Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2020 is for you to witness my dead end

    London, Buckingham Palace.

    Since arriving in United Kingdom yesterday, arrived in London, Fang Li is here for the second time.

    However, the appearance of the Buckingham Palace has completely changed compared to when it first came here.


    The smell of smoke could not rise from the palace.

    When we look closely, this one-of-a-kind palace, equivalent to the United Kingdom, has already collapsed on its right one-third, revealing its luxurious interior decoration and corridors, and spilling out a lot of rubble, just like ruins.

    That was the result of the long-range shelling of the fortress and the fleet from Puritan Faction.

    The long-range shelling of Puritan Faction was not only used to counter the swirling blade formed by Curtana Original's white debris, but also attacked it here.

    Fang Li entered the territory of this half-destroyed palace.

    The reaction of the Enemy Detection Skill tells Fang Li where the enemy is.

    So Fang Li came to a courtyard in the center of the palace.

    Here, in addition to a large number of burnt traces and rising smoke, the white, incredible wreckage is scattered. Some even pierce the law and the ground, and space is like a healing wound. Full of traces of broken glass.

    Then the Highness Princess stood in it.

    "come yet?"

    Dressed in a crimson dress sewn with leather in an important part, Carissa turned her arm without a frontal Ceremonial Sword and turned to Fang Li.

    They are in the eyes, that is, they are not upset, they are not unwilling, and even they have no regrets. There are only people who cannot see through the tired feelings.

    As for the Telesma in the Curtana Original, which fluctuates in its hands, it has fallen to a level that is almost impossible to see.

    After all, in order to support the entire London War of Knight Faction, Carissa allocated a large amount of Telesma, and in order to give the only threat to obliterate, he passed far more power than before to Knight Captain, which made Knight Captain play a long way. Far beyond the usual strength, Fang Li is almost forced into a desperate situation.

    In this way, naturally there is not much power left in Curtana Original.

    I am afraid that the power remaining in Curtana Original may not even reach 20% now?

    Unlike the Knight Captain, which is capable of constructing two powerful techniques, Carissa is just another ordinary princess.

    Once the power in the Curtana Original falls, it means that its oneself strength will also show a straight decline.

    Now, maybe Fang Li doesn't even need to use Mystic Eyes. Will it beat Carissa?

    However, Fang Li did not do that.

    Fang Li only looked around at all around and asked one.


    Only this problem is what Fang Li needs to care about.

    "You are talking about Index Librorum Prohibitorum?"Carissa did not do anything meaningless, but simply said: "It should be still asleep. Anyway, before her uselessness disappeared, I did not intend to let her die."

    Even at this point, Carissa still didn't make any unnecessary modifications. Take Index for granted as a tool.

    For Carissa, Index really only has that value.

    "In order to publicize the evils of France and launch Glastonbury banned by Royal Mother, the knowledge of Index Librorum Prohibitorum is necessary."

    Carissa said nothing.

    "I won't kill the little girl until I reach my goal. You can rest assured."

    It sounds like a tyrant would say.

    And when it comes to this, Carissa is another topic.

    "Just now, it doesn't make any sense."

    Here, Carissa's tone is full of irony.

    "This country is really more fragile than I thought."


    This is Carissa's own home country's evaluation.

    “The few tunnels that were blown up were plunged into economic crisis. They were looked down upon by religions that would only keep God and God in their mouths. They just taught a few words behind the enemy and they were bullied and headed for the future. Dimness does not say that even the national conditions are in the form of farce."

    Carissa raised Curtana Original and his tone became increasingly ironic.

    "Look, like this one who can wield a few swords and get it from someone like me, such as the Royal Family, it can set off an armed rebellion and suppress the whole country, and it's like you are relative to the whole country. To say that individuals who are young enough to not do the same can rely on a special power to smash the threat of a coup."

    "Whether it is this power or your power, it is obviously only a scale that can be used by individuals. However, this country is still left to this power."

    "You said, such a country, could it be that it is not vulnerable?"

    Carissa laughed as she spoke.

    Unbelievably sad.

    "Sure enough, the world's pattern remains in the end still power."

    The sentence "control" of United Kingdom Second Princess of "Military" is really more sympathetic than anyone who says it.

    Presumably, Carissa should hate this situation?

    The country that hates its own country will be left or right by the individual's power.

    The so-called countries should clearly be individuals who cannot and do not exist.

    But in this world, it is obviously not working in a world full of Monstrous Strength.

    Magician doesn’t say it. Even if it exists at the Saint level, it is already a threat to a small country.

    Angel in the Bible is all capable of destroy all mankind.

    The legendary Magic God is able to arbitrarily tamper with the rules and create the world.

    Under the influence of these powers, the countries of this world are indeed too vulnerable.

    "In the end, when will the country go to independence?"

    Carissa murmured.

    Looking at Fang Li's eyes, gradually began to bring hostility and fighting intent.

    Seeing this, Fang Li will understand.

    Carissa, not yet planning to give up.


    Curtana Original suddenly shuddered.

    Huge power suddenly emerged in all directions and was injected into its blade.

    In this moment, Curtana Original's power began to rise back.

    From the situation where 20% is not reached, 30% has been regained.

    "Is the allocated power given to the retrieve?"

    Fang Li understands the situation.

    At the same time, Carissa's voice came.

    "At least, it's up to you to witness my final end."

    "I saw Carissa's dead end as me who was Second Princess."

    When the words fell, Carissa raised her Curtana Original.

    Will all the power, such as tsunami, rolled up.

    "Haaaaaaaah —!"

    Carissa uttered an angry yell, carrying berserk's air waves, rushing toward Fang Li with enough space to tear the space.

    Fang Li looked at this scene quietly.


    Jet-black eyes , flashed a rainbow of light.


    Breaking up sounded loudly.

    In this moment, only 30% of the power in Curtana Original was killed.

    Curtana Original crashed in Carissa's hands.

    Amazing power, completely disappeared from its body.

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