Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 400 Human Eyed by Demon King


    In this moment, on the rooftop of a building, Shana suddenly noticed something. He turned his head and looked in a direction.

    In that direction, an incommensurable sense of incommensurability with the world appeared as a swirl, appearing in Shana's induction.

    Moreover, it is still in the case of a very long distance.

    Feeling this feeling of incoherence, Shana responded immediately.

    "This is aura of "Denizen"!"

    Crimson Denizen is not in this world.

    Therefore, when "Denizen" appears in this world, there will be a feeling of incoordination around the world, such as being rejected by the world.

    This feeling, along with the power of "Denizen", is stronger and stronger.

    Therefore, if you deliberately hide aura, if you don't use power, forget it as long as it is not in a very close distance.

    However, if it is in an undisguised state, the sense of incompatibility that is out of tune with the world will become extremely rich. Even if it is a distance that is far apart, the presence of a keen sense will be noticeable.

    Previously, Shana immediately came in when Fang Li met Friagne's Rinne, because he noticed that Deenzen was using power and felt a sense of aura.

    Today, Shana also feels this aura.


    Not a share.

    That is two shares of aura.

    Looking at the direction of the sense of incongruity, Shana murmured.

    "Are you willing to appear?"

    In front of Shana, in the pendant of the will of the contractor, Alastor's voice rang.

    "Is it felt?"Alastor's voice was a little dignified and said: "The two auras are approaching extremely fast, and both auras are very powerful."

    "Is that Hunter actually looking for a helper?"Shana calmly said: "Alastor, what should we do?"

    过去Alastor said without any hesitation: "The other party is likely to have been directed at him. If the opponent is two people, even if he is also impossible to deal with at the same time, the helper Friagne finds may only be Demon King, if we don't In the war, Reiji Maigo absolutely will be taken away and must pass!"

    Hear this, Shana did not answer again.

    However, the dark long straight hair on one side and on the waist was suddenly a fluctuating transition into the burning Flame-Haired.


    In the next second, Shana smashed the ground and carried the flames that broke out under the soles of his feet. Like a meteor rising from the sky, he rushed in the direction of Fang Li.


    On the other side, Fang Li is also aware of the sense of incoordination that Denizen brings.

    Although limited to the conditions of the world, Fang Li's combat instinct was originally not bad. Since the aura from “Denizen” would cause such a strong sense of incoordination, it would be recognized by Fang Li.

    Naturally, Fang Li also noticed two auras.

    "Find a helper?"

    Fang Li made the same judgment as Shana.

    However, Fang Li was not surprised. Instead, he let his mouth rise.

    "It's better to look for a prey than to find a mouse."

    Saying this, Fang Li dangled in the dagger and made a sudden stroke toward the side.


    Beside him, a Torch that had just passed fired directly and became ashes, disappearing.

    Fang Li looked around at all around.

    It is surrounded by people coming and going commercial street, full of noisy noise and lively crowds.

    "Change it somewhere!"

    Fang Li directly made such a decision.

    Then, Fang Li turned around and walked in another direction at an unhurried pace.

    Awesome, it is the bank of Mana River.


    The three days did not bring any change to this location with Misaki City.

    When Fang Li came here, there was no one around. There wasn't even a shadow on the walkway above the bank. Only the distant Misaki Bridge uploaded the voice of the person and the horn of the vehicle.

    Fang Li marched on the riverbank as if taking a short walk.

    At the same time, the world has changed.


    The unrestricted Spell like the Magic Array, like the Magic Array, suddenly spreads out over the river bank, as if orbiting around the Earth's rotating globe, it turned geometrically back and forth.


    Around them, light white flames rose like flames and turned into barriers that covered the whole river bank.

    The bright red color replaces the colorful world and becomes the only color in this space.

    Unrestricted Spell cutting off the cause and effect unfolds in the moment, let this space become a battlefield.

    Everything is at rest.

    Only an elegant voice slowly rang.

    "Before, it was in this place. You let me leave with humiliation."

    With the sound of such a sound, a white cloth appeared over Mana River, like a curtain that was pulled open, causing its Master to appear on the back of the white cloth.

    Looking at the Fang Li who was standing on the bank of the river, Friagne smiled. In the eyes, he flashed cold light and blew his breath.

    "Today, I will let you completely disappear in this place and never exist in this world."

    Hearing Friagne, Fang Li only smiled disapprovingly. Shortly afterwards turned his head and looked in the direction of Misaki Bridge.

    I saw that on the iron pipe on the edge of Misaki Bridge, Sydonay held his arm against the icy steel and the sunglasses under the eyes looked directly at Fang Li and laughed with interest.

    "Is this the human you mentioned?" Can really feel good imposing attitude and power, and can also act in Fuuzetsu/Seal, alone can challenge Demon King, this human, live for so many years is the first time I saw. ”

    Sydonay's words, let Friagne eyes flash.

    Although it was long anticipated that Sydonay impossible would not be interested in such a strange human, this is not what Friagne hopes to see.

    If Sydonay found Fang Li has Reiji Maigo, that's a bit of a hassle.

    As for Fang Li, it was when he saw Sydonay that the eyes were stunned.

    "Is he actually?"

    The memory that was asleep in the mind was awakened, letting Fang Li know exactly what the Friagne's helper had asked for.

    Thus, Fang Li produced an idea that was exactly the same as, or even more than, Friagne.

    "This is trouble."

    In Bright Red World, the two Crimson Lords stared at only one human in this space.

    Body, aura and dangerous aura began to emerge.

    Combat and trigger.

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