

    Some roar of ferocious beast fluctuates between the ruins and vaguely hears some echoes.

    This is a ruined place.

    It should have been a city.

    Only, in this world, human's city cannot survive without the protection of “Fenrir”.

    Because the creatures that destroyed this world are not allowed.

    ———— "Aragami".

    In the name of "God," the "Oracle Cell" that suddenly emerged in the 2050s continues to prey on all things on the earth and produces drastic changes that have diversified into diverse organisms, natural enemies of human.

    Normal weapons are useless before their power.

    People named them with Eight Million Gods, spread in the Far East region, with fear and awe.

    Their appearance made most of the city's civilization ruined in an instant.

    Today, Aragami is still occupying the ground of the world in an unbridled world and firmly occupying the dominant power of the earth.

    This ruin is nothing but a city that has fallen into a victim.

    The location is in the Far East area, a short distance from the Fenrir Far East Branch.

    Recently, there have been reports of a variety of activities witnessed by the large Aragami Vajra.

    To this end, Fenrir Far East Branch has sent a God Eater team to prepare for the crusade against this large Aragami variant.

    This matter is known as the variant Vajra naturally impossible.

    Therefore, it is hunting its own kind with its dominant position.


    A Vajra seems to be aware of the danger. Just about to escape, it is too late.

    "pū chī —!"

    As a black claw flits, the huge body of Vajra is cut into pieces and spilled a lot of blood.


    Aragami's meat spills into a pool of blood.

    At this time, the attacker's appearance appeared from darkness.

    "Roooooooaaaaaaar ————!"

    It was a dark Vajra who made a roaring win.

    Moreover, its face is not the appearance of ferocious beast, but the face of the eerie old man.

    The name of this variant Vajra is called Heavenly Father.

    Also known as Dyaus.

    Dyaus Pita (Heavenly Father).

    Aragami, who had once killed a young woman's parents and created a psychological shadow from the younger to the largest, crossed the Russian region and came to the Far East region.

    After a closer look, more than half of Aragami's face seems to have been cut down, leaving only a broken face.

    This makes the Aragami's variant look even more terrifying and scarier.

    However, for the Heavenly Father, this wound was once a shame.

    Unlike the rest of Aragami, Dyaus Pita (Heavenly Father) has great wisdom.

    Therefore, the past that had been defeated in the hands of some human and was almost killed has always remained in its memory.

    Whenever he thinks of this matter, Heavenly Father will feel that only half of his face is in pain.

    As a result, Heavenly Father's temperament became even more brutal during these years, and almost all of his peers were hunted by their prey, not to mention the God Eater who was their enemy, and all of them were preyed upon.

    The Heavenly Father's most hated thing is still the human.

    If possible, Heavenly Father really wants to bite that human to pieces.


    The hate that soared in the heart caused Heavenly Father to make a low embarrassment and gnaw on the same piece of meat underneath him as eating.

    at this time…

    "I didn't expect it to have been so long. Didn't you even grow into a little bit, so enjoy the pleasure of hunting?"

    This should not have occurred in such a dangerous zone, and it should not even appear in front of the Heavenly Father as a first-class dangerous creature. It moved slightly.

    That's human's voice.

    And, with no sense of tension.


    Heavenly Father stopped eating.

    Only the head of the lower half of the face slowly lifted up, letting the suffocating eyes stare forward.

    There, above a pile of rubble, one was standing in the wind.

    Looking at this person, the diarrhea of ​​Heavenly Father in the eyes disappeared.

    Replaced by the confusion of the second.

    And, the abhorrence of strong extremes.

    "Rooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaar ————!"

    The growling growls out of the Heavenly Father’s mouth and becomes a sound wave.

    "biri biri —!"

    A burst of red lightning came from the Heavenly Father's body and flew around the pieces and gravel, setting off a strong shock.

    Heavenly Father glared at the human with his disgusting eyes.

    The human being hated by it.

    Unfortunately, that human is not the same as it was.

    At the beginning, the other party struck the battle at the cost of burning Stigma and eventually forced the Heavenly Father.

    However, now, in the line of sight from the other side's condescending investment, what is carried is just like the icy feeling of watching the things that are going to die.

    There are no waves in rainbow-colored eyes.

    That look makes the Heavenly Father’s negative emotions burst.


    A burst of crackling sounds, Heavenly Father's powerful limbs smashed the ground beneath his feet, and in the wind and dust, with the whole body of red lightning, he slammed forward, facing the abhorrent. Human, swooped past.

    The scene looks like a red lightning passing over the ruins.

    Shortly afterwards , Heavenly Father swept the man in front of him, and flew dark claws.

    The claws cut the air and cut the rubble even more.

    Even the large Aragami Vajra will be shattered by the power of one hit. If it falls on the human body, it will lead to a tragedy. It can be imagined.


    "It doesn't seem like you're growing up. It seems to be a bit too much to praise you."

    In the face of such threats, the other party's voice seemed to be ironic.

    "At least, you know that in the past you fled in front of me, but now you can't even see how dangerous your opponent is. You can't be blamed for being dead."

    Voice falls…


    The Heavenly Father swooped in. It was a dark and huge body that suddenly exploded and turned into countless blood.

    On the spot, died.

    The person standing on the rubble shook his head.

    "Using Mystic Eyes for this kind of stuff seems to be a bit too much."

    Speaking this kind of discourse, the other party feels like it feels like it. Turning around, it looks in the other direction.

    There, the God Eater team of Far East Branch sent to crusade against Dyaus Pita (Heavenly Father) appeared.

    "you are…"

    It is the once familiar face that opens with a startled voice.

    Amamiya Rindou.

    Tachibana Sakuya.


    In addition to this, there are also several others who do not know.

    However, in that squad, there is still one staring at this side, in the eyes full of silvery girls.

    Looking at the young silver-haired girl, the people standing on the ruins laughed.

    "Compared with the Heavenly Father, you did grow well, Alisa."

    Hearing this, the waves of Alisa in the eyes have become even greater.

    A long time later, on the face that has always been indifferent, there was a smile that made the surrounding friends burst into tears.

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