Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2108 Nanaya Clan’s Treasure

    Since today is the first day of the school year, apart from class meetings where necessary instructions are given, only the opening ceremony needs to be attended. Students can then move freely on this day and begin formal classes the next day.

    Under such circumstances, some students began to move to the place where the opening ceremony was held. Some of them first went to the dorms, and some went to the various facilities on campus. It was very lively.

    Fang Li also turned around in the school.

    This is the habit of Fang Li's.

    Once in a new environment, Fang Li will first stroll around the area.

    There are many reasons for the formation of this habit.

    For example, you can become familiar with the terrain.

    For example, this can be informed.

    For another example, it is also possible to find many details of the problem through observation.

    Fang Li is now.

    After going through the entire campus, Fang Li discovered one thing.

    "The camera is really much more."

    This is obviously abnormal.

    Although in general schools, the camera installation is also very necessary, but the number of Advanced Nurturing High School cameras is surprisingly large, and even those shopping areas that have a variety of entertainment facilities are equipped with cameras, school buildings There is a camera in each classroom, but only some private areas and special areas are not installed.

    In other words …

    "What kind of things do the students do, where is the school completely in their hands?"

    Of course, not all places have cameras.

    At least, Fang Li discovered a number of cameras that could not be captured.

    "Those places are estimated to be the so-called "gray areas." Should they be used to do a lot of things? ”

    This is not something surprising.

    Even Fang Li himself thinks that he will have to a lot of use these places later.

    "To get familiar with the terrain is really important."

    Especially for Fang Li, the location of a camera is enough to affect the success and failure of its actions.

    Therefore, during Nanaya Clan's training, Fang Li suffered from various countermeasures that were specifically designed for the camera.

    "Unfortunately, all the equipment in this school has been limited."

    If there is enough equipment and item assistance, then this school is a back garden for Fang Li.

    "It's better to have a little bit of convergence now."

    Fang Li made this judgment.

    In addition, Fang Li also gained another harvest.

    That is the reaction of the people around you.

    "This new student/life seems to be in school."

    "I don't know how the placement is."

    “New student/life will pray not to enter the D-Class.”

    "Yeah, that's too poor."

    One by one second grade With the third grade Senpai and Senpai, from time to time, new students/life who are curious about the surroundings cast such whispers.

    Also, when referring to the "D-Class", the other person's in the eyes are clearly left with contempt and sympathy.

    Fang Li can only be thoughtful.

    "Could it be that the shift also makes sense?"

    Moreover, there is still extraordinary significance.

    "Too much superior condition."

    "It is different from the school rules and regulations of other schools."

    "Also, there is something different in class."

    Fang Li holds a cell phone with the balance of the display points. After a half ringing, the loosen shoulders.

    "Forget it. It has nothing to do with me for the time being."

    Fang Li made this kind of assertion, immediately ignored the crowd that had begun to go to the venue of the opening ceremony and moved to the dormitory.


    There are three student dormitories in Advanced Nurturing High School.

    The dormitories are divided into grades and a student dormitory is used in the first grade, second grade and third grade respectively.

    In the dormitories, the boys’ rooms are concentrated on the lower floors, the girls’ rooms are concentrated on the upper floors, and everyone is living alone in a room. The treatment is equally good.

    Fang Li came to the first-year student residence hall. From the first floor counter administrator, he got the room card of his room and the handbook that reads the dorm specifications. He took the elevator and looked through the manual.

    The manual describes various life aspects, such as the time and date when garbage is dumped, don't make noise warnings, and avoid excessive water use. Naturally, warnings to the opposite sex room at midnight are also forbidden.

    As for the lodging fee, as previously stated, it is free, including the heating fee, water fee and gas fee will be borne by the school itself, students do not need to pay.

    However, if you want to add any other furniture, appliances or daily necessities, then students will have to bear it.

    How to afford it?

    Of course, use points to buy.

    "If there are 100,000 points, is it enough to decorate the room?"

    Unfortunately, Fang Li has no need for this.

    “There is a room to laugh at than to live a wild life in the forest.”

    Having made a speech that the average student would never make, Fang Li came to his own room and opened the door using the room card.

    The dormitories owned by students are all four pings in size, about the size of eight tatami mats.

    In the room, there is also a kitchen, toilet and bathroom, and even the entrance hall, which is considered to be the apartment's individual room.

    "Three years from today, this will be my armpit, right?"

    Fang Li glanced around the room and after a while took up his gaze and tossed the bag to the bed. He sat down on the bed.

    Silence began to descend in this room.


    Soon, Fang Li silently sighed.

    "Just confirm it."

    With that said, Fang Li took out the same thing from his schoolbag.

    That is, Fang Li's foster father entrusted to Superintendent Sakayanagi and Superintendent Sakayanagi to Fang Li's.

    Looking at the slender wooden box in his hand, Fang Li opened it.

    Inside the box is a dark, stalked handle about a dozen centimeters.

    That is the handle.

    Moreover, on this handle, two ancient characters are also engraved.


    This is the name of the knife. It is also the name of the knife.

    Fang Li held it in her hand and watched quietly.

    "It really is this thing…"

    After a second sigh, Fang Li's hand gripping the handle was as hard as he could.

    "Pā… /p>

    In the crisp sound, a cold blade emerged from the top of the handle.

    The fatal lethal weapon appeared in Fang Li's hand.

    If there is a second person present, then absolutely will be holding the breath in front of the scene.

    Because, I do not know why, Fang Li holding the scene of the knife is actually giving a kind of good feelings.

    That kind of feeling is like saying that Fang Li is the best person to hold a lethal weapon. There is a sense of beauty and a sense of match that cannot be said.

    If someone knows the origin of the knife held by Fang Li, I am afraid it will not be completely calm.

    This knife with the same name as Clan is a treasure passed down from generation to generation within the precise family.

    The initial user can be traced back to a thousand years ago.

    As a weapon, it is only stronger and sharper than the average blade.

    But it itself is a true antique, and some people are willing to pay a high price to buy it.

    The only people who can hold this treasure are the patriarchs passed down from generation to generation in Nanaya Clan and the successors of the patriarch who received the Nanaya name.

    Fang Li stared at this treasure and whispering in a low voice.

    "What about sending this kind of thing?"

    In this surface world that is constrained by laws and regulations, this weapon has no purpose.

    "Just leave it."

    Fang Li took the blade back and put the knife in his pocket.

    "Then, go and eat first."

    So Fang Li left the room.

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