Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2175 Cameras That Become a Topic

    "I think Nanaya-san will not do that."

    Kushida Kikyou demonstrated 100% trust in Fang Li in the presence of all students in the class.

    Is it D-Class Little Angel that can show trust without the slightest conditions like this, people in the eyes in the class should be quite dazzling?

    Only Fang Li knew why Kushida Kikyou trusted him so unconditionally.

    Because this girl has self-knowledge.

    Kushida Kikyou should be very clear. As someone who has seen his true face, Fang Li is impossible to be jealous for her.

    In fact, Kushida Kikyou did think so.

    "Although there is no evidence, I know exactly what kind of person Nanaya-san is. I don't think Nanaya-san will fight for me."Kushida Kikyou sneaked a look at Fang Li, saying: “So, I hope everyone can believe Nanaya-san. There must be something wrong with this.”

    What misunderstood?

    Of course, people from the C-Class have made a difference.

    "Is Kushida-chan trying to say that people in the C-Class are in Nanaya?"

    I don’t know whether it was Envy, Ike Kanji, who said something strange about Kushida Kikyou’s speech to Fang Li.

    "But it may also be that Nanaya didn't want to admit that he had done that kind of thing?"

    If Ike Kanji said this, it is estimated that there is nothing malicious, that is, it feels like eating something?

    Many boys in the class seem to agree with Ike Kanji for this reason.

    Really a group of too simple guys.

    As a result, Fang Li did not have to be jealous with others. On the contrary, others wanted to be jealous.

    However, should this be the grievance that the boys in the class have accumulated since this period of time?

    After all, since this period of time, Fang Li's has been very close to Kushida Kikyou. He goes to school every day, and often even goes back to the dorms. In an outsider's opinion, it is a very close relationship.

    This was exploited by Ryuuen Kakeru, which led to the emergence of violence incident.

    Now, this is also the only thing that students in the class have suspected of Fang Li's.

    If it weren’t for jealousy, the D-Class really couldn’t imagine Fang Li would use violence.

    At least, many boys think so.

    "Ayanokouji, do you think so?"

    Yamauchi Haruki even intends to drag Ayanokouji Kiyotaka into the water.

“……Well, it does not rule out this possibility. ”

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka does not seem to be too eye-catching as always, so he does not speak out his own ideas, only obeying the topic and moving down to minimize presence.

    Horikita Suzune discovered this and cast a contemptuous eye on Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, leaving Ayanokoji Kiyotaka don't go too far.

    At this time, Conversely Sudou Ken picked up his arm and spoke to Fang Li.

    "I don't think that Nanaya will fight with other people. He looks very weak. He is not like a guy who will fight."

    In this way, only Sudou Ken can tell you.

    But in one respect, Sudou Ken is right.

    Fang Li never fights but only kills.

    And Sudou Ken, who was good at fighting, said so, and the students in the class actually believed a few points.

    "I also want to believe Nanaya-san."Hirata Yousuke said to the person in the class: “If you suspect that other classes are still understandable, but you are initially skeptical that the student with a class is wrong, I hope you can trust Nanaya-san.”

    For Hirata Yousuke's remarks, his girlfriend first expressed his approval.

    "Since Yousuke said that, then I have no objection."

    Karuizawa Kei echoed Hirata Yousuke.

    This time, everyone in the entire class began to lean toward Fang Li.

    Hirata Yousuke, Kushida Kikyou, Karuizawa Kei, these three people were originally D-Class Center Character, and they have a high influence on classmates.

    Just as the last time Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken faced dropping out of school, the same three people's position finally led to the entire class.

    Now, these three people once again stated that whether it is the boys group or the girls group, even if the inner thoughts are different, they will certainly agree on the surface.

    Even Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki expressed their disapproval.

    In addition to the special case of Kouenji Rokusuke.

    "Violence is not beautiful at all, but what you do is very interesting, let me have a good look in the audience to see when the farce will be played."

    Kouenji Rokusuke expressed his intention to stand idly by while shaking his head and shaking his head.

    Of course, everyone in the class didn't expect this in the eyes. It was only their own with what Learn did.

    In Class 1-D, except for Fang Li and Horikita Suzune, the most isolated is Kouenji Rokusuke.

    This person has not looked down on anyone since he started school, except for those who are attracted by the wealth of Kouenji's chaebols, and the rest do not want to approach this person.

    Classmates began to turn to the topic to prove the direction of Fang Li innocence.

    "What can I do to prove that Nanaya is innocent?"

    “Teacher also said, will have to find evidence next Tuesday?”

    "Where can the evidence go?"

    "Is no one who sees the passing of things?"

    The students discussed this way.

    No one found that Sakura Airi's head sitting silently on the Fang Li side had become even lower when someone said, "No one would see things going by."

    Although no one found it, Horikita Suzune noticed clues related to it.

    "Speaking of it, have you been playing with a camera yesterday?"Horikita Suzune looked directly at Fang Li as if trying to see what he was thinking. He said bluntly: “The day before you swinged the camera was just the day when you had a dispute with the C-Class. The camera This will not have an important connection with this incident?"

    Horikita Suzune's statement asserted that Sakura Airi's hand grabbing her dress was tightened and her fingertips seemed to be a bit whitish.

    Fortunately, classmates have also been attracted to this matter.

    "What camera?"

    "Isn't it going to be a camera on the spot?"

    "That is the best evidence!"

    "Hurry up!"

    One of the students in the class spoke.


    "You will leave this matter alone."

    Fang Li finally lifted his eyes and gave a glimpse of someone at the venue and said that.

    "It's enough for you to do your own thing."

    After that, Fang Li said nothing more.

    This makes the classmates look at each other in the blank dismay.

    "What about the camera?"Horikita Suzune pursued after the chase: "Don't you plan to explain?"

    "There is nothing to explain. It is my own business."Fang Li said disapprovingly: "Moreover, the camera is already broken. I will repair it during holidays. No need to worry."

“……Is it?Horikita Suzune was silent for a moment and lost his eagerness to return: "If so, then let it be."

    The topic of the incident ends here.

    Seeing that Fang Li did not take this matter into his own mind, classmates were still uncertain about their ideas and could only complain loudly.

    Of the complaints, only Sakura Airi lowered his head and snorted.


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