Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2245 not feel so boring?

    The C-Class camp is right by the sea.

    This is not a matter reported to Fang Li by a member of the exploratory team responsible for viewing the movements of the other classes yesterday, but is reported to Fang Li by Ike Kanji who went fishing with classmates to the sea.

    “I don’t know if the C-Class people are in what are you doing. When I went to the beach, I saw a scene where they were together and asked the head teacher for something. It was a bit suspicious.”

    Ike Kanji spoke to Fang Li about this.

    Therefore, Fang Li and Horikita Suzune walked along the forest road and walked out of the lush forest to the beach on the seashore.

    The immediate vision suddenly became suddenly and cheerfully.

    On the beach, many C-Class students do appear here.

    The one by one students in the class are working together to build a camp in order to succeed in the life of wilderness.

    ————This scene does not appear.

    The scene that appears before Fang Li and Horikita Suzune is something beyond imagination.

“……No way

    Horikita Suzune, who has always been calm and unsociable, saw the scene in front of him with an unbelievable look.

    Horrified, surprised and even scared, it was difficult to appear in Horikita Suzune body's emotions. One by one appeared on his face.

    Fang Li is not as calm as Horikita Suzune.

    Because, as early as in the camp, Fang Li had some guesses about the scene.

    "Sure enough it was…"

    Fang Li murmured.

    This whispered voice was immediately obscured by the cheers of the C-Class students who were playing.



    At this moment, the C-Class is showing a scene as if it was a vacation on the beach.

    Temporary toilets and showers are set high on the entrance to the forest.

    Sky tents, barbecue packages, beach chairs also parasols, a luxurious luxury of beach equipment is also arranged in the sun.

    The shadow of fruit and water can't even be seen, replaced by piles of snacks and drinks.

    Here, all the equipment needed for holiday entertainment in the seaside is readily available.

    C-Class students laughed in front of such devices.

    Some are roast meat.

    Some are swimming at the beach.

    Some even sailed on the water with a scooter.

    The students who enjoy the sea will laugh and cheer loudly.

    Before this scene, where are the elements to work in the wilderness life?

    No matter if it is Fang Li or Horikita Suzune, all that can be seen is a group of students who enjoy the holidays.

    Of course, these are impossible out of thin air.

    What does that mean?

    This means that these entertainments are all exchanged for points.

    "C-Class is crazy?"

    Horikita Suzune's incredible spit.

    The calm and unsociable Horikita Suzune can be described in such words. It can be imagined how absurd everything is in front of him.

    In order to be able to save points as much as possible, after the special exam is over, let the remaining points become the class's property and add class points. Each class is spared no effort to endure the heat, hunger, fatigue and various inconveniences. Even if you don't think about promotion, there are people who think about private points as much as possible.

    These people are all struggling to fight against themselves, living with hard wilderness, and desperately saving.

    However, the C-Class seems to kick all of this, even trampling underfoot, revealing a luxury-fearful scene.

    In Horikita Suzune's words, it is crazy.

    "Could it be that, don't they care about points?"

    Horikita Suzune couldn't understand this kind of thing, but he did not know that if he could just say something out of nowhere, it was exactly the point.

    Fang Li did not say anything, only went to the C-Class camp.

    Upon seeing this, Horikita Suzune, though still unable to relieve himself, honestly followed.

    In this move, many people in the C-Class noticed the arrival of Fang Li and Horikita Suzune's.

    "It's you?"

    Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo, who are on the barbecue, saw Fang Li immediately shocked.

    "How will you be here?"

    Ishizaki Daichi was also present and was very alert.


    "Let them come."

    In the center of the camp, in front of the beach, a body is leaned on a beach chair. The body wears swimming trunks and sunglasses on his face. The man behind Albert also helps them hold the parasol. Out of such instructions.

    In addition to Ryuuen Kakeru, who else can it be?

“……Ryuuen let you go. ”

    Ishizaki Daichi was very reluctant to lay down the barbecue work and took Fang Li and Horikita Suzune to Ryuuen Kakeru's.

    "Welcome to my paradise, Nanaya."

    Ryuuen Kakeru, who was lying on a beach chair, took sunglasses from his face and grinned at Fang Li who appeared in front of him.

    怎么样? Also not bad? ”

    It is more ironic than to show off.

    Irony of the status quo of other classes.

    "You must be living a hard life to try to save points, but don't you think it's boring?"

    Ryuuen Kakeru smiled at Fang Li.

    In return, it was not Fang Li's response but Horikita Suzune's response.

    "You are Ryuuen?"

    Horikita Suzune gazed at Ryuuen Kakeru with a strong will.


    Ryuuen Kakeru, like he did not notice Horikita Suzune's presence until now, decided to look at her.

    It must be said that Ryuuen Kakeru is an obsessive character.

    Even if you only look at it, people are afraid to look directly at it.

    Faced with the pressure of Ryuuen Kakeru's gaze, Horikita Suzune was directed to meet him and showed no fear.

    This made Ryuuen Kakeru interested in Horikita Suzune.

    "It's a bad-bad look. I like women who have the guts."

    Ryuuen Kakeru leaned on his head and smiled like a prey.

    "What is your name? Woman

    Ryuuen Kakeru's attitude and tone can't give a good impression.

    Horikita Suzune is also listed here.

    Therefore, Horikita Suzune said without hesitation.

    "I don't think you have the value of getting my name."

    Even Horikita Suzune, who has always been indifferent to speaking to the people who meet for the first time, will talk about this level. Should this be the first time?

    This shows how Horikita Suzune's first impression of Ryuuen Kakeru's was.

    However, Horikita Suzune did not completely refuse to speak with Ryuuen Kakeru.

    Because she has too many questions.

    What on earth is going on here?Horikita Suzune spoke quite directly: "These things should all be exchanged for points? Are you really taking the test? I don"t understand.

    Hear this, Ryuuen Kakeru disdainfully smiled.

    Standardized test This is an incomprehensible thing? ”Ryuuen Kakeru smiled and said, "We were originally on vacation. In other words, vacation was our original purpose. But suddenly it was said to be an exam. Do you not think this is unreasonable?"

    In Horikita Suzune, it sounds ridiculous to say so from Ryuuen Kakeru's mouth.

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