Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2140 Join the Student Council?

    The next morning, early morning.

    Fang Li replaced sportswear and performed a routine morning run in the campus of Advanced Nurturing High School.

    One month later, Advanced Nurturing High School was still in the club's time zone and club activities were heard everywhere.

    Especially in the case of the grade freshman also joined the club, the morning club activities appears to be more lively.

    Fang Li occasionally wiped out the members of the Track and Field Club who also performed the morning run and heard similar comments.

    “Is that just the first grade student that the president has been trying to recruit?”

    "It's him."

    "Can he really run fast?"

    Why? Want to go up with him? ”

    "Haha, forget it."

    "If you don't have the confidence to win the Student President, then it's better not to shame your eyes."

    "It's a wise choice."

    This commentary has also been introduced to Fang Li's ear many times in the past month.

    However, there was no such harmony in the beginning, and there were several members of the Track and Field Club who did not believe that Fang Li had such an ability to come to the Fang Li race to try to see his ability.

    Fang Li also did not refuse, no matter who came to the door, he all agreed to one by one nod.

    Then, it was quite a legendary experience.

    The first person who came to the challenge, Fang Li ran a non-destructive victory.

    For the second challenger, Fang Li ran with a win.

    The third, fourth, and fifth home challenger, Fang Li also ran with them for a win.

    This made Fang Li think only at first, but even Track and Field Club, where a member could not win, gradually became amazed, stunned, and silent from the beginning of contempt, ridicule, and satire.

    After all, people who compete with different distances can score results that are not to be defeated. This proves that Fang Li's true strength is far from just being here. He has more than enough to match the speed of others.

    This also caused the Track and Field Club people to have an idea that they could not believe.

    "Is it not even the Student President who has encountered such a situation and has not forced his real strength?"

    After all, Horikita Manabu is also just a one-off match with Fang Li, isn't it?

    This has forced the people of Track and Field Club to think twice.

    Since then, Track and Field Club has stopped looking for Fang Li to race, not to invite Fang Li to join the Club again.

    Because, they finally know that people do not see Track and Field Club.

    This is what Fang Li wants.

    "As long as people are aware of the gap, then no matter who they are, they can't help but distance themselves from the distant existence."

    In this way, Track and Field Club completely eliminated the attempt to pull Fang Li into the Club.

    Fang Li shook his head and smiled as he thought about these things and continued to run forward.

    However, some people have long been in the vicinity of Fang Li during this time.

    "It seems that the "truth" displayed yesterday did not seem to have caused much impact on you. ”

    The familiar voice came from the side, but did not let Fang Li turn to see.

    Even if not, Fang Li knows who the newcomer is.

    "The Student President of this school is also very busy. When the morning runs, I also pay attention to my students who gather in the D-Class of the lowest ranking."

    Fang Li's has no disorder at all, and aura is extremely orderly. There is no slight change in the process of running.

    Horikita Manabu, who runs side by side with Fang Li, also seems to want to show off his ability to speak in peace and not different tone.

    "Isn't there any idea for you to be rated lower ranking by the school evaluation?"

    Horikita Manabu's words sound like a casual question, and they seem to be deliberately inciting.

    Fang Li was completely unaffected.

    "Even if understood my thoughts, how can that be?"Fang Li asked if he had nothing to say: "Even if I'm in the D-Class, it doesn't matter if you're hailed as the most outstanding Student President since you started the school."

    Horikita Manabu is at the other extreme than Fang Li at the bottom.

    As the third grade students, Horikita Manabu is the President of this Student Council and the talent who stands at the pinnacle of the entire school and has long been the leader of the A-Class.

    As long as the year passes and the third year graduates, it is a member of the A-Class and the Student Council's President. The Horikita Manabu will be able to enjoy this time is definitely the best guarantee of this school.

    This way, he has no reason to pay attention to a student who has just entered school and entered the D-Class.


    "Is there anything that makes you unable to feel at ease even now?"

    When Fang Li throws up such a question, the pace suddenly accelerates.


    Horikita Manabu eyes slightly condense, almost conditioned to accelerate the pace, as if to enter the sprint, like to follow.

    However, this time, Fang Li seems to be completely throwing Horikita Manabu behind him, and when Horikita Manabu enters the sprint, the body shoots like an arrow.

    In a flash, Horikita Manabu opened a distance.

    (so fast!)

    Horikita Manabu was shocked.

    Now, the speed of Fang Li's is far faster than when he raced with him last time.

    (This is his true strength…!?)

    Horikita Manabu held back his surprise in the heart while biting his teeth and began to do his best.

    Just as he squeezed all his potential from the depths of his body, Horikita Manabu desperately improved his speed and finally managed to catch up with Fang Li.

    In this regard, Fang Li did not make any response. As if he felt enough, he did not improve his speed.

    Only ,Fang Li is keeping his speed just to the extent that Horikita Manabu can barely keep up with him. He firmly maintains his advantage outside Horikita Manabu's step.

    Only then did Fang Li speak again.

    "Say, what do you want to do when you look at me?"

    Even if the speed is raised to this point, Fang Li's tone is still not a disorder, still calm and indifferent.

    This turned horror in Horikita Manabu's heart into surprise.

    (could it be that …This is not his full power…! ? )

    Horikita Manabu was struggling with such a thought in his mind and he answered Fang Li's question without hesitation.

    "I want you to join the Student Council!"

    Voice falls…

    "Pā… /p>

    In the crisp footsteps, Fang Li suddenly stopped and stopped the figure.


    Unsurprisingly, Horikita Manabu, who has been following closely behind Fang Li, had no time to stop and could only crash into Fang Li's body.

    This collision, if it hit a solid, I'm afraid both sides must be injured.

    However, Fang Li seemed to have expected all of this for a long time. One turn, extending the hand, suddenly supported Horikita Manabu's chest that he had collided with, and stopped him hard.


    Horikita Manabu can only breathe.

    Until Fang Li's voice came into his ears again.

    "What is your relationship with Horikita Suzune?"

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