Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1900 I have been very merciless

    "wū… wū wū …!"

    Fang Li Like the ruthless Judgement words, Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of four all desperately shake their heads.

    If it weren't for mouth stuffed, these guys would certainly not hesitate to ask for mercy.

    However, Fang Li did not give them such an opportunity.

    "do you know? Did I rarely fire in my life? And almost all the guys who got me angry are dead? ”

    Fang Li smiled so much, and in the eyes she did not even smile.

    "Now, you are provoking me. Tell me what I should do about you."

    Fang Li said so loudly that the fruit knife he played was gradually set up, as if throwing it out again, so that the four pit cargoes made a tragedy.

    Fortunately, someone finally stood up to speak for four people.

    "Fang Li-san, please call down and you can't vote anymore, otherwise Aqua-san will really be cooked!"

    Iris embraced Fang Li's hand with a fruit knife and looked mercilessly at Fang Li.

    “Excuse me. Error! Error! I apologized to Fang Li-san for Megumin! Please don't let Megumin be burned! ”

    Yunyun continued to bend over, and finally embraced Fang Li's's other hand, allowing tears to swirl around in the eyelids. The plentiful chest also pressed on Fang Li's arm, bringing a wonderful touch.

    In the end, Chris also made a noise.

    "Well, in the end, it did not cause the most terrible results. You wouldn't be so angrier."

    Chris advises him this way.


    Even if things have developed to the present stage, the worst results have not appeared.

    Although Iris did not have any ambitions, he wouldn’t have to abandon Eris Festival with Aqua and give Aqua Festival.

    Even though Aqua always instilled Iris with how great Aqua was, Eris had no idea how evil, Iris still gave his head.

    "Can't you both do it together?"

    Iris made an extremely naive speech like this.

    But Aqua is a compromise.

    “Forget it, if it were to be abolished directly, Eris would be miserable, and it would be the last screening ceremony, and let Eris Festival be held once again, but the Aqua Festival has to be held together.”

    Aqua said so arrogantly.

    Afterwards, Aqua first met Megumin, Darkness and Kazuma and brought all three people to their camp in the manner previously mentioned.

    After the negotiations between Kazuma and shopping street President, the president of shopping street also agreed that Aqua Festival and Eris Festival should be held together.

    The reason for that is quite simple.

    The relationship between Eris Cult and Axis Cult is not very good.

    Although only Axis Cult showed unilateral hostility, if the celebration was held by two Cults together, it would inevitably create a situation of mutual competition and increase the scale of the celebration.

    By then, the Commercial Street will be able to benefit from the profits and increase the turnover.

    This is the first reason.

    And the second reason is simpler, that is, the financial issues mentioned by Darkness.

    “Eris Festival's funding was mostly donated by Eris Cult. Not enough money was raised by the nobility and commercial streets. But if Axis Cult is also participatory, then Axis Cult will also get funding. By then, Eris Cult and Axis Cult's funds will be sufficient."

    Kazuma convinced the President of shopping street on this ground and even admired the shopping street President he came to hire as a consultant to help organize the celebration.

    As a consultant, Kazuma can also get a very rewarding payment.

    So oneself went from unwilling to becoming a heartfelt participant.

    Kazuma's sympathy with the President of shopping street is a source of this.

    As a result, Aqua Festival and Eris Festival will really be held together.

    "I'm also worried that Axis Cult's people will come up with rituals and it won't cause any terrible problems."Chris smiled and said, "But if it can make the atmosphere of the festival more lively, can this be a good result?"

    It seems that as long as the Eris Festival has not been cancelled, Chris will not particularly oppose the hosting of the Aqua Festival.


    "The festival is a festival. This is the matter."

    Fang Li's faint voice is beyond doubt.

    "Even if the result is good, these guys' actions make me unhappy."

    That being the case, it is not so easy for Fang Li to let go of these guys.

    Aqua Needless to say, absolutely impossible to let go.

    Although Megumin and Kazuma were guilty of being jealous, they eventually chose to help Aqua for their own purposes. There are no reasons for this.

    As for Darkness, because it was threatened by Aqua, Fang Li still wanted to let go of her. Who ever thought that this guy actually said, "Put me too! Let me enjoy…No, let me suffer! ”In this stupid way, Fang Li tied her up.

    Presumably, even Darkness did not think that this time, Fang Li would do so absolutely, directly to the people hanging on the stove to roast, but also gave such torture, now is a very enjoyable but would like to cry The same expression.

    Therefore, these four guys are all sin unforgivable.

    "Aqua has Artifact bodyguards anyway. Megumin's Rank is as high as almost equal to Super Class Adventurer. Darkness's skin is notoriously thick. Even Kazuma has Resurrection Magic waiting on it, only being burned and burned. Will not die yet?"

    Fang Li’s analysis of the Tao’s heads naturally led to an extremely frightening call of the four pit cargoes.

    "I …I think Aqua-san is definitely wrong! You let them go once! ”

    "I …I think so too! You see that Megumin is almost fainted! Fang Li-san! Also ask you to take a look! ”

    Iris and Yunyun immediately fluttered Fang Li while helping the crowd.

    Day(s)The weather is so hot! You don't want to keep the heater on, right? ”Chris also said quickly: "At least turn off the heater? Alright

    Iris and Yunyun suddenly repeated nod.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li only glanced at the four struggles and was afraid to struggle. He feared that if he tried to pull the rope off, he could only endure the heat with a full head sweat, and looked at his pit cargo with pleading eyes. We are.

    "Fang Li-san …"

    "Fang Li-san …"

    Then, at the same time, Iris and Yunyun also appealed to Fang Li.

    Being pleaded by these two youngest girls, Fang Li's ambition also disappeared.


    "The heater will not be turned off. Put out the candle burning the string."

    Fang Li did not let these four guys easily and gave such a verdict directly.

    "As far as the fire is concerned, let it continue to grill and roast until it really faints."

    After hearing this, Iris and Yunyun also refused to continue to plead, and quickly ran to extinguish the candle's fire.

    "You really have no mercy."

    Chris sighed with a sigh of relief.

    Can Fang Li just want to say…

    "I didn't really get rid of them, I was very lenient." ”

    At least, just as Fang Li just said, people who used to provoke him in the past are now almost none of them.

    It is fortunate that these four pit cargoes can survive.

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