Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1907 read out the Equipment My spell (seek monthly ticket)

    After the incident was revealed and Fang Li and Chris's actions were also seen by the Darkness entire group, Fang Li and Chris brought here Aegis Robbed from Undine last night.

    Who can make this armor apparently not a living body, but it can be alive and kicking?

    In order to prevent this guy from escaping before being sealed by Chris, even yelling and yelling to the guards and the police to expose the identity of Fang Li and Chris, Fang Li can only bring it here and throw it in the corner. .

    However, seeing Aegis, Aqua just called out.

    "Aah! You are the sexual harassment armor! ”

    Aqua recognizes Aegis. That is a matter of course.

    After all, Hero Candidate in this world is sent to this world by Aqua. All artifacts in this world are also cheat given by Aqua to Hero Candidate.

    That being the case, Aegis is naturally sent out by Aqua.

    It will be recognized that it is normal.

    However, Aqua recognized Aegis and Aegis did not recognize Aqua.

    "What Ah, this feeling, obviously the face grew a good, figure is also golden proportion, although still not up to the front of my request after the Sister that level of the big, can also let people pick up the wrong, in peacetime, I have been excited, but do not know why, is not what you think What the hell is this incredible feeling? Hello, I said you wouldn’t be fake goods that Devil turned into? It looks very beautiful, but in fact it is ugly. Or is it simply women's clothing? ”

    Aegis's undisguised words left Aqua directly bombed.

    As a result, Aqua and Aegis completely squatted.

    Now also, when the crowds are in full swing, Aqua just wrestles with Aegis.

    "Actually, my beautiful and outstanding noble presence is the fake goods that Devil turned into? Is your eyes blind? Is it an ornament? Are all fake? Unforgivable! ”

    "I'm sorry that this Sir only is armored. Although I can sing and dance, I don't have eyes and this kind of thing is very hard under the whole body. No place is an ornament, and even impossible is false…Hey! What are you doing ! ? live“Stop it! Don't stick your hands into that kind of place! I don't want it

    "Wahahahaha! Is this this? Is this helmet? Although I don't have a head inside, I remember you still feel the pain, right? See if I do not knock you for mercy! ”

    "mix…Asshole! Hey! Don't look over there! Hurry up and pull this mad dog away! Hurry up! Save this armor! ”

    The two were so jealous that they were so happy that the sound of "crackle and rattle" was transmitted.

    Incidentally, after Aqua knocked on his fist, not only did Aegis scream, even Aqua screamed.

    Although Aegis had a painful sensation, Aqua knocked on the world's strongest armor, and Aqua was naturally impossible without pain.

    Watching Aqua and Aegis play more and more intense, everyone quickly stepped forward to separate.

    "Hey, what are you doing with a armor?"

    "Yeah, Aqua, although I'm also hearing that this guy is the hardest thing in the world, I'm tempted to shoot EX plosion Magic, but unfortunately I've used EX plosion Magic in the morning. I'll wait for tomorrow. Will you play with you?"

    "This is not good!" Did you play that idea? ? versusInstead of shooting that kind of thing, it's better to shoot me…"

    Kazuma, Megumin and Darkness stepped forward and separated Aqua and Aegis.

    "Let me go! Get off me. This is a matter of Goddess dignity! ”

    Aqua is constantly struggling.

    "This guy was looking at a girl who was going to be sent to the world by me," she said. "I think Aqua-sama is Heaven's most beautiful goddess, So must be able to meet the humble desire of my "such words to coax me happy, now incredibly so arrogant, absolutely to teach him!" ”

……Is this the truth of the world's most solid Artifact coming to this world?

    Fang Li really felt that Goddess, who had been tricked into being scampered, or Artifact who had come out for that reason, was stupid.

    Only Aegis was scared.

    WeiWhy do you know when I came to this world? ”

    Aegis asked in astonishment.

    At the moment, Aqua broke away from the crowd and raised his head.

    "Could it be that your hard-headed head has not fully remembered the appearance of this Goddess?"

    Aqua waved his hand and pointed to Aegis, a loud declaration.

    "I'm Goddess of Water Aqua! Exactly! The beautiful Goddess who will send you to this world! that's me! I certainly know your business! ”

    Aqua made this self-introduction happily.

    The rest of them also had one after another.

    Can't blame everyone like this.

    If Aegis is sent to this world to be Goddess of Water Aqua, and Aegis remembers what happened at that time, admitting the identity of Aqua, so far, everyone thinks that Aqua is pretending to be Goddess. Broke.

    Under such circumstances, Aqua has to be excited and even full of expectations.

    Unfortunately, reality is cruel.

    “Ha! Are you Goddess who doesn’t have a hard head but doesn’t have anything in it? ”

    Aegis swears openly.

    "how could it be possible? Who do you think Goddess is? But it was all Eris who pushed all the work to the younger generation. He was lying in his chair every day and licking chips and drinking beer waste Goddess? What kind of awkwardness would you get from Goddess and how could you go down? Now it must have been a long-lived, mixed-race death in Heaven in Heaven, impossible to endure hardship! ”

    Aegis's disdainful remarks caused everyone to be killed on the spot.

    Fang Li also almost laughed.

    Only because this reason is really convincing.

    Even Chris is a weird and complicated expression that feels very agreeable to Aegis' speech.


    Kazuma did not hold back and laughed all at once.

    This caused Aqua to blow up again.

    "What are you laughing at? What to laugh! ? If it were not your damn's dead house! I am still enjoying Heaven now! You still have my leisurely and happy Heaven life! ”

    Aqua cried and clutched Kazuma's neck.

    And more What are you doing …! ? live“Stop it! Asshole! If you don’t stop, I’ll let you see it! ”

    This time, it was Kazuma's turn to struggle desperately.

    At this time, Iris and Yunyun also gathered around Aegis.

    "Artifact can speak. I still saw it for the first time."

    Iris seems to have a great interest in Aegis.

    "Me too, the first time I saw something that wasn't alive, I could speak. Hey, Aigis-san. Can you tell me how you did it? I also want to let my Staff speak, so usually someone will chat with me and I will not be alone again…"

    Yunyun reveals the sad little desire.

    The Aegis also seemed to be extremely mind/energetic all of a sudden.

    "Oooh, two young girls, you are not bad, although the age is still in the category of young teeth, but a look cute cute, a look at the body will know that when grown up is very promising, could it be that you are my next Master ? Well, if it is yours, this Sir is not unacceptable. Let's take a small test for the time being to see if you can use my power to come and say “Equipment my spell” and say “I want to My purity is dedicated to you." ”

    "I …I'm gonna

    "I want to be my…"

    Just when Iris and Yunyun were about to bear the greatest tarnishing of this world, Fang Li finally could not sit down.

    And moreWait “Stop it! There is something to say…! Don't worry about your armor…! Aah …! Awkwardness there…! don’t broken! broken! ”

    Aegis's screams also resounded.

    As a result, today's mansion is still still alive.

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