Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 446 Dark Red Flame


    Ice Blue Mystic Eyes quietly hidden, so that the chilly of the air and then subsided down, began to gradually smooth.


    Fang Li slowly put out a long breath, so that the tight body slightly relaxed, Murderous aura around the body has been fluctuating convergence has begun to return to normal state.

    Fang Li raised, who recovered from the state of murdering Demon, glanced around all around.

    See, the vast hall is still the same as before, filled with solemn atmosphere.

    Denizen and Rinne who have been Strike to kill by Fang Li have all disappeared as the Flame of Power of Exitence.

    Therefore, no corpse or blood was left in this hall.

    If not because of the ground also had a large amount of weapons dropped, the carpets that were laid around were burned one by one because of the flames. Presumably, if someone came here at this time, they would not think of it here. Has just passed a massacre that is comparable to a thousand troops in charge?

    Only, a thousand troops is not a party to the slaughter, but the slaughtered party is right.

    Of course, Fang Li is far less relaxed than before.

    Because Fang Li is clear.

    “The soldiers and horses here are just a small part of the Bal Masqué.”

    Although it seems that the array is magnificent, it can just be surrounded by the army of Fang Li's. Rinne almost occupies all the numbers. The number of Deniken is even less than one hundred.

    Rinne is just a servant created by Denizen using Power of Interpretation. Even if there is more loss, as long as there is sufficient Power of EX istence, it can be continuously produced.

    So, just like Fang Li said, the just-arranged battle is just a small part of the "Bal Masqué".

    "I am afraid that most of the members of the group are scattered around the world. Even if most of the members of the group are still on alert in the surrounding area, I can handle it now and wait until the brigade has really arrived. It's a bit overhang."

    Fang Li was not complacent because of the massacre that had just occurred, and he was very calmly analyzed.

    "While taking advantage of this time, it is the right path to escape from Seireiden."

    A series of ideas took less than three seconds.

    In terms of objective reality, Fang Li only slightly relaxes his body and spits out aura that is suppressed in his chest. Even after the analysis is completed, he begins to act.

    So Fang Li raised his pace and was about to leave from the door that had just been blocked by the army.

    In this moment, the vision rose.


    Such a strange sound that was slight to the wind disappeared suddenly.


    Fang Li, who was planning to leave in the direction of the gate, only felt that the air around him had changed, and his heart began to jump.

    A sense of crisis surged from Fang Li's heart.

    Moreover, it is still deadly.

    Fang Li did not have time to respond to this.

    In the next second, the world changes color.

    "BOOM —!"

    With the roar of a roar, the grounds of the entire hall exploded.

    A dark red flame called berserk turned into a raging fire, with numerous sharp swords inside, breaking through the ground and evaporating the air. It was like a volcano erupting from the depths of the underground. It overturned the rock disk and stormed into this. In space.

    The scale of the raging dark red flame is so large that it is hard to imagine.

    It's just a split second, and the entire hall, which is comparable to the size of a football field, is washed away.

    The stone pillar turned into rubble in the rage of flames.

    The ceiling crushed in the end under the impact of sword.

    The dark red flame, mingled with countless swords, exploded in such a way that it was not inferior to the terrifying power of the volcanic eruption, and crushed the entire hall.

    In an instant, it turns into a ruin.

    That is not an anger that does not allow any existence of life.

    That is a disaster that does not allow all things to be perfect.

    Even if it is a city, under such terrifying power, I'm afraid it will instantly turn into a ruin, leaving only the scene of the next land.

    This power will mercilessly turn the surrounding area into hell, let the sharp sword go all directions, and Berserk's dark red flame sweeps the earth, completely destroying everything around it.

    And such natural disasters simply do not know how long it will last.

    When the terrifying flame, like a volcanic eruption, converged, and the terrible impact was stopped, the halls that seemed to have witnessed the Emperor had long since disappeared without even a trace of the ground and the ceiling.

    Only a piece of rubble was left here, and was continuously burned by the flame of dark red and turned into a sea of ​​flames.


    Some of the gravel from the direct penetration of the sky, no more than a block of the top of the fall, pound on the ground, aroused a crisp voice.

    Dark red's flame covered every corner of the surrounding area, leaving the entire ruin burning and aura filled with smoke.

    In one of the corners of such a rubble, a hand suddenly emerged from a pile of gravel rubble, resisting the ground, slowly propped up the body.

    In addition to Fang Li, who can it be?


    Some bitter sounds squeezed out of Fang Li's mouth.


    A large amount of blood penetrated from its body, dripping down and gradually forming a small pool of blood.

    After a closer look, Fang Li's suffered a knife wound on his whole body and was covered with dense wounds.

    Although not to the extent of serious injuries, it is horrendous.

    However, in this situation, Fang Li was relieved.

    "Fortunately, at the last moment, Prany improved within the body and will defensive power upgrade to the limit."

    In addition, Light Breath of Fang Li body has the effect of reducing the damage by half. Fang Li can survive only a terrifying but unpredictable disaster, only suffering this degree of injury.

    If this is not the case, I'm afraid, Fang Li has long been a pile of debris, right?

    "And there are only one person in my memory who has such power."

    Fang Li raised the head and looked forward.

    There, a dark shadow appeared silently in the dark red flame, holding a sharp sword with two handles, and slowly came over.

    "Can I still survive under my Akaneiro no Dotou?"

    A very deep voice spread from the other person's body.

    "The first time I saw my attacker was able to do this level of people, you are the first, human."

    Voice, a drop.

    "Hey —!"

    The dark shadow suddenly plundered out, and at an extremely astonishing speed, he flung himself in front of Fang Li's and released a powerful thrust on Fang Li's throat.

    "Hey —!"

    Metallic collision sound

    The dagger of the crescent moon-like dagger will block it.

    Looking at the sudden Assassin in front of him, Fang Li whispered.

    ""Destructive Blade" …"

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