Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2029 becomes an everlasting regret

    United Kingdom, City of London.

    At the top of a building, a helicopter stopped at a tarmac and was preparing for a flight.

    Fang Li and Sylvia stood in front of the helicopter and said goodbye.

    There are three acquaintances who come to say goodbye.

    One is Villian.

    One is Kanzaki.

    There is still one is Itsuwa.

    After Queen Li made a decision to go to Russia, Queen Elizard even said that.

    "In this case, transportation will be prepared by me."

    Originally, Queen Elizard was preparing to fly Fang Li and Sylvia on a private plane.

    However, now the United Kingdom and Russia are already considered to be against the country, and during the war, if there are planes entering Russia, then 80% will be cut off.

    So, Fang Li let Elizard prepare the helicopter.

    "If I was a helicopter, I once learned a bit of driving knowledge at Logi High in Butei High. Although I can't say that it is very skillful to open, there is no problem with at least basic driving."

    If a professional driver hears Fang Li's, is it estimated that he will break his tongue?

    Only some basic driving, actually dare to pilot the helicopter?

    Fear of not being too fatal, plan to find a new suicide.

    Even if you drive on the road, you can't guarantee that you will never make mistakes. If you fly a helicopter, if you are not a professional who can get a driver's license, who would dare to open it?

    One who carelessly falls from the sky will die if he himself dies, and may also harm others on the earth.

    Therefore, Elizard was not opposed to helping Fang Li prepare the helicopter, but was prepared to give Fang Li another driver.

    Fang Li only replied.

    "Do you think I'll die because of a helicopter's driving mistake?"

    In a word, Elizard completely lost his temper.

    So after a half-day preparation, Fang Li and Sylvia arrived here.

    Villian bid farewell to Sylvia.

    Kanzaki and Itsuwa are desperately rushing out for a little free time to get off on behalf of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    "I should have been with you in the past, but United Kingdom is now like this, and I can't get out of it at all."

    Kanzaki spoke with such trepidation.

    "Not only did not complete the agreement with you, protect the Index, and took her to the United Kingdom without authorization. After the incident, I couldn't rescue you with it. I really became Saint."

    For Kanzaki, it is estimated that it is not a small torture?

    This obviously has a powerful power, but even a good person who cannot kill a person's peak must have been filled with guilt.

    Not to mention that Index is not a stranger to Kanzaki.

    In the past, before lost memory, Kanzaki and Index were friends.

    Even friends can't save. It can be imagined how hard Kanzaki's heart is.

    ,alsoPlease also don't blame Priestess. ”Itsuwa quickly said: “If it isn’t for United Kingdom that will face France at the end of civil unrest, Priestess who is worried about the people of the United Kingdom will definitely go with him.”

    makes sense.

    With Kanzaki's personality, trying to prevent her from saving the Index with the aftermath of work, that is not enough.

    Only the entire people of the United Kingdom survived and died before Kanzaki could make this painful choice.

    But in fact, Fang Li had already anticipated this.

    "Well, don't say anything."Fang Li said concisely: "You will do your own thing then it will be alright. Index will be resolved by myself."

    For Fang Li, only the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church in the Anglican Church is a trustworthy existence.

    These people at Amakusa-Style Remix of Church are undoubtedly more trustworthy than old foxes who need to consider various interests.

    Therefore, Fang Li did not have difficulty for them.

    Moreover, Fang Li did not intend to hand over this matter to others.

    "My account with that guy, only I can figure it out."

    The incomparable words let everyone know clearly that the enmity between Fang Li and Fiamma of the Right is not something other people can intervene.

    Watching Index take away from his face, Fang Li is the one who has the most privilege to say.

    "We will separate here."

    Fang Li has thrown such a farewell very simply.

    "I hope I can meet in a corner of the world one day."

    This is a farewell language.

    Let Kanzaki be silent, and Itsuwa's frightful farewell.

    However, both of them understand that Fang Li's farewell language is not just to talk about it.

    In the present that the war has begun to pervade, nobody knows what will happen in the next second.

    Maybe someone will die on the battlefield.

    Perhaps this separation is forever.

    "Fang Li-san …"

    Itsuwa's appearance of fighting back tears is extraordinarily poor.

    Looking at this more than once charming little sister who had a good feeling for herself, Fang Li also smiled wryly. Extending the hand, touched Itsuwa's head and silently won.

    Then Fang Li looked at Kanzaki.

    "The war is unavoidable. The next battle, even Saint, is not guaranteed to be safe and sound, let alone Magicians in the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church."

    Fang Li gave a rare proposal to Kanzaki.

    "It's time to let go of the old Heart Bond. Don't let that be a lasting regret."

    In this words, Kanzaki's eyes trembled slightly.

    After a while, Kanzaki sighed and nodded.

    "I know what to do."

    With this as an opportunity, Kanzaki will soon return to Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    To become Amakusa-Style Remix of Church's Priestess again.

    This allowed Itsuwa to finally play a little mind/energetic and cry.

    On the other side, the farewell of Sylvia and Villian ended.

    "Sylvia-san."Villian exclaimed with a smile and said: "Please also be safe and sound."

    Hearing this, Sylvia looked at Villian and smiled.

    "Don't look at me like this. In fact, I can't beat you?"

    Sylvia once again gave such a discourse like the dialogue that took place on the carriage when he first met.

    Let Villian burst into laughter, heavily nodded.

    "See again/goodbye, ladies and gentlemen."

    "see again/goodbye."

    Fang Li and Sylvia waved to the helicopter and boarded the helicopter.

    At this time…


    With a faint sky-splitting sound, a burning Flamenge film flew from afar and flew directly in the direction of Fang Li's.

    "Un… /p>

    Fang Li raised the brows and put it into his hands.

    The next moment, a line of words on the card was printed in Fang Li's eyes.

    "If I can't bring that child back, I will absolutely burn you ashes."

    After reading, Fang Li could not help laughing.

    "It's a dead tsundere."

    He threw out the burning Rune Card in the helicopter and Fang Li took hold of the steering column.

    The helicopter's propellers began to spin and get faster and faster. Finally, the wind blew up and the body floated in mid-air and turned in one direction.

    Before long, the helicopter rode the wind and flew over to the ocean.

    Kanzaki, Itsuwa and Villian have been watching the helicopter go away until the other party disappears.

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