Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2147 What can you do? (Monthly ticket


    Kushida Kikyou lowered his head.

    The bangs covered Kushida Kikyou's eyes, making it impossible for Fang Li to see what kind of eyes he was showing.

    However, Kushida Kikyou's around the body is surrounded by more gloomy and cold air.

    By the time Kushida Kikyou lifted his head up, his pair of eyes had not become so gloomy and cold as simple, but like a black hole that seemed to engulf people, it showed a heart-wrenching emptiness.

    Kushida Kikyou said so.

    "Whatever you just saw, or what you just said, all gave me a bad heart."

    Kushida Kikyou speaks like a deep voice with unprecedented pressure.

    "Otherwise, I will absolutely regret you."

    Needless to say, this is a threat.

    Very explicit threat.

    "Since you are so smart, then you should know, I definitely do not just talk about it?"

    Kushida Kikyou was staring at Fang Li, and even his expression seemed like deadly poison. He was extremely horrified.

    "I have the ability to do all this."

    This is the weapon that Kushida Kikyou can use.

    As Kushida Kikyou said, she does have Ability to do all this.

    In other words, with Kushida Kikyou's popularity alone, it would be able to spread the rumors that were extremely unfavorable to Fang Li.

    As long as Kushida Kikyou said in the previous sentence, "This man has always wanted to do something to me," then there will be countless idiots in this school that want to be recognized by everyone.

    For example, Ike Kanji.

    Like Yamauchi Haruki.

    By then, Fang Li will be an enemy of the entire school.

    And even if Fang Li wanted to say that it was Kushida Kikyou's filth, wouldn’t anyone believe him?

    Who asked Fang Li who had never been in deep friendship with him since this month to become famous and lonely?

    On the one hand, it is the eccentric character that everyone is not familiar with.

    On the other side is the cute Little Angel.

    Everyone who believes what you say is already understandable.

    Just as Kushida Kikyou wants to use Fang Li to defeat Horikita Suzune, she can use the rest to defeat Fang Li.

    Therefore, the effect of this weapon is very powerful.


    "Wouldn't you think that would make me compromise?"

    Fang Li feels like laughing is not the same, laughed.

    This makes Kushida Kikyou's expression even more terrible.

    "Do you think I can't do it?"

    Kushida Kikyou's tone is already bringing a touch of anger.

    Can Fang Li still want to say so.

    "Of course, you can't do it."Fang Li said bluntly: "Because, you haven't figured out the situation."

    "I still understand the situation?"Kushida Kikyou is shocked.

    In such a situation, Fang Li is very natural to say so.

    "Even Horikita, you want to defeat me before you get it? Could it be that you think I'm better than Horikita? ”

    One such question asked Kushida Kikyou to hold his breath on the spot.

    This is really a direct question that can no longer be direct.

    Fang Li did not act according to the basis and theory as always.

    However, what Fang Li said was too convincing.

    If it was before forget it.

    But now, Kushida Kikyou doesn't think Fang Li is better than Horikita Suzune at all.

    Therefore, Kushida Kikyou didn't really have to deal with Fang Li's self-confidence even when Horikita Suzune had no signs of being a sign.

    Even if, in reality, Kushida Kikyou has more advantages than Fang Li in this school, and changes to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka for analysis, it would also feel that Fang Li is very unfavorable to Kushida Kikyou.

    However, if you act according to reality and theory, then it is not Fang Li.

    Fang Li itself is a type of weapon that is conventionally surpassed.

    It can be judged by an intuition that the entrance examination is not important for this school, and it is also possible to use Kushida Kikyou's eyes to reveal her secrets. These are things that others cannot do.

    It was because of this that Fang Li said that Kushida Kikyou had not figured out the situation.

    "Whatever can be seen has a way to deal with it anyway. Only invisible things are truly deadly."

    Fang Li gave this discourse indifferently.

    "You want to deal with me with the "Weapon" I can see. Then you have to be ready to be counterattacked by me and be prepared for the assassination by the "Weapon" that I can't see?"

    This sentence, let Kushida Kikyou feel a bit horrified.

    Not to mention, Kushida Kikyou still ignores one thing.

    “Whatever happens in the future, I’m here now, and I’m the one who really has the absolute advantage.”

    Fang Li looked at Kushida Kikyou like a smile, kindly reminding me to say so.

    "You said, if what I want to do to you now, what can you do?"

    A word awake dreamer.


    This is another situation that Kushida Kikyou is not clear about.

    Now, here Fang Li is the real superior.

    Kushida Kikyou specifically sought a time and place where no one would appear, in order to prevent anyone from discovering his behavior.

    And here, if Fang Li really wants to do something with Kushida Kikyou, where is Kushida Kikyou's ability to resist?

    "Unless you can, like Horikita said, make a move yourself by subduing someone who is violent against you."Fang Li said eloquently, "Come on, let's say, do you have that kind of Ability?"

    While saying so, Fang Li also slowly tightened the palm of Kushida Kikyou's wrist while he was not pity on Xiang Xiyu.


    Kushida Kikyou gave a whisper.

    "It hurts …! Let go …! ”

    Under the pain, Kushida Kikyou began to struggle.

    Unfortunately, with Kushida Kikyou's strength, it is impossible to earn Fan Li's restrictions.

    And Kushida Kikyou did not have the experience of martial arts like Horikita Suzune.

    "So you can understand that you didn't threaten my Ability at all?"

    Fang Li looked at Kushida Kikyou's painful expression as if she had suddenly lost interest and sang out loud.

    "Or take your careful thoughts against you and deal with others."

    After that, Fang Li released his hand and Kushida Kikyou quickly pulled away from Fang Li.

    Kushida Kikyou can only squint at Fang Li while licking his wrist. His face is cloudy and uncertain.

    After a while, Kushida Kikyou seemed to give up. It was an unwilling opening.

    "what on earth do you want?"

    Obviously, Kushida Kikyou compromised.

    In order to hide his secrets, Kushida Kikyou is ready to compromise with Fang Li.

    But Kushida Kikyou made another mistake.

    "I am not so interested in your business. If you have doubts about your relationship, then there is no reason to continue to pay attention to you."

    Fang Li looked at Kushida Kikyou and said so loudly.

    "Just don't bother to do anything to you as long as I don't call your mind on my body."

    With such words left, Fang Li turned away without leaving.

    Only Kushida Kikyou was left alone, staring at the back of Fang Li's departure and licking his lips.

    "It's terrible!"

    Kushida Kikyou can only hate the kicking of the rooftop.

    After waiting here, Kushida Kikyou will surely return to the gentle and kind Little Angel.

    So let's let this maiden vent now.

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