Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2037 goes to the Alliance of Independent Nations

    The battle was almost finished in split second.


    In exploding sound, Fang Li held Nodachi in the sheath and swuddenly waved a wave of white waves on the snowfield. He covered the lying corpse and covered it. He buried the white snow. The one of one red blood pools that appeared to be an unbelievable glare, allowing the earth to return to a pure and indefinable appearance.

    After completing this, Fang Li gave a glimpse of the direction of the team.

    There, Sylvia is talking with the villagers who were rescued.

    Fang Li can see that although the villagers all showed a grateful look to Sylvia, they cast a vigilant and fearful look on themselves.

    The explanation is straightforward.

    As ordinary people, when did these villagers see such bloody killings?

    Fang Li's faceless expression of the killing, and even the waving of a metal-made carriage to wave between the waves, would be a stimulating scene that would set off a tsunami-like snow scene.

    Coupled with the fact that Academy City and Russia are still in the war, the typical oriental look of black hair like Fang Li can't hide the fact that he is a foreigner.

    Therefore, the villagers were very grateful for the rescue of Sylvia. They only feared and guarded Fang Li.

    "It seems a little impulsive Ah…

    Saying it like that, Fang Li did not smile at all.

    In any case, Fang Li did not come here to strike up a good relationship with these ordinary people.

    The reason why the team will make a move, only to see the Sleipnir Spirpnir obviously belongs to Magic Side's Spiritual Item, it will stop the team, ready to get some intelligence from the mouth of these Magician.

    Now, this purpose is naturally going to waste.

    However, from the mouth of the arrested villagers, they were able to get some information and Fang Li did not care much about it.

    Soon Sylvia returned to Fang Li's side after talking to the villagers.

    "These villagers are ordinary residents who lived in this neighborhood."

    Sylvia told Fang Li about the information he knew.

    “According to them, nearly all the villages in the vicinity have been forcibly occupied by the Russian army. Only a few villages are still resisting tenaciously, and these villagers are being forced into custody and ready to be sent to the front of political prison camps. People."

    Sylvia's face also showed a sigh of emotion.

    "As a result, the war will always bring harm to these ordinary people. It is definitely not a good thing."

    This statement, which was said from the mouth of Diva who once traveled around the world, is indeed full of sense of reality.

    In the War-Academy City world, there is also a war.

    Sylvia, as World Famous Diva, must have seen the terrifying and catastrophes brought about by the war many times and saw many darkness.

    And this Diva Highness seems to be unable to get used to these things no matter how long it used to.

    Fang Li took hold of Sylvia's hand, as if giving comfort, but also like changing the subject, intentionally opened the topic.

    “What is the gain from the Russian Orthodox Church intelligence?”

    Hearing this, Sylvia shook his head.

    “These villagers are only ordinary people after all. It is almost impossible to say anything about Magic Side. Even if they talk Russian Orthodox Church with them, they only know that it is a big religion that has dominated Russia. What else? None understood."

    It is also true.

    For the general public, Magic is still hidden.

    Esper in Conversely Academy City, although it is still incredible for outside world people, can at least confirm its existence.

    In view of this, many people in Russia are actually very against the war with Academy City. They think that if they start a battle with a monster school that cannot be explained by common sense, they will be killed sooner or later.

    Actually, Academy City and even Esper have not been dispatched yet. The 7,000-kilometer-long bomber arbitrarily dominated Russia’s sky. It also unscrupulously transported goods to the country, built a base, and gradually occupied Russia’s territory.

    Now that the war has only just begun, it has not been long before. There have been many people in the country who think that Russia will lose.

    "I have heard that in order not to become a national of a defeated country, many people have chosen to sneak into the country."Sylvia said to Fang Li: "And among them, there are also many people who go to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations."

    After all, it's the nearest to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

    Many people were forced to go to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations for asylum, as the Russian army had forced the occupation of the surrounding land and forced the villagers to impose expel and arrest.

    "I also asked that these villagers also intend to go to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations."Sylvia stares at Fang Li and says: "That way, it's the same with our destination."

    Yes, it's the same.

    Fang Li and Sylvia are also preparing to go to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

    "Since that national coalition has been able to resist the Russian offensive, it proves that there is Magician."

    In any case, Russia is a country dominated by the Russian Orthodox Church.

    If there is no Magician in the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations, then it will not be able to resist Russia. It will surely be swept up by a miracle called Magic and finally be recovered by Russia.

    Therefore, Fang Li believes that the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations should have the Magician.

    "Since there is Magician, if you go there, you may get some information from the Russian Orthodox Church and even the Roman Catholic Church, and learn about the whereabouts of Fiamma of the Right."

    To this end, Fang Li and Sylvia were on their way to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations and they encountered the team on the way.

    Since the villagers in this team are also planning to go to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations, Fang Li can understand with his knees that Sylvia is looking at what he is trying to say.

    "Okay, you don't look at me with such a look."Fang Li was quite helplessly said: "Although it will slow down, if the destination is the same, it wouldn't be okay to escort it."

    Hearing Fang Li's words, Sylvia only showed a sincere smile and embraced Fang Li's arm, leaving a kiss on Fang Li's face.

    "Then I'll go back and report this good news."

    After that, Sylvia returned to the team.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li shook his head with a laugh and immediately looked into the distant snow scene.

    There is the direction of the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

    Looking in that direction, Fang Li's hand slowly gripped a metal ingot.

    Look at the brain that can connect to Index at any time, and send its awareness to the Remote Control Spiritual Item, Fang Li lightly smiles.

    "For you, this time I'm not less tired. When I go back, you have to be prepared to be hungry for three days and three nights."

    Fang Li, who spoke this way, did not know.

    At this time, all parties also came to Russia and also went to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

    Among them, there is a combination of Tokiwadai Ojou-sama and A Certain High School two idiots in a supersonic bomber.

    Also , a combination of Roman Catholic Church and Russian Orthodox Church.

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