Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1870 Devil seeing everything

    AAqua…! ? ”


    Both Megumin and Darkness were caught off guard by this sudden change.

    Vanir also didn't seem to think that Aqua would suddenly launch Magic and be used to retreat Devil's EX orcism Magic. A sacred Magic Array emerged beneath his feet, and his body was burned in the magical rise of the Magic Array. After exhaustion, only one mask remains.

    "Ornate suede!"

    On the occasion of the nick of time, Vanir, whose mask was burned as wreckage, threw it out and fell on the ground not far away.

    Then, the mask's eyes glowed red and the soil below it began to bulge, gradually turning into the shape of the human body and becoming the appearance of Vanir.

    "Fuhahahahaha !"

    Vanir suddenly burst into laughter as he pressed the mask on his face and stared at Aqua with red eyes.

    "So that's how it is ,so that's how it is ,could it be that. From the beginning, our generation has been able to see a glorious glare. Even when we use power, we want to see the village where the funny race is. The irritating glare can't be seen. You can only do Doll to test this kind of trouble. Is this the case?”

    Vanir's body exudes a more intense evil.

    Coupled with that faint tone of disgust and disgust, Fang Li knew that the Arch Devil, who claimed to see everything in the world, had already seen the true identity of Aqua.

    Naturally, Aqua doesn't need to say anything. When he feels the evil of Vanir body, he can't help but hold his nose and look disgusted.

    "Stinky! Really smelly! The Undead Corps is stinkier than those encountered before! This stench is really only the devil Devil will have! Really hateful! Why is there such a dirty thing around this village? ”

    Hearing Aqua's speech that was disgusting and no trace of politeness, Vanir didn't care to smile.

    "Hallowed be thy only be embarrassed to flee back to Demon King City colleague please come to do vanguard just, although in Demon King City to tease Demon King's staff to have fun also is very interesting, can also taste the negative feelings of not bad, but this kind of thing for a long time also willGreasy, just that do not know is a man or a woman's colleagues to please me to do vanguard, hallowed be thy will happily pick up the quest, and look forward to be able to resolve the hallowed be thy of boredom, did not think Ah, really did not expect, did not expect to encounter the notorious axis cult The number one problem Children, Fuhahahaha! ”

    Vanir seemed to smile happily. In fact, the words he spoke were also full of specifics. For Aquahead's forehead, they all had a blue vein.

    Seeing the atmosphere between the Aqua and Vanir filled with an extremely sinister atmosphere, Megumin and Darkness are also looking at each other in blank dismay.

    "The two people seem to be meeting for the first time. How can the relationship be like that?"

    "Well, no matter how you say, Aqua is an Arch Priest, and he is also a believer of Axis Cult who is extremely hostile to Devil and Undead. When he encounters Arch Duke of the Duke level, he is certainly not happy. I am also a believer of Eris Cult. It's not understandable."

    Although the two said so, Fang Li wanted to tell them that things are not so simple.

    The Duke's Devil was Arch Devil, who once competed with the gods for the future of the world.

    Fang Li is not the first time to see this Rank's Devil.

    In the past, Alderp summoned Maxwell, one of the Seven Archdukes of Hell, in an Artifact capable of summoning monsters. At one time, he used Maxwell's power and twist causality to change reality.

    And Vanir is the Head of the Seven Archdukes. With the ability to see through everything in the world, it can see through the past, present and even future of everything. Therefore, it is also known as Devil who is seen as one of the eight leaders of Demon King's Army. And strength is only higher than that of Hans, Silvia and Beldia, and it became even after Lich's Wiz.

    Even, it is rumored that this Arch Devil's power is stronger than Demon King.

    Therefore, there is no doubt that this is a real enemy.

    Only, for Aqua, Vanir only past enemies.

    Of course, for Vanir, Aqua, a Goddess, is also an unabashed favourite.


    "Sacred EX orcism !"

    Aqua's cool use of EX orcism Magic makes the glow of the Holy Attribute such as the breaking space flash in the direction of Vanir.

    Facing the Duke-level Arch Devil, in general, even the excellent EX Pricific Magic of Arch Priest is hardly effective.

    However, Aqua is Goddess of genesis.

    When EX orcism Magic was sent by a former enemy, once it was hit, even the Duke-level Arch Devil was only one.

    In other words …

    "Fuhahahahaha! Although this Rank's EX orcism Magic can't be ignored even by our generation! But it's not that easy to hit ours! ”

    In Vanir's laughter, several Doll jumped up on the open space, blocking before Aqua's EX orcism Magic.


    The sound of the explosion opened loudly, and it provoked a strong shock.


    The Aqua that was shocked by the blast hit him back a few steps.

    "Aqua …!?"

    Megumin tightly grasped the Staff and seemed to be hesitating to use EX Plosion Magic.

    Is everything okay? Aqua! ”

    Darkness immediately came to the front of Aqua and, as if trying to protect her, raised Greatsword and turned to Vanir.

    "I don't want to hurt my companion! Devil Duke of Hell ! ”

    Darkness blew up in English, only Vanir's evil laughter.

    "Do you want to protect that companion other than Devil and Undead? Because the lines of the abdominal muscles become more and more obvious and annoying aristocrat girls! ”

    In a word, let Darkness's majestic expression suddenly collapse.

    "yyyyyy-yo-you this guy is less nonsense! IIIIIII only! The lines of my abdominal muscle have not become more and more obvious! No! I do not have abdominal muscle! No abdominal muscle! ”

    "…Darkness! Don't be excited! Calm down ! Can't rush! Otherwise the Devil absolutely will be against me! You have to protect me here! ”

    Aqua hugged him in a state of shame and prepared for desperate Darkness rushing towards Vanir and shouted like this.

    This time, Megumin took a step forward.

    "You are called Vanir, right?"Megumin asked Vanir: "Doll's friends who are in your village surround us?"

    “Correct.” Our generation is the culprit of everything! ”Vanir gazed at Megumin and said to Megumin with great interest: "You want to let us take back those handsome masked dolls. Don't use scumbags to deal with Crimson Magic Clan right? Because they are less developed than their peers, they worry about whether their teammates who are their idols are ignorant of the poor and weak body of Crimson Magic Clan. ”

    Megumin's face froze, shortly afterwards then both eyes began to sing from EX plosion Magic's spell, so Aqua was shocked and quickly hugged her.

    Can see through the world of Arch Devil, then caught the weaknesses of Megumin and Darkness between the two words, leaving the two lost calm.

    After shortly afterwards , Vanir looked at Fang Li.

    "Hohou …"

    Vanir's in the eyes flashed red.

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