Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 438 exactly the opposite existence


    In a rather cold room, Hecate was sitting on the bed. The whole person was huddled and his head was buried in his knees, making people completely unable to see the face.

    And that's always been the case.

    Looking at this kind of Hecate, the other two people present were also caught in silence and filled the scene with an indescribable silence.

    After a long time, Sydonay put out a long breath, a rare wry smile.

    "I still saw such Hecate for the first time."

    For Sydonay's words, Bel Peol also made a rare addition.

    Be honest…Bel Peol sighed and said, "I also saw Hecate for the first time."

    Therefore, the two Demon Kings who are generals of the "Bal Masqué" and the staff officers will be so frowning.

    It was really surprising that Hecate's performance was such that the two Demon Kings who had survived from ancient times to now are somewhat overwhelmed.

    In the past, although Hecate was a bit autistic, he was not approachable and even reticent. He never communicated with others, but only because of his own speciality.

    The girl's heart has always been empty and has never been filled.

    That being the case, it can not fully express their feelings.

    Precisely because of this, the overwhelmingly overwhelming performance of the girls will make it impossible for the two pillars of Demon King to accompany them since ancient times.

    "It's damn…"Sydonay was a little meandering in the air and said bitterly: "I'm really going to make my Hecate look like this. Should I really kill that guy?"

    "Only did not expect the other party to be even the existence of such a thing."Bel Peol glanced at Hecate and whispered: "At that time, what did Hecate see?"

    This is a position in the ranks of staff. Believing that Fang Li is one of Trinity's calculations does not make sense to Bel Peol.

    The only certainty is that it is definitely not something ordinary.

    Otherwise, Hecate will never become like this.

    "Reiji Maigo falls into such a person. Is it a blessing or a disaster?"

    Bel Peol whispering with this sentence.

    “Whether it is a blessing or a misfortune, it is always a good idea to find a way to find Reiji Maigo from the human body of the devil and solve him.”Sydonay said in a toneless tone: "With such a human being, there is absolutely no benefit to us."

    This is a bit too absolute.

    But it is undeniable that Bel Peol thought so.

    Not for others, only because Fang Li body seems to hide extremely important mysteries, so that they as Trinity have to be jealous.

    It is absolutely the first time since ancient times that such taboos have been created against a human.

    You know, Hecate, Sydonay and Bel Peol are not ordinary Crimson Denizen.

    The three Demon Kings, who are known as Trinity, are absolutely top-notch in Crimson World, both in terms of qualifications and strength.

    In fact, Trinity’s name in ancient times was not what it is now.

    In the distant past, Trinity actually had another name.

    Hecate was named Nüwa in ancient times.

    Sydonay was called Chi-You in ancient times.

    Bel Peol was named Xi Wang Mu in ancient times.

    Just looking at these three names will tell you what Trinity really is.

    However, the Crimson Lord who was once awe-inspiring in ancient times in the name of Nüwa, is now like a little girl who has a nightmare and is sitting in bed.

    What a surprising thing this is, it can be imagined.

    "In short, think of ways to get Reiji Maigo retrieve."Bel Peol said: "No matter how terrible that human is, we have to put Leader's life first."

“……I know.Sydonay scratched his head and finally calmed down, quite impatiently said: "Reiji Maigo's things are handed over to you. Things have become so troublesome. That's not what I'm good at."

    "Sure.Bel Peol gave a similar answer, saying: "This is my responsibility."

    After that, the two ancient Demon Kings once again turned their gaze to Hecate's body.

    As for Hecate, he was totally immersed in his own world. He did not hear Sydonay and Bel Peol at all.

    No, it should be said that we cannot listen to it.

    At this point, Hecate's heart has been completely filled with a question.


    Recalling the sea of ​​death, Hecate speaks to someone who doesn't know where to be.

“……You are full of such things, why can you live like that? ”

    Hecate has been praying all the time, and prayers can completely fill the heart and body and become empty.

    If not, he is not alive.

    And Fang Li is exactly the opposite of Hecate.

    In Fang Li's heart and body, it has been filled with things that Hecate cannot afford.

    However, it is filled with such things. Even if Hecate lacks emotion, she understands that it is absolutely not alive.

    So, Hecate is really confused.

    "I cannot be alive without being full."

    "You are not alive when you are full."

    "Well, what is it like to be alive?"

    "Am I not alive?"

    "Are you considered alive?"

    "Why can I live?"

    "Why can you live?"

    “ Why?”

    These questions are full of Hecate's heart.


    Only in this moment, Hecate discovered that he was full and no longer empty.

    However, if you have questions, you must find the answer.

    "I want to know the answer…"

    In this way, Hecate has been immersed in the dual feelings of being alive and dead, while being afflicted with questions filled with his own heart, while being tortured by the death of his own mind.

    I'm afraid I can't recover in a short time.

    Sydonay and Bel Peol, who cares for such Hecate, do not know the same.

    Seireiden is about to chaos.


    "dīng lāng …"

    The sound of the chain echoes gently in this space.

    Like Lisa, located in a virtual shrine, on the central altar, Fang Li is still riddled with limbs of a thick chain from all sides of the stone pillars, heads down, sleeping like ever, and keeping his eyes closed. .

    The atmosphere of silence is diffused all around.

    Until a certain moment, Fang Li with his head down whispered.

    "It's almost time…"

    With this, Fang Li raised his head.

    In the eyes, ice blue Mystic Eyes flashes.

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