Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1832 if there is a chance in the future

    Fang Li and Chris sat down in the corner of Adventurer Guild.

    Chris then went straight to the topic.

    "You know Artifact?"

    The words appearing in Chris's mouth let Fang Li narrow his eyes.

    Fang Li naturally impossible does not know what Artifact is.

    "That is the power that Herodess has given to Hero Candidates who were summoned from Another World and have all kinds of powerful weapons."Fang Li said to Chris: "And then? What do you want to say about Artifact? ”

    “Correct.”Chris nodded said: "I want to find out and seal the Artifact that is out there."

    This discourse of Chris silences Fang Li.

    Why does Chris say this? Fang Li can understand it.

    In general, Aqua gives cheat from modern Hero Candidates either a special Ability or a powerful weapon.

    In the case of Special Ability, once the user dies, it may be possible for the offspring to learn from the inheritance of blood, or it may be directly lost and no longer appear in this world.

    The biggest weapon, the Artifact, is that once the original owner is dead, it will be in this world.

    What Chris wants to look for is this part of Artifact.

    "Artifact is only to be given hero candidate can use powerful weapon, although others are not unusable, but some can not play the full power, and some need to meet some conditions to use, even worse also Some would become a terrible thing to pay for some kind of price, and it would be too dangerous to let them out. ”

    What Chris wants to say, Fang Li is not too't understand.

    Just as in the past, Alderp handed Artifact who could exchange the body to Iris in an attempt to exchange identities with the prince and get the country. If that was successful, he would be the master of this country by Alderp. That country is basically finished.

    Originally, this Artifact is only a Hero Candidate that can be used without any condition, and will be used by someone other than the person who was given it. The time limit will occur, and it will be automatically released once it exceeds the time limit.

    An Artifact, which can be even so, also has a way to gain the right to use the body forever by killing people who have exchanged bodies with oneself.

    As a result, Artifact is out and it is naturally a terrible thing.

    Only …

    "even so, you have no reason to collect Artifact specifically?"

    Fang Li said something suspiciously.

    "If you are a Royal Family, or if you are in a high country or country, and you are worried that these Artifacts will harm your country and you want to find seals, that's excusable, but Chris seems like only an ordinary person. Adventurer, will it be too terrible?"

    Even if someone is told on the side of the road, there are bombs in the world. If one accidentally kills someone, then the person will only be scared and afraid. Impossible will give birth to himself to find out the bomb and eliminate these dangerous ones. Do you think?

    If it is the ruler of this world, it must also take measures against this.

    Can it be an ordinary citizen? Is it necessary to do this?

    "Well…"Chris immediately crossed his eyes and scratched the scar on his face, unintentionally lowering many voices. He said, "Although it is not something I should worry about, but I am actually a believer of Eris Cult. ”

    This is nothing worth fussing about.

    Eris Cult was originally a mainstream belief in this world. It is also a state religion in this country. Many people are believers in Eris Cult. Even many nobles are believer.

    Among other things, Darkness is a believer of Eris Cult.

    That being the case, Chris who is a friend of Darkness will be a believer of Eris Cult, which is not surprising at all.

    "It is said that Goddess who gave Heroes Artifact is Senpai of Goddess Eris, control Goddess of Water, that Aqua-sama."

    Chris's expression also seemed a little complicated when he was here, sighing out loud.

    “In this case, as a younger generation of Goddess Aqua, Goddess Eris will also want to help her retrieve the Artifact that is escaping from the land and prevent it from being used by evil people or harming the world.”

    In other words , Chris wants to say so?

    Because Eris would be able to help Aqua clean up the mess, so as a believer of Eris, should he also make a contribution?

    Thinking about this, Fang Li also looked at Chris's eyes with some changes.

    Hmmm…Chris frowned, and said something weird: "I…I said, can you not look at me with this kind of look like a poor child? ”

    Can you not see this?

    If this is the case, it is simply a delusional disorder.

    However, Fang Li does not think that Chris is a delusional disorder patient.

    In other words, Chris is hiding something and isn't going to say it?

    Eh…Fang Li also admired and said: "If you want to convince me, if you don't want to say a real reason, then at least make up a decent point that will not be so easily suspected and see flaws?"

“……It's very difficult to make a lie about something and let me do it. ”Chris can only smile and smile at Fang Li.

    It wasn't like a tomboy-like smile that was full of heartyness before, but it was a kind of imaginary and beautiful smile.

    "I think if it's you, it doesn't matter if I say the reason why I want to do it?"Chris blinked and somewhat mischievously smiled: "If I have a chance in the future, maybe I can confess to you."

    For the first time, such trust and closeness can already be considered extraordinary.

    Presumably, Chris should have also followed Fang Li for a short period of time. He believes that his character has no problem and can be trusted before he can make this performance.

    However, Fang Li did not directly agree.

    "Even if you say that you want to collect Artifact, it's just a big goal and it's certainly not something that can be easily accomplished."

    Fang Li picked up his arm and thought about after a while, giving such an answer.

    "Look at your appearance. There should be intelligence collecting Artifacts from the outside world. You will continue to do your business. In my words, when you need me to help, I will consider whether or not to promise you."

    Hear this, Chris also thought about it, then nodded readily.

    "Then look forward to your answer."

    "I hope it will not disappoint you."

    The two just lifted the wine glasses that had just been brought up. They touched each other and drank.

    Looking at Chris to call the bold action to drink wine, so that cheeks are flushed with the appearance, and then remembered just that kind of illusory beautiful smile, Fang Li in the heart silently muttered up.

    "This is also an incredible gimmick Ah…

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