Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1926 guarantees a smooth transition

    Royal Family's Dragon Carriage Equipment has a Magic Item to dispel monsters.

    This thing seems to be true.

    When the Dragon Carriage, driven by Darkness, rushed into the field at an alarming rate, a group of monsters in front of it blocked the way.

    It was a group of obese Orc.

    Orc's body is larger than human's, and its appearance is like the head of the wild beast's Lux. The body only wraps around the tattered cloth and holds the stick in his hands.

    This group of Orc gathered in the middle of the road, it is estimated that it is often attacked by the carriage.

    However, when Darkness's Dragon Carriage appeared, the Orc would smell like stinking wild dogs and began to disperse.

    If the Dragon Carriage's speed is not so fast, it would be like the Darkness had said before that there would be no monsters hitting.

    However, although Orc has a strong body, but thanks to this gift, the action is also quite dull.

    So, before the Orc had had time to astigmatism, the Dragon Carriage who was flying in was crashing.


    "Come to Aaaaaah!"

    Aqua's screaming and Darkness's laughter rang out at the same time.

    As it continues, the Dragon Carriage may be okay because of its powerful barrier, but Aqua and Darkness in the driver's seat will definitely fly like trash and become objects of Orcs' encirclement.

    Of course, Aqua's Artifact Hagoromo has amazing defensive power, and Darkness is more like hard skin and strong flesh. Maybe it won't hurt?

    But even if this is the case, the crowd will not be able to hit and play without doing anything.

    "EX terion!"

    The young girl's shouting sound evoked a flash of slash and let the bright sword shine like a meteor, passing over the earth ahead.

    Slash plowed the dirt, set off dust and fog, leaving a deep scar on the earth.

    The Orc group in front of the Dragon Carriage is naturally separated.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the tearing sound, a part of Orc in front of slash was cut in half on the spot.

    In a moment, the body broke and blood splattered.


    The loud crash sounded immediately.

    The flying Dragon Carriage will leave Orc with only a few piles of debris to bump into the fly and bring blood all the way.

    However, the scraped Orc's remnant is obviously not yet able to shake the Dragon Carriage and drove the Dragon Carriage's speed through.

    "Aah …"

    On the driver's seat, Darkness's voice of regret and disappointment also echoed in the field, making it unbearable.



    Until then, Orc, who had not been slashed and crushed, reacted to it, sending a series of violent blasphemy.

    The companion's blood to stimulate the fierce Orcs defeated the Magic Item to disperse the monster's effect, enough to shake the earth's heavy footsteps, clasped the sticks, and surrounded in the direction of the flying Dragon Carriage.

    Unfortunately, this is the final attack in the life of this Orc ethnic group.


    A slight drop of sound that couldn't be heard by anyone was like water drops, and it rang slightly.

    On the Dragon Carriage in a gallop, a figure, like riding the wind, fell out and flew from the carriage.



    The figure that fell on the ground suddenly split and turned into countless figures and swept away in the direction of Orc surrounded by all directions.

    Between the blink of an eye, the deceit enters.

    "pū chī !"

    The chilly's blade light crossed and brought up a piece of blood.

    "pū chī !"

    "pū chī !"

    "pū chī !"

    In the shadow of the road, a light of blade light was struck, and the body of Orc of one by one was defeated.

    This process took even less than a second.

    In the third person's in the eyes, only one figure can be seen escaping from the carriage of the Dragon Carriage, shortly afterwards is divided into countless figures, passes through the one by one Orc, and the next second is again On the spot, a leap, a new leap into the carriage of the Dragon Carriage.

    Orcs surrounded by the Dragon Carriage is suddenly on the spot.

    After the Dragon Carriage was completely gone, these Orc were split into two, falling on the ground and letting blood dyed red.


    Inside the train cabin, Fang Li and Iris who stood up and witnessed at the same time regarded the pure white Nodachi and the golden Holy Sword puts in the sheath. Megumin was extremely unwilling.

    "I see, you two will just go and attack Demon King City together. It's good to make sure it goes smoothly."

    This is Megumin's only feeling.

    However, both Fang Li and Iris took this as a matter of course.

    "I only cleaned the roadblocks that were unsightly."

    "I only opened the way for everyone, nothing amazing."

    Indifferent words stimulated Megumin's self-esteem.

    "In this case, my EX plosion Magic can also…"

    Megumin wanted to raise the staff, but he was knocked by Fang Li's head and banged his head down at Bang's bang.

    "I feel that you will blow up the road, so that we have to go around the road, and quickly give me to put away the sense of nonsense."

    Fang Li gave Megumin a look and withdrew his fist.

    Still Iris was kind and comforted Megumin.

    "Please be assured, Megumin-san, waiting until Elroad will absolutely have chances for you to achieve limelight."

    Iris's comfort seemed to play a role, allowing Megumin to finally give up on the impulse.

    It seems that this gimmick is really trying to get things done in Elroad.

    "I'm done. I don't want to go to Elroad again! Let me get off! I want to return to Heaven! Send me back to Heaven Aaaaaaah! ”

    On the driver's seat, Aqua's screaming continues.


    Next, until dark, nothing happened again along the way.

    The speed of Dragon Carriage has not diminished from beginning to end. It took nearly a third of the way in just one day.

    "At this speed, it takes about 3-4 days to reach Elroad?"

    In other words, the journey time has been shortened by more than half compared to using an ordinary carriage.

    Since this is the case, everyone is not in a hurry to take the road. After dark, they decide to stop and rest.

    If it is changed in the past, it is estimated that camping outside.

    Only, this time, Iris was traveling as a messenger to a neighboring country and let Darkness keep saying that Iris, who is a princess of the country, was sleeping in the tent.

    So Iris took out a Magic Item that Claire gave him.

    That Magic Item, I was also used by Hans when Hans attacked Royal Capital.

    That's the model that is usually just a palm-size model, and once it is used, it can become Mansion's Magic Item.

    Fang Li watched a luxurious mansion and appeared in the wilderness, in front of everyone.

    "It's convenient."

    Megumin sighed.

    "If you have the opportunity, start with one."

    Fang Li thought so.

    "Then, let's go in."

    Iris greets everyone.

    "I'll settle Dragon Carriage."

    Darkness took Lizard Runner away.

Wū… /p>

    Aqua squatted on the ground and whispered.

    The hurry of the first day was over.

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