Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2024 begins with each other

    "Rumble …"

    The world has changed.

    When the giant right hand fell from the sky like a giant's, and when he fell down, Fang Li only felt that the entire world around him was collapsing.

    Mass of air turned into bubbles in the blow.

    The obstruction of space is meaningless under that strike.

    The right hand seemed to be like locking the existence of Fang Li himself. He would never allow him to flee.

    Then, how quickly can we overcome the speed at which we can defeat the twenty-fold speed of sound and let Fang Li, who has a surpassed and unusual size, escape?

    Fang Li does not know.

    Fang Li only knows that at this moment, if he does not show his full strength, then it must absolutely die.

    Therefore, Fang Li did not hesitate to put his hand on the handle of Nodachi on his waist.

    "EX treme Death – Seven Nights !"

    Light blooms in Fang Li's hand.

    "Qiāng — !"

    Distinct cry sounds like a cloud.

    Everything rolling over everything, over a strike of more than three hundred times the speed of sound, was released in Fang Li's hand.

    Even a glimpse of peaks not captured by Fiamma of the Right, such as flashes of light through time and space, greeted the incoming giants.

    Even if the hit from heaven had the power to make twenty times the speed of the sound, it would still be far below the peak of three hundred times the speed of sound.

    However, in this moment, the vision occurred again.

    "BOOM —!"

    Among exploding sounds, the huge right wrist actually suddenly and accelerating suddenly provoked an atmosphere of sorrow.

    In the blink of an eye, the speed is catching up with the peak of EX treme Death – Seven Nights.

    It is easy to override three hundred times the speed of sound.

    Immediately, suddenly collided.


    A burst of roar.

    Like the big star explosion, the two attacks that struck together first sparked a dazzling glare, shortly afterwards burst open.

    The storm of destruction came once again in this area and even expanded.

    "pā jī pā jī pā jī…!"

    The cracking of the terrible earth and the smashing of the land continued to collapse.

    If the end of the world comes, it will certainly be like this.

    Even if the catastrophe does not fall into the category of the whole world, but it is limited to this area, the Doomsday is indeed visiting.

    The impact of the aftermath even scratched both sides of the attack.


    In the muffled sound of neat and tidy, Fang Li and Fiamma of the Right flew upside down.

    The difference is that Fang Li eats the blow with a solid grip, while the third hand on the right shoulder of Fiamma of the Right holds it in the same position, opens the palm of his hand, and holds the Fiamma of the Right. In the palm of my hand, I suffered all the shocks.

    The shock wave spreads in the middle of the two, like a halo, and wriggles like a halo of ripples, knocking both Fang Li and Fiamma of the Right out.

    As soon as the two settled at the same time, the gap was presented.


    Fang Li knelt down on one knee.

    At the corner of the mouth, the blood bleeds out again.


    Fang Li licked his chest and gave a sulky voice.

    Originally, because of the use of the Mystic Eyes relationship, Fang Li is not in the state. Now she uses EX treme Death – Seven Nights forcibly. She also took a reaction. If there is no protection from Holy Gown, Skill and Prana, Fang Li's body. Has long been cut down.

    Can Fang Li still remembered the blow.

    "Has power increased?!?"

    In the case of Fang Li, the right wrist only surpasses the twenty-fold speed of sound. When Fang Li uses EX treme Death – Seven Nights, the power of the right wrist is soaring. It easily exceeds EX treme Death. – Seven Nights.

    This phenomenon was told by Fang Li.

    "Which right hand can adjust the power for the target?"

    The third hand that draws power from Holy Right.

    The power of that hand is probably adjusted automatically with the "strength of the enemy that must be defeated."

    The stronger the opponent, the stronger the power of that hand.

    The weaker the opponent, the weaker that hand's power will be.

    Fiamma of the Right cannot perfectly manipulate this power. One of its manifestations may be here.

    He has no way to adjust the power of his third hand.

    However, this has no big effect.

    The third hand automatically draws "power enough to defeat the enemy" based on the strength of the enemy.

    That being the case, it can't be adjusted.

    Anyway, if the power is big or small, as long as it can actually defeat the enemy, then there is nothing to care about.

    Therefore, if the right hand just shakes up, it can hit the target without speed.

    Therefore, if only the right hand can be photographed with a waved hand, it can defeat the enemy and does not need to pursue greater power.

    Precisely because of this, Fang Li cannot avoid the Fiamma of the Right attack.

    Because that hand will just lead to an attack speed that Fang Li absolutely can not avoid, it will just lead to the power of the extent to which Fang Li can be defeated.

    When Fang Li took out EX treme Death – Seven Nights, a strike that surpassed his own limit, the right hand elicited even more powerful power.

    The reason why Fang Li has not yet fallen is that he completely shields the triple protections of Holy Gown, Skill and Prana.

    Of course, Fiamma of the Right is not without its influence.

    Oneself also said so?

    "Your "Stock" seems to be used up, but this Sir's "Ammunition" also remains?"

    "Stock" refers to Fang Li's use of the Mystic Eyes, which is the fact that it can only use 0.08 seconds a day.

    "Ammunition" refers to the use restriction of Fiamma of the Right's third hand.

    Look closely.

    On the right shoulder of the Fiamma of the Right, the third hand is about to dissipate and begins to wriggle wildly.

    "Qī …"

    Fiamma of the Right made a buzz.

    "Is it so soon to be decomposition? It seems that using too many power! ”

    Obviously, the third hand of Fiamma of the Right also has time limit and even number of restrictions.

    In fact this is also true.

    Because the status of the third hand is very unstable, it cannot be maintained for a long time. Once it is used excessively, it will be broken down in the air.

    In view of this, Fiamma of the Right will say that its own power is something like "Ammunition". The more it is used, the smaller the firepower.

    "No way, today can only stop here."

    Perhaps it was thought that this would continue to kill undying Fang Li, and Fiamma of the Right would simply give up.

    "If you continue to use it, then you will use up the number of times you protect yourself. You can't leave this country without it. Anyway, the target has already begun. This Sir will leave honestly."

    After that, Fiamma of the Right raised his index and turned.


    Fang Li just got up and was stopped.

    "I have a feeling that you will be the biggest obstacle and enemy of this Sir."

    Fiamma of the Right left such a word.

    "One day, this Sir will solve you personally."

    Speech finished, Fiamma of the Right The third hand on the right shoulder seems to squeeze out the remaining power. Normally, swept out.


    Suddenly, the entire land is as if it was lifted.

    Fang Li was also shot in the sound of "BOOM".

    As for Fiamma of the Right, it disappeared into the dust and disappeared.

    Fang Li has been unable to adjust the figure.

    It was only when he fell to the ground that he caught him in an embrace.

    "Fang Li …Fang Li …"

    Sylvia's anxious voice passed into Fang Li's ear.

    However, Fang Li could not hear it and lost consciousness completely.

    Faced with the Fiamma of the Right with the "cheat" of "Right Hand," the "Fang Li in the still still" with "cy" of "Eyes" ushered in defeat.

    On this day, Fang Li lost his life for the first time in his life.

    In the past, Fang Li can at least protect the people who want to protect.

    But this time, Fang Li did not protect even the people, completely defeated.

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