Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1861 can only be self-righteous

    Twenty minutes later, the annihilation battle at the entrance of the Home of the Crimson Magic was over.

    Silvia used Magic Item for Teleportation and fled on his own with dragging blood.

    The rest of the Demon King's Army were basically killed by the Crimson Magic Clan's Arch Wizard. Only some of the other creeps fled into the forest and disappeared.

    Everyone triumphed and returned.

    Only …

    “Excuse me. That was my bad. I am really wrong! So please help me Aaaaaaah! ”

    In the corner of the village, Kazuma embraced Fang Li's thigh and cried with tears.

    "You all heard what the Leader of Demon King's Army is saying! All heard it! ? She said me to remember! What if she goes back to Demon King? ? What will I do if I reveal my appearance to the entire Demon King's Army! ? If I go on like this, I really want to be treated as a top rank reward object! Be chased by Demon King's Army all over the world! I don't want Aaaaah! ”

    The entire Kazuma who imagined his tragic future was grayed out. He could only cling tightly to the thighs of his impersonated subject, as if he had grasped the straw.

“……Is this person really a member of Fang Li-san? ”

“……Always feel humble. ”

“……Is this probably the only harlequin that appears on books? ”

“……Kazuma-san. ”

    Dodonko, Funifura, Arue and Yunyun are also on the scene. They look at Kazuma who apologize without hesitation. The expression is complex and subtle.

    Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness seem to expect Kazuma to be like this, the expression of disapproval.

    "Why, there is no way. With Kazuma's strength, if it has become a reward for the highest rank, then absolutely will become the fat sheep for all Demon King's Army in the eyes."

    Megumin has no pity and only gives an objective evaluation.

    "Demon King's Army chased around the world…Demon King's Army chased around the world…wú wú wú …why it's not me…"

    Darkness regrettably bites her finger, which is not worthy of flattery.

    Aqua is simply falling into the hole.

    "I said, Kazuma, are you idiot? Is definitely an idiot? ”Aqua held his arm and said contemptuously: "Who told you to slap in the face? What are you calling yourself? ”

    Kazuma angered when he heard this.

    "Aaaah who you thought was the one who killed it! Useless Goddess! If not you push me out! How could I fall to this point Aaaaaah! ”


    Kazuma slammed into the heart, directly gripping Aqua's neck and letting Aqua scream.

    Watching the rhythm of the scene gradually recover to the past, Fang Li also turned a blind eye.

    "Don't say I didn't make a move. I also gave the leader, Silvia, a knife."Fang Li grinned and said: "If it is a normal guy, the body is cut in half, as long as it is not Aqua's Recovery Magic, then it will never be saved, but that guy is like Chimera, the body lost as long as the synthesis come back then It will be alright, so it is estimated that you haven’t died. You can only do it for yourself.”

    Fang Li It's a good thing, right?

    However, Fang Li did not realize how amazing what she said.

    I.Will the Leader of Demon King's Army be cut in half with one knife? ”


    Dodonko and Funifura looked at Fang Li's eyes and began to flash stars.

    Yunyun and Arue are also a glance at Fang Li from time to time.

    It was Darkness, recalling the just-war situation.

    "Fang Li naturally goes without saying, but the power of Crimson Magic Clan surprised me."Darkness admires: "If Crimson Magic Clan's one by one has that level of strength, it would be fine to attack Demon King City."

    After all, if only dozens of people are sent, Crimson Magic Clan will be able to kill a group of Demon King's Army without leaving it. If hundreds of people move together, it is world-shaking.

    In this regard, the young girls who are Crimson Magic Clan are also very useful.

    Until Fang Li splashed cold water.

    "It's so easy."

    Fang Li said so.

    It is undeniable that the Crimson Magic Clan's Arch Wizards one by one are all extremely powerful.

    Even if Rank is low, children who have just graduated from school have learned Advanced Magic.

    Hundreds of these people, if they attack Demon King City together, it's really possible that they will attack directly and come to Demon King.

    However, this is only a simple calculation of combat power.

    In fact, Crimson Magic Clan really wanted to make it to Demon King City. It was difficult.

    There are two main reasons.

    One of the people who is Crimson Magic Clan is very strong, but all of them are Magician.

    Since both are Magician, it shows that Magic's aspects can reach the point where Demon King is scared, but there is no place other than Magic.

    If such a person of Crimson Magic Clan runs into an enemy that is very high against Magic Resistance or simply completely immune to Magic, such as the presence of Hans, then it will be suppressed to death, eventually either fleeing or hundreds of people together. Oblivion.

    Therefore, although the people of Crimson Magic Clan are very strong, the partial division is extremely serious, and it is not enough to capture Demon King City by one race alone.

    The second more direct reason.

    That is, there is a barrier located around Demon King City.

    The barrier is maintained by the Leader of Demon King's Army, which has a total of eight people. It is unbreakable.

    If you want to break it, I'm afraid that Aqua can't do it.

    Unless all the Leader of Demon King's Army is destroyed, the Demon King City's barrier will be unlocked and the road leading to Demon King will be opened.

    This is also why the nations of the world can only endure the harassment of Demon King's Army, but there is no reason to color the Demon King's Army.

    Of course, even if the Leader of Demon King's Army is not completely eliminated, once the leader of Demon King's Army is eliminated, the Demon King City's barrier will be weakened accordingly.

    If the leader of Demon King's Army can be eliminated to only two or three people, then by virtue of Aqua's power there are ways to lift the Demon King City's barrier, right?

    In view of this, to defeat Demon King, it is absolutely necessary to eliminate the Leader of Demon King's Army.

    Now, there are six remaining Leader of Demon King's Army.

    With Crimson Magic Clan's power, it is estimated that it is impossible to open Demon King City's barrier?

    Therefore, Crimson Magic Clan can't handle Demon King's Army.

    "Not like this, with the love of limelight's personality in this race, Demon King City has long been harassed and left with only ruins."

    Fang Li's sharp evaluation, so that the girls one after another beat their eyes.

    GoodTa-da! Let's not say this! ”

    Megumin quickly changed the subject.

    "Is everyone tired today? Not as good as we go to mixed bath! ”

    As soon as this remark came out, I was completely quiet around.

    """mixed bath !?"""

    Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness both called out.

    Only Yunyun, Arue, Dodonko and Funifura act like nod.

    largeLet's go to the mixed bath! ? ”

    "Don't be excited! I know you rarely have the opportunity to go to the mixed bath with everyone! But your eyes are starting to turn red! ? Yunyun! ”

    "I …For the first time, I went to a mixed bath with a man…"

    "I …I've only been with Little Brother…"

    Yunyun, Arue, Dodonko, and Funifura all expressed such excitement or fear, or tension, or anxiety.

    In the end, Kazuma stood up like a full of life and resurrected. It seemed like he had forgotten everything and his face was red.

    Nice! Set off now! ”

    In doing so, the decision was made.

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