Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1965 depends on you to take care of me


    In this moment, the young girls looked at Fang Li with some uncomfortable eyes and expressions.

    "You guys, don't look at me with a poor guy?"

    Perceived that the atmosphere has changed, Fang Li is also bitter laughter.

    "The situation is indeed not optimistic, but I did not intend to succumb to it?"

    Fang Li smiled faintly.

    "For me now, death is not something that can be accepted, but must exist. I have no intention of dying like this, and I don't have the idea of ​​seeing the soul going to collapse. I can't really use extreme. Means, I will choose to live."

    This so-called extreme means, refers to is Third Magic.

    Use Holy Grail's power to achieve Third Magic, so that your soul is materialized, and then get eternal life.

    As a result, Fang Li can still survive?

    However, it was really on one's last legs.

    Who let Fang Li's soul break into that shape?

    Once you use Third Magic, put that tattered soul manifold station, then it can be considered that Fang Li can't predict what he will become.

    But this is also in order to continue living. Fang Li has already realized his consciousness of using it at the last moment.

    "Even when I became a broken figure that I couldn't even walk on my own, it was completely a waste. As long as you can keep you alive, I will not hesitate to do it."

    Fang Li spoke quietly and told herself the worst way to go.

    "So, you don't have to worry about me. The worst situation is to become that, and there will be no worse."

    If this is not the case, perhaps Fang Li really will not conclude a contract with the girls.

    Someone else doesn’t say anything. For girls like Iris and Yunyun who haven’t even grown up, Fang Li can’t bear to let them die with him.

    Therefore, Fang Li had already planned well.

    "In the final moment of the soul's collapse, if you did not find a way to change, use Holy Grail to accomplish Third Magic's life."

    Fang Li told his own consciousness.

    "Thank you for taking care of me then?"

    Some of the ridiculous tone told the young girls that Fang Li really made the decision.

    Not for anything else, just to be able to live with them all the time.

    As long as it can achieve this goal, even if it becomes a broken soul, Fang Li will not hesitate to do it.

    What Fang Li wants to say is just such a thing.

    "Fang Li …"

    "Fang Li-sama …"

    "Stupid Fang Li …"

    Emilia, Rem, and the Beatrice group of three feel like being happy and feeling more uncomfortable.

    Naturally, happiness is because Fang Li did not hesitate to realize this consciousness for himself and the others.

    The discomfort is that such a situation is unacceptable.

    Just like Fang Li can choose on one's last legs for the group of young girls, how can the girls bear to see Fang Li's next life become like that?

    Sylvia, also can not bear to heart.

    Moreover, it is still the one who can't bear the heart.


    Sylvia held a pendant in front of him and whispered.

    "Can't your Revelation see anything?"

    Hearing this, all the people gathered their gazes simultaneously on the pendant before Sylvia.

    In this case, Jeanne's voice rang slowly.

    "I'm sorry, perhaps because the opportunity has not yet met, or because my power is still too weak, Revelation did not give any hint."

    Jeanne said so solemnly.

    "But you don't need to worry, I already thought of a solution."


    In Jeanne's statement, let everyone have a mind/energetic one after another.

    Including Fang Li.

    "any solution?"

    Fang Li asked quickly.

    And Jeanne didn't sell it and answered directly.

    "Before Sylvie went to the Trading Area with Lia and Rem, I remember seeing auction houses auctioning items at that time."Jeanne said: “That was an item called “Heaven's Flavor”. Since Sylvie only looked at it at that time and turned it over, I just remember that it seemed to be a temporary reinforcement of the items of the Divination and the Proximity class's Ability.”

    Jeanne said this, Fang Li immediately understood.

    "Do you mean to use that item to temporarily increase the effectiveness of Revelation?"

    Fang Li's asked to make Jeanne seem nodded.

    "In Main God's Dimension, there are items from hundreds of billions of worlds. Many of them have wonderful effects. There are also a few items that can strengthen a certain Ability. Since my Revelation can't see things related to your transformation, It can only strengthen the effect of Revelation, or simply look for a stronger means than Revelation to break through."

    As Jeanne said.

    Nowadays, everyone is not in the Dungeon World, which is not supplied with supplies, but it is just in Main God's Dimension that they can always start a variety of magic item items.

    When Fang Li entered Main God's Dimension, did the system not say the same thing?

    "Here you can get the dream power."

    "You can get endless wealth here."

    "But these things have to be fought for by yourself. What Main God's Dimension gives you is just an opportunity."

    Of course, the premise is to have the capital to get it all.

    That is, EX change Points.

    "Unfortunately, our EX change points have been completely used."Jeanne said to Fang Li: "Only this time you went to the world of "Gifting This Wonderful World with Blessings" and it seems like you got a lot of items."

    In other words, Jeanne suggested that Fang Li sell part of the item in exchange for enough EX change Points.

    Otherwise, Fang Li can only waste time on picking up Dungeon World, earning EX change points and returning to the right item.

    After getting Jeanne's suggestion, Fang Li immediately decided.

    "That's it."

    In any case, Fang Li had too many items. It wouldn't matter if some of these effects were duplicated.

    What's more, Fang Li also has the Holy Grail to make unlimited wishes, enough to replace most of the items.

    "Although you can try to make a wish with Holy Grail, improve Jeanne's power, trigger Revelation, but now do it first."

    After all, Jeanne was a verdict summoned by Holy Grail to get her in touch with Holy Grail, and maybe there might be a chemical reaction.

    After the decision, Emilia and Beatrice also uttered.

    I also come to help

    "Betty doesn't want to look at you here?"

    Both of them said so.

    "As it is, Rem stays to look after Iris-sama and Yunyun-sama."

    Rem chose to stay with a clever choice to solve the worries of Fang Li, even if oneself definitely wanted to make a difference.

    "Please, Rem."

    Fang Li touched Rem's head and gave a little comfort to the little maid before facing Sylvia, Emilia, and Beatrice.

    "Then, let's go to Trading Area first!"

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