Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2115 Horikita Suzune’s Exception

    Advanced Nurturing High School, the first gym.

    When Fang Li came here, it was almost overcrowded.

    It seems that the first-year new student/life students gathered here and there, forming a crowd of almost a hundred people.

    Taking into account the size of the gym, one hundred people seems to be nothing, but this is actually very lively.

    Because the entire first grade freshman is only 160, there can be 100 new student/life over, which shows everyone's interest in this club recruitment.

    Of course, in addition to the first grade freshman, there are a lot of second grade and even third grade students.

    "These are supposed to be lively?"

    "After all, there was such a turmoil in the upper grades that there would be no way to do this."

    Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka are standing slightly behind the crowd, giving an evaluation of this point while reading the pamphlets that were distributed when entering the gym.

    The brochure shows details of the various Clubs in Advanced Nurturing High School.

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka sways as she sways without any emotion.

    “There are a lot of Clubs in this school. There are not only cultural clubs such as Track and Field Club, Basketball Club, Soccer Club, Tennis Club but also Tea Club, Also Tea Ceremony Club, Literature Club, and Cuisine Clubs.”

    In response to this, the girls behind Fang Li and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka also had an affair.

    "Not only is the number of Clubs a lot, but also the level of Club is high, and it seems that there is also a player of national level in the Club. It is a well-known Character across the country. In the future, it is estimated that it will become a professional player. ”

    Kushida Kikyou said in a sweet and soft voice.

    "Everyone also said that the school's Club equipment is far more than the same level of school, and even the Class level may be lost?"

    Does the "everyone" estimate here refer to a student other than Class 1-D?

    Kushida Kikyou, the girl's wide range of friends, and friendliness of Ability, seem to be even more powerful than Fang Li imagined.

    However, what Fang Li cares about now is not this matter, but…

    "Why do you think come with?"

    Fang Li made a noise to the two girls standing behind herself and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka behind.

    When you look closely, it's not just Kushida Kikyou. Even Horikita Suzune is all with.

    In this regard, Kushida Kikyou only gave consistently sweet smiles.

    "Because it looks like it's fun, I also want to strike up a good relationship with everyone."

    So, Kushida Kikyou came along with it.

    As for Horikita Suzune…

    "I think it must be corrected for the statement "come with" in your mouth."Horikita Suzune, as always, is mercilessly saying: "I only had interest in this club recruitment, and I didn't come with you."

    This is indeed what Horikita Suzune will say.

    But Kushida Kikyou is still somewhat surprised.

    "Unexpectedly, Horikita-san is interested in club activities?"Kushida Kikyou seems to feel very accidental. He smiles and says: "I thought Horikita-san would not be able to put a little enthusiasm on the collective activity of Club."

    In the face of Kushida Kikyou's statement, Horikita Suzune did not shake in the slightest.

    "Don't say it seems like I know it well. Before today, I didn't even say anything to you."Horikita Suzune said without saying: “But you are right. I have no interest in club activities and only want to see this club recruitment.”

    In other words, Horikita Suzune was not attracted by the Club but was attracted by the rest of the things.

    This thing can only be that?

    "Are you interested in that new student/life that can tie up with the Student President?"

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka made the inquiry.

    In exchange for such a response.

    "Your statement is also wrong."Horikita Suzune do not know why, was actually in a somewhat stubborn tone, so said: "It is only a tie on the race, this does not mean that the person can and student President, for student President, The race was but one of the advantages, and there was no reason why the two would be confused by the draw of the race. ”

    Horikita Suzune's statement surprised many people.

    Because, this is how you listen to sheltering the Student President.

    The Horikita Suzune, who is not interested in anyone, and who is blindly living in his own world, actually has such obvious bias.

    Could it be that that is not enough to be surprised?

    Then think of Horikita Suzune's surname and Student President’s surname, both surnamed Horikita.

    This made both Ayanokoji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou start to speak.

    "Horikita, you surely…"

    "Horikita-san and Student President It wouldn't be…"

    Both seem to have generated a guess.

    Only, before that, a few commotions around attracted everyone's attention.

    "Do you see that person is that person in the morning?"

    "It looks like something like…"

    Around them, the formerly busy senior students started pointing towards one person.

    And this man was as if he had not noticed anything. He was still standing there, looking at the stage in front of the gym and showing a calm face.

    However, the companions around this person cannot be calm.

“……How do you feel that the surrounding senior students are watching us? ”

    "It is better to look at us than to look at it…"

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou looked surprised and puzzled.

    Horikita Suzune discovered this and silently looked past.

    Fang Li gathered so many people on the scene.

    However, Fang Li only made a faint remark when he didn't care about people's observations, nor did he care about people's surprises.

    "Recruiting a new information meeting will begin."

    Fang Li's voice fell and a voice rang from the stage.

    "Dear students, keep you waiting."

    A handsome girl with a prominent purple hair appeared on the stage, stepped on the stage, opened the microphone, and let her voice pass through the audience.

    "I'm the Student Council's secretary, the third grade Tachibana Akane. I'll be the host of this information meeting next time, and I'd also like to have a lot of advice."

    After a self-introduction, the student secretary who called himself Tachibana Akane entered the topic.

    "Then, please ask representatives of the clubs to go on stage and start to enter the club."

    After that, Tachibana Akane retired.

    At the same time, a group of people rushed onto the stage from the background and lined up on stage.

    Among those people, there is a strong Senpai wearing a judo suit and also wearing a beautiful kimono Senpai.

    At the end of these people, there was still one uniformed third grade Senpai standing there with a blank expression.

    Seeing the Senpai, the rest of the people left, Horikita Suzune's body was slightly shaken.

    Line of sight, never left the other party.

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