Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 397 Channa Takes Revenge on Shana

    Misaki City, Mana River bank.

    On the side of the river flowing slowly, Fang Li and Shana are facing each other.

    Looking at Fang Li in front of him, Shana slowly raised a hand and shouted.

    "Fuuzetsu/Seal !"

    The Rubik's Cube array with the imagery flashed on Shanna's raised hand.

    That is Unrestricted Spell.

    Like the Magic Array, it is used to form the Unrestricted Spell.

    Under the totem-like Unrestricted Spell, the Red Lotus Flame burned all around and turned into a barrier of brilliance. Like a barrier, it enveloped all around.

    In this moment, the world has become red.

    In this moment, cause and effect were cut.

    The whole Fuuzetsu/seal's internal time has been stopped, only Fang Li and Shana two people, still confrontation.

    After all this, Shana extended his hand to the cloak-like black.

    This black coat is not in fact any product, but it is a unique treasure of Flame Haze, which is a contract with Alastor. It is called Yogasa.

    It can be synchronized with the user's will, can make arbitrary changes within the scope of awareness, and also has the function of defense and receive Item.

    Thus, when Shana's hand extended to Yogasa, the most rugged noble Phantasm (treasure Tool), Nietono no Shana, was immediately shaped like a manifested mirage into the hands of Ōdachi.

    No problem

    Shana pulled out Nietono no Shana and pointed to Fang Li.

    "Call it!"

    Hearing this, Fang Li looked around at all around, somewhat helplessly said: "Since you have even Fuzeetsu/Seal unfolding, then prove that you do not want to simply use the moves to practice, but to use all the strength of the fight, right?"

    “Correct.”Shana's young charming face immediately emerged with a strong smile, saying: "Let me see what level of power you have."

    After finishing, Shana got a tight grip on Nietono no Shana and let Red Lotus Flame burn from the blade.

    In other words, Shana is serious about playing with Fang Li.

    (趁 Take this opportunity to teach this unsightly guy a good lesson!)

    This is Shana's idea.

    After all, since this period of time, Shana has been led by Fang Li and has almost reached the limit.

    So, for Shana, this is the best opportunity to accurately vent the irritability in the heart.

    "You're welcome, though you can call it!"

    With that said, Shana's supple and black hair turned into a flame and the pair of eyes were filled with burning flames.

    This is "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter".

    Fang Li can feel that although Shana is not hostile, she has a strong fighting intent.

    It was like an irritated lioness. Without a bite, she would never stop.

    "Yeah."Fang Li grinned and said, "I would also like to see how Flamed-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter in Rumor is. How many catties and how many taels."

    When the words fall, Fang Li's hands flash, and the dagger like a moonlight falls into its palm.

    In the next second, two of the two people moved at the same time.


    Just as he intended to step on the ground, Shana's feet suddenly blew up a flame, allowing his petite figure to be transformed into a fiery red streamer, and violently shoots towards Fang Li's.


    As if trying to shake up the air, Fang Li is also a squat foot, stimulating a gust of wind that resembles an ammunition. Suddenly leaps forward.

    "Hey —!"

    With the sound of a crisp collision sound, dagger collided with Katana heavily and let the sparks fly.

    Fang Li and Shana hit a blow in this way. Immediately afterwards, there was a flashback and a high jump.

    Flash Lit is Fang Li.

    Because Fang Li noticed that the Moon Blade that had collided with Nieteno no Shana was instantly turned into a fiery red by a high-temperature baking.

    The high temperature made the handles of the Moon Blade red, and Fang Li's hand held a "chī" sound and a darkened appearance.

    "amazing Flame Ah…

    If confrontation with Nietono no Shana is too long, I'm afraid that if the Moon Blade is not melted, Fang Li's hand will be burned.

    Therefore, Fang Li had to retreat.

    Shana was a step slower Fang Li, and only after Fang Li flashed back did he have an action.

    So, looking at the relentless Fang Li, Shana leaped high and raised Nietono no Shana in his hand.

    The hot flames once again ignite on Nietono no Shana's blade.

    "Let me burn it!"

    Immediately, Shana held Katana, a burning flame of flames, like a rock, falling from the sky, facing Fang Li in retrogression, heavily waved his Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool).


    Red Lotus Flame suddenly exploded and turned into a rolling fire wave, which evaporates the atmosphere while shaking its way to the four sides.

    Under the sound of explosions, the ground was extremely crisp and collapsed. The water in the river not far away was just as if it was boiled. It gave off heat and made the space that had originally appeared bright red more red.

    The scene was like a missile landing on the bank of Misaki City. It triggered a very strong explosion, and the detonation instantly covered a dozen meters around.

    Immediately, Shana of Katana holding the flame pulled Yogasa and stopped in front of him. He flew out of the detonation and landed on the ground.

    "H ū — !"

    Deep in the dark, under the influence of Shana, with the sound of the wind whistling, the hem wafted.

    In line with Flame-Haired, who is also floating in the wind, Flame Haired's Flame Haze is just like the heroic female Knight on the battlefield.

    In the face of such Shana, Alastor reproached without mercy.

    "In fact, the flame was directly detonated. You are too chaotic!"

    This is not a joke.

    Shana has not fully mastered Alastor's power. Even the flames cannot be manipulated autonomously. They can only do some traction with Nietono no Shana and use the flames to fight.

    One can imagine that Shana did not have much control over the flames.

    Under such circumstances, it is actually a direct abandonment of the control of the fire, let it self-destruct, a careless, it is definitely the end of even oneself were burned.

    However, Shana did not hesitate to do it.

    "If this is a degree, it will not cause me to go wrong."

    Shana said in a definite tone, "Of course, I don't want that guy to have an accident."

    Shana’s words have only just fallen, and the situation ahead has suddenly changed.


    I saw that in a sweltering explosion, a powerful shock wave broke the detonation.

    Inside, a figure emerged suddenly, like a flash of light, rushing towards Shana.

    As expected!

    Shana, a pair of Burning-Eyed, tightened up and quickly lifted Nietono no Shana.


    The next moment, heavy kicks fell on Katana's blade, setting off a powerful power.

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