Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 412 can not ignore people around

    Misaki City, residential area.

    In an apartment's room, Shana slowly lifted Fang Li to the bed and let him lie down.


    Fang Li slept quietly with a calmer breath than before, with a rather serene expression.

    Shana's Flame-Haired was restored to a dark color. Burning-Eyed disappeared. The body's Yogasa was hidden. Like an ordinary girl, she kneels beside the bed and looks at Fang Li. The sleeping face has not recovered from God for a long time.

    It's already dark.

    At the end of the battle, the sky was already dark and late into the night.

    There was a bright light in Misaki City. Only the room in this apartment was still dark and did not light.

    In such a darkness, Shana stared at Fang Li's face this way, only to whisper after a long time.

    "Hey, Alastor."

    Shana's pendant immediately flashes like a fire powder.

    "what happened?"Alastor said so, but there was no doubt in his tone. It seemed to be clear why Shana had this performance.

    Shana was completely unaware of this, only frowning his beautiful brow, and some distressed words like that.

    "I don't know what to do now."

    The headless sentence, I believe, will not immediately understand the meaning of the change.

    However, Alastor understands it.

    Although it was clear, Alastor did not say it directly, but continued to ask, "What exactly is it that I don't know what to do?"

“……I don't know what to say. ”Shana squats on her chest and seems to appreciate the taste. After a long time, she gives such a sentence.

    "Only, I can't figure it out."

    This is Shana's mood.

    Shana really can't figure it out.

    Because of the concept of the heart.

    That maid who took care of Shana said so.

    "Since then, you have to deal with everything by yourself."

    However, human beings who suddenly had an intersection with Shana do so.

    "The world is not one of you, don't think that mission is something you own!"

    The words of existence that existed like his own mother or Elder Sister, and the words of existence that existed only recently, were constantly intertwined in Shana's heart.

    One side is to let Shana face everything in one person.

    On the one hand, it's something that makes Shana don't treat everything as one person.

    The completely opposite words spoken by two completely different people made Shana really confused.

    "Who is the right person in the end?"

    In general, in the situation where both sides are so unequal, Shana should choose to believe that she has always taken care of herself, just like the mother or Elder Sister.

    However, seeing Fang Li's battle with his own eyes, Shana couldn't even regard such a human being who could not hesitate to fought to black and blue.

    So, Shana really does not know exactly which side is correct.

    "It's annoying now."Shana can only bite a face, and some displeased: "So hateful feeling."

    It can't be blamed for Shana's lack of clarity. It is Shana's lack of ability to express his feelings.

    From childhood, Shana was taken to Tendoukyuu and trained as a Flame Haze.

    In this process of cultivation, Shana is not without knowledge.

    However, those are all based on the reality of common sense and knowledge, and there is no personal subjective record.

    In other words, in fact, it would not be an exaggeration to call Shana an indecent world.

    This is a pure white paper.

    In addition to fighting and knowledge, nothing is instilled.

    Of course, Shana didn't know how to express her current mood.

    Shana only knows that present self is very annoying, very annoying and annoying.

    In the face of this situation, Alastor did not want to correct anything.

    Not because of Alastor only wants to teach Shana as a contractor that doesn't have anything but battle.

    In fact, Shana is almost equivalent to a daughter for Alastor.

    As a guardian, Alastor hopes that Shana can have more social experience, but does not want this paper to be subject to any pollution.

    This pure, as a guardian, believes that no one wants to keep it?

    Therefore, Alastor only said, "What did you think about yourself?"

    "I …Shana shivered slightly and fell silent.

    Shortly afterwards, Shana said that.

    "I don't think Wilhelmina is wrong."

    Wilhelmina is the maid who once took care of Shana.

    Then Shana said that again.

    "But I don't think this person is wrong."

    Because of this, Shana will feel annoyed.

    If you can clearly know who is right and who is wrong, then Shana will not be so annoying.

    Although Shana is a pure white paper, it does not mean that Shana knows nothing.

    At the very least, Shana is a very talented person with a high sense of judgment.

    Shanna can still distinguish who is wrong with this kind of thing.

    Of course, this impeccable Ability has made Shana so annoying.

    As a result, Alastor's heavy, thunderous sound can not help but calm down and say, "Since you think both sides are correct, it's enough to write down both sides. No need to bother."

    "Write down?"Shana said skeptically: "But what this person says is totally different from what Wilhelmina said."

    Heard this, Alastor said so.

    "Is it really different?"Alastor said: “You think about it carefully. In fact, there is no contradiction in these two sentences.”

    "There is no contradiction?"Shana immediately looked at the pendant before her.

    Alastor told Shana in a positive tone.

    "As a Flame Haze, you have to learn to face the enemy in isolation and not to be lucky. That's what Wilhelmina Carmel wants you to do, so she will tell you that."

    "But, it is not for you to finish everything by yourself. If you alone are the only ones in this world, you would say "Denizen" is not your opponent. How can you possibly complete the crusade?"

    "You must be independent, but you can't ignore the people around you."

    "I think this is what you should conclude."

    Alastor's words let Shana's heart suddenly bursty and cheerful.

    "You must be independent, but you can't ignore the people around you…"

    Shana will transfer the vision to Fang Li's body and look at Fang Li's sleeping face. There will be no speech for a long time.

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