the gun in the air.


    Spear strike/gun shot sounds very clear and loud.

    Out of bullets violently shoots out.


    In the next moment, the bullets that fired at the sky suddenly burst out with dazzling light, illuminating the entire cave.

    The bullet, impressively is Fang Li once in the "Aria The Scarlet Ammo" in the world acquired Butei bullets of a ———— flash bullet of light.


    Sabrac did not expect his opponent to actually use this weapon and could not help but closed his eyes.

    With this closed eyes, Sabrac felt it.

    Fang Li's aura suddenly disappeared.

    It was not until then that Sabrac understood Fang Li's intentions.

    "…Actually escaped? ”

    Sabrac was completely stunned.

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