Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2063 I am not alone


    It was the sound of the atmosphere being shaken.

    The action taken by Archangel, who has the alias of “Power of God”, is very simple.

    It is from the sky as quickly as possible that the line is swooping toward the goal.

    However, this kind of action only caused asteroids to fall like asteroids. Not only did the entire atmosphere scream like they screamed, but it also caused the body all around to shed fire and bring overwhelming force. .

    Fang Li believes.

    Only by this one attack, if it is the other side falling, not to mention himself, that is, mountains, the city and even the sea, will be like a fragile spider web and will be torn into pieces.

    This is Archangel.

    This is Power of God.

    Just talking about the total amount of power, perhaps Carissa, who is not on the other hand and used Curtana Original, can have a difference in the use of power.

    To put it analogy, it's like Magician, who owns Magic Power, but also needs magical powers that can turn Magic Power into phenomena and miracles before Magic can take shape and show overwhelming power and effect.

    If you do not use the technique to form Magic, then Magician itself is not much different than the average person, and at most it is holding Magic Power, which can make the body stronger, or improve some immunity and adaptability.

    Telesma is equivalent to Magic Power.

    Although there is a terrible difference in nature, it is just pure Telesma. Once it is used, it can exert tremendous power. Just like the Knight Faction that gets Telesma blessing, the whole physical strength will rise, and human can use it. Magic Power is completely useless, but in terms of nature, there is no difference between the two.

    Carissa's condition is to use only the Telesma to play matchless power. Compared to Magician who only has Magic Power and does not use Magic, there is no difference other than power.

    Even oneself can't be fully manipulated. Only when the power in the Curtana Original falls to 30% does it have a slightly controlled Ability.

    If it weren't for the Battle of Curtana that could use All Dimensions Severing Spell to fight, perhaps Carissa himself had only the Rank's strength of Acqua of the Back and Knight Captain.

    Gabriel is different.

    From the beginning, Gabriel transformed the celestial body position with Angelic Magic, forcibly summoned the night, raised his own Attribute and power, and, as a purely condensed body of Telesma, the messenger of God, she also perfectly manipulated this Shares of Telesma.

    So, undoubtedly, Gabriel is probably a more terrible opponent than Carissa using Curtana Original.

    As a result, Archangel's violent downward impact will unrelentingly bring destructive Calamity.

    When attacked, even if there were triple protections of Holy Gown, Skill and Prana, Fang Li would definitely suffer serious injuries and even die on the spot.

    And fighting?

    Has Fang Li, who has just used Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and EX treme Death – Seven Nights, have a way to fight against the terrible opponents that probably have Carissa holding Curtana Original?

    This issue is no longer important.

    Because Fang Li did not worry about this.

    "dōng dōng …"

    A few pulsations suddenly appeared from the heart of Fang Li's.

    This feeling, Fang Li is very clear.

    That is the performance that Servant, who shares his life with himself, is rapidly approaching.


    In front of Gabriel, who dive down like asteroid, also in front of Fang Li's, space is suddenly twisted.

    Immediately afterwards, a figure emerged from the violently shoots of the distorted space and went straight to Gabriel.


    The shock, like the general explosion of the big explosion, started.

    The berserk's impact turned into a tumult of heaven and earth and expanded in the air.

    The atmosphere is therefore sorrowful.

    Space so grievous cry.

    Just as the entire world has shaken up, the shock wave has swept out of the air in a half-dozen way. Like a ripple in a circle, it shook away.

    The two shadows that the slamming collisions together are like cannonballs flew backwards from the center of the impact.


    Gabriel made a similar sharp call to anger.

    However, there was no shake in the slightest with the young girl.


    Prana flows in its body.


    Mana is staggering around him.


    A gorgeous purple hair in the roaring wind.

    This moment, the world famous Diva descend.


    In fortress, Fang Li who saw this scene with his own eyes was almost unconsciously taking a step.

    However, just as Fang Li prepared to step forward, Sylvia's voice stopped him.

    "Take me here!"

    Sylvia speaks like a dignified voice.

    Let Fang Li's stop.

    "Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa —!"

    Archangel was still roaring, turning the sound waves into a raging wind and sweeping out so that Sylvia was bathed in the shocking shock and the clothes and gorgeous purple hair were hunting.

    But Sylvia is like trying to show that he won't retreat, even if he is bathed in the sound waves that can awaken his inner guilt.

    Fang Li can't see Sylvia's expression, but can only see the back of Sylvia.

    However, even if only the background is seen, Fang Li can understand the ideas that Sylvia wants to express.

    Sylvia wants to say so?

    "Go to Fiamma of the Right!"

    That is the opponent that Fang Li needs to cross.

    As for the rest of the people, Sylvia will not let go.

    Even opponents are real Angel.

    Even the enemy is able to demolish all mankind destruction.

    Sylvia still doesn't retreat half a step.

    Fang Li will stare at this back.

    After a while, turn around.


    As the air burst, Fang Li swept again in front of the fortress.

    No extra words are needed.

    No need for other actions.

    Fang Li and Sylvia are parting ways here.

    Feeling this movement, a shallow smile appeared on Sylvia's face, and there was no fear in the purple eyes of Archangel's roar.

    Sylvia is not unclear, how terrible the enemy is.

    Even Fang Li who holds the Mystic Eyes won't necessarily be able to beat each other. In the face of even all mankind's ability to burn its depleted opponents, do they really have the ability to fight against each other?

    But Sylvia is also clear.

    "It's not okay to not stop you here."

    At least, let's go down with this Archangel rampage. Perhaps the entire continent will sooner or later sink to the bottom of the sea.

    Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the other party from acting.

    All right

    Although the enemy is terrible, Sylvia is not afraid.

    "Because, I'm not alone…"

    In addition to Fang Li, who has placed the greatest trust and reliance on himself, Sylvia is also not alone.

    "To be on! Jeanne! ”

    "Un… /p>

    Sylvia immediately received a response from Jeanne with a strong will after saying the other half of his body within the body.

    In the next second, Sylvia fully opened and turned into Gabriel as if it were a ray of light.

    Gabriel immediately roared and rushed in.


    The terrible impact once again shakes the world.

    The World Famous Diva battle started here.

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