Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2091 needs to take away


    "Index !"

    In Fang Li's home, Index hugs Kazakiri Hyouka tightly and their expressions are quite excited.

    Fang Li and Sylvia stood behind each other and looked at the two tightly-knit friends. They also looked at each other and smiled.

    "Nice!Everyone is back…"

    Kazakiri Hyouka looked back at the people who had always carried only weak emotions in the eyes.

    There’s nothing to be done.

    For Kazakiri Hyouka, these days should be very painful?

    First, civil unrest broke out in United Kingdom, and the World War led by Russia followed the outbreak of the World War. The Fang Li entire group was all involved. They did not know the news. This must have caused Kazakiri Hyouka to worry about it all the time.

    Now, seeing the return of everyone's peace, Kazakiri Hyouka feels more excited and moved than anyone else.

    Conversely, as a front and back, was captured many times in the Index to make any sense of the matter.

    "I always feel that after I woke up, a lot of big things happened."

    This is the feeling of Index.

    This is also the same thing.

    Who keeps indexing in a coma from beginning to end?

    Armed rebellion was set off from Carissa, and United Kingdom was involved in civil strife. Index has been in a coma. Even if it is a battle with Fang Li, it is under the pattern of “John's Pen” and it does not know what happened.

    Of course, Laura also said that when the Remote Control Spiritual Item is started, the Index's awareness is connected with the Spiritual Item, and you can see what the Spiritual Item owner sees. It should be understood that it should be able to understand what happened. Kind of thing.

    However, perhaps it is because of the relationship between the destruction of the two Remote Control Spiritual Items, or because Fiamma of the Right is using the Remote Control Spiritual Item unbridledly, which brings a lot of burden to Index's mind/energetic. For some reason, Index seems to have almost forgotten everything he saw when he was conscious.

    So, for Index, is it really only the feeling of “a lot of big things happened after waking up?”

    Looking at such an Index, Fang Li couldn't help holding her face and yanked it hard.

    "Obviously you have added so much trouble to people and you still sleep from the end to the end. You don't want to reflect on the meaning of it?"

    "wū wū wū wū wū …!"

    The index that Fang Li tucked at him suddenly danced up, and shouted with eyes brimming with tears, but nothing could be done.


    Kazakiri Hyouka was also immediately shocked and seemed to want to plead for the Index but was stopped by Sylvia.

    "Well, leave them alone."Sylvia said with a chuckle: "This is the only way the two people can express their feelings."

    This is not wrong.

    From the beginning, Fang Li and Index have always been such a rhythm, not as lovers and friends, but as family members.

    Otherwise, Fang Li, who has always been against not expressions, will not only behave like this in the face of Index.

    "Compared to this, Hyouka."Sylvia said to Kazakiri Hyouka: “Today we need to open a celebration banquet, so if we need to buy a lot of things, do a lot of cooking, can I ask for help?”

    "celebration banquet?"Kazakiri Hyouka slightly surprised.

    "Yeah."Sylvia smiled and said: "There have been many things happening in this period of time. Now that all these things have ended, let's have a party, and we'll have some guests to visit."

    Those who come are naturally Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki.

    As partners who fought together side by side in Russia, the two were invited to come. That's not to blame.

    Originally, Kamijou Touma and Tsuchimikado Motoharu were also the objects of invitation, but unfortunately the two were avatar.

    Tsuchimikado Motoharu needs to travel around in various ways after World War.

    Not to mention Kamijou Touma, under the sway of Fiamma of the Right, the entire right hand was cut down, and it was impossible to be able to participate in the banquet.

    However, it is worth mentioning that Kamijou Touma did not become a single arm.

    Not long after that, Kamijou Touma's right hand was like a speeding rejuvenation, and suddenly it was completely restored.

    In the face of this situation, it is not surprising that Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki and the others, that is, Tsuchimikado Motoharu, seemed to be taken aback.

    Only Fang Li, after learning about this matter, gave everyone a word.

    "Fiamma of the Right's right hand can realize the various miracles of Christianity. Could it be that you think Touma's right hand is just the power to eliminate power?"

    In other words, Kamijou Touma's right hand still hides other power.

    Unfortunately, Fang Li did not tell anyone about what the power is.

    "Because that is not what I can get involved with."

    After the Fiamma of the Right incident ended, Fang Li believes that his association with the world has almost reached the end.

    Next, Fang Li will leave the world with Sylvia and return to Main God's Dimension to offer the greatest good news to those girls who are waiting for themselves.

    So, if anything will happen next time, it will undoubtedly be the story of the people of this world, not the Fang Li's story.

    The current Fang Li, if you can't listen to it, is too dangerous for the world.

    If it is willing, only one idea is needed. This whole Dungeon World will be killed.

    Continue to stay in this world, will sooner or later cause all kinds of problems?

    In this regard, only one of Fang Li's thoughts.

    "It's almost like Magic God."

    In this world, Magic God is also able to destroy the world.

    So, Magic God has already left the world and gone to other phases.

    Fang Li's status is the same as those of Magic God.

    Sometimes power is too powerful and it is a problem in itself.

    In short, after today's celebration banquet, Fang Li and Sylvia will return to Main God's Dimension.

    Sylvia had asked.

    "What about Index and Hyouka?"

    This problem, Fang Li had long thought of.

    "Wait until later, I will exchange some Servant Certificates and take them with you."

    This is Fang Li's decision.

    Who makes Index and Kazakiri Hyouka extremely special in any respect?

    If you leave the two here, it is estimated that you will always be used and used by people who are interested.

    And Fang Li has no longer wanted to see the situation.

    "Anyway main God's Dimension limit on my rest time has been canceled, and you as my servant can also remain indefinitely in main God's Dimension, even if not let index and Kazakiri Hyouk A goes to the travel to the other Dungeon Worlds, who later lives in main God's Dimension, that's better than being in this kind the place. ”

    Of course, Fang Li’s people are not just Index and Kazakiri Hyouka.

    The rest also needs to be taken away.

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