Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2127 Items Available

    Seeing Kushida Kikyou eagerly explaining to Hirata Yousuke and Karuizawa Kei, Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki glared at him with a swift fire-like eyes, and Fang Li's heart appeared not to be seen by a cute girl. Rejoicing, but pure doubt.

    (What kind of trick is Kushida Kikyou playing?)

    This is the only idea in Fang Li's mind.

    Because Fang Li admits that he did not develop the kind of sweet love relationship with Kushida Kikyou.

    Perhaps changing to other boys, so lonely in the class, has always been talked to by cute girls, which more or less will produce a trace of "she is not like me" and the like delusions.

    But Fang Li is not so naive.

    The unrealistic Fantasy, Fang Li was forced to throw away as early as his birth.

    Therefore, in the view of Fang Li, Kushida Kikyou did not have any meaning at all.

    This is not Fang Li who does not understand women's hearts.

    Fang Li also knows that the existence of girls is really bizarre, and it may be that they really like someone because of one or the other.

    From this point of view, Kushida Kikyou's own interest in this possibility is not without it.

    However, Fang Li can be sure that Kushida Kikyou is definitely not like him.

    The explanation is straightforward.

    In that split second, Kushida Kikyou squinted toward Fang Li's and was never the sight of the opposite sex.

    That is not so much to look at the opposite sex, but rather to see…

    Of course, this is only Fang Li's feeling.

    Can Fang Li has always believed in his own feelings.

    Therefore, Fang Li can be sure that Kushida Kikyou definitely does not like himself, but has no purpose.

    (Won't this. This is also the reason why she has been close to me since this period of time?)

    Fang Li stared at Kushida Kikyou.

    VIINanaya-san …"Kushida Kikyou also seemed to be aware of Fang Li's sight. He quickly shyly explained: “You…Don't you listen to them? I don't have that kind of idea! ”

    That's the way it is said, but Kushida Kikyou's blushing blush doesn't seem convincing at all.

    In the eyes of the rest of the people, Kushida Kikyou made this statement in order to disguise her girl's heart in front of the opposite sex.

    Only Fang Li, for this Kushida Kikyou investigative look, somewhat indifferent smiled.

    "I know, I didn't take it seriously."

    The bland words made the entire lively atmosphere suddenly cold.

    WellThat's good. ”

    Kushida Kikyou didn't know if he was relieved or disappointed.

    Of course, this falls on other people's in the eyes, and it is also being forced.

    This is unbearable!Karuizawa Kei sighed very blatantly, and said: "Kushida, we still have to deal with this kind of lonely guy. There are many good men in this school. We will continue shopping!"

    After that, Karuizawa Kei took Kushida Kikyou's hand and pulled Kushida Kikyou at a loss.

    Even Hirata Yousuke had a stern look and finally patted Fang Li's shoulders.

    "Nanaya-san, you should probably pay more attention to the surroundings so that you can see those who really care about you?"

    After leaving such a mature opinion, Hirata Yousuke quickly followed suit.

    At this time, Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki rushed over.


    "You guys!"

    The two were as if they were going to swallow Fang Li in a mouthful and face vicious towards Fang Li's body.

    Of course, such a terrible movement, basically impossible touched Fang Li.

    Fang Li only stepped back a bit plainly.


    In the muffled sound, Ike Kanji who flew and Yamauchi Haruki were knocked together, and both heads knocked out the meteors directly.

    "It hurts …!"


    Both Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki both grabbed their heads and froze on the ground.

    Fang Li sighed as she watched the performance of these two idiots.

    “what are you doing?”

    The appearance of the serene was even greater for Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki.

    "I can tell you! Nanaya! ”Ike Kanji shouted with a threat: "Kushida-chan is my goal! You must not make a move to her! ”

    This goal is far enough.

    Fang Li does not believe that Ike Kanji's Rank can catch Kushida Kikyou as he wished.

    "I …I also told you! ”Yamauchi Haruki is also a demonstration of his fists clenched: "I told Kushida-chan but in the past, I set up a childhood friend who wanted to marry after I grew up! If you interfere with the combination of this fate, you will suffer from Heavens Punishment! ”

    It's best to have that kind of thing.

    If so, why did the childhood friends in Rumor not just look to you?

    There are too many slots, and Fang Li does not know how to spit.

    As a result, Conversely Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki met each other.

    "What are the childhood friends? Yamauchi! I feel like you are always lying since I started! This is certainly a nonsense! ? ”

    kindWhat lies! ? All I say is true! ”

    Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki have seen each other in this way, and they have seen each other.

    Until this time, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka approached.

    "You are not easy."

    The young man who has been carrying out his own evacuation ideology has said this with emotion.

    Fang Li is too lazy to say anything.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, we must continue to advance?"

    "What the hell are you doing? Don't play it? ”

    "Hurry up!"

    Hirata Yousuke, Karuizawa Kei, and Kushida Kikyou group of three waved to the front.

    Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki were both unwillingly and unwillingly, and they were coldly snorted. They didn't even look at each other. When they looked at Kushida Kikyou, they smiled and smiled, and Pidianpidian followed him.

    Fang Li raised the pace with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and moved forward again.

    Fang Li looked back at Kushida Kikyou's back who seemed to be recovering and was laughing with Karuizawa Kei and suddenly asked Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

    "Do you understand Kushida Kikyou?"

    Suddenly, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was stunned.

    "Kushida?"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka hesitated and immediately said, “I don’t know much about it, but not everyone thinks that she is gentle and lovely, and she is kind and moving. Has a lot of friends?”

    But this is basically everyone’s knowledge of Kushida Kikyou’s.

    Everyone only knows that Kushida Kikyou is gentle and lovely. He is kind and considerate. He has many friends, but no one knows anything else.

    Fang Li did not discover until this time.

    "This woman's body also has secret…"

    Recalling the meaning of the eye that the other person had just looked at himself, Fang Li narrowed his eyes.

    It was not until the evening that after the dissolution of the crowd, Fang Li could not understand what Kushida Kikyou's eyes actually meant.

    That is like looking at an item's eyes that can be used.

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