Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1803 Battlefield of All Parties

    Perhaps, of all the people present, only Fang Li can understand what Emilia is thinking.

    Emilia would like to go to the location of "Wrath", except because "Wrath" wanted to target Fang Li, but also because she claimed to be Petelgeuse's wife?

    For a friend who has taken great care of his mother in the past, equivalent to half the father's presence, Emilia has always been saddened by the Petelgeuse experience.

    Now that Character, who claims to be Petelgeuse's wife, has appeared, Emilia certainly has a lot to say to her.

    "So, please let me also go to "Wrath"."

    Emilia casts a pleading look to Fang Li.

    "It doesn't matter. Although Pack is gone, I can fight."

    This is not Emilia's reluctance.

    This year, not only has Fang Li been challenging the soul's sea, Sylvia has been reinventing Holy Gown. Emilia has also been working hard to improve itself.

    You know, Emilia has a magic power that is unparalleled. When he was young, Magic Power's rampage alone sealed the entire Elior Great Forest for a hundred years.

    This amazing Innate Skill, because of the relationship between lose memory, Emilia has not been able to play out, only relying on the contract with Pack, Magic Power are provided to the use of Pack, but they only use Magic Power from the atmosphere to display Spirit Magic only.

    According to Emilia, in the Elven Tribe, she was also a learner of a lot of combat techniques, but unfortunately those have disappeared with the loss memory.

    Today, the memories of childhood return to Emilia's life, so that Emilia finally recalls the unique Innate Skill and technique that he once had.

    Therefore, in this year, Emilia has also been hone their own.

    Now Emilia's words, not only can continue to use the past methods of fighting, use Spirit Magic to operate the atmospheric Magic Power, and even use Magic Magic of its own to display Magic and have a full range of combat adaptability.

    In terms of the game's terminology, Emilia is now able to restore health, assist, investigate, logistics, supplement magic, fight, export, control, and even full-screen AOE attacks, whether it be Sword Technique, Taijutsu, Spell or Spirit Magic can all be used with ease.

    In other words, even if the strength is far from Sylvia, Emilia is impressively above Sylvia in terms of Ability's versatility.

    In the case of Emilia, who displayed such a unique Innate Skill, Beatrice even gave such an evaluation.

    "Wait until Emilia completely manipulated with the body's Magic Power, maybe even Betty and Roswaal could not match her. It was amazing."

    Emilia's Innate Skill is so high that Beatrice has always been so admired.

    So, even after the Innate Skill has not yet been completely developed, Emilia's fighting power is far better than it was before.

    Although there is no Pack around, but if it is the current Emilia, perhaps it is stronger than the previous Pack Assistant?

    "Let me go."

    Emilia asked this seriously.

    The rest of them saw Emilia's dedication and he was not good at all.

    Fang Li slumped for a while and looked at Sylvia.

    When she noticed Fang Li's sight, Sylvia smiled.

    "Let Lia go with me."

    Sylvia is still very confident with Emilia's fighting power, not to mention she is also on the court. If there is anything she can do, she can handle it.

    "Rem will do his best to protect Emilia-sama."

    Rem also seems to see the hesitation in Fang Li's mind, and asserts.

    At the moment, Fang Li said nothing more.

    "Yeah, that's where the "Wrath" tower is controlled by Sylvia, Emilia and Rem."

    Fang Li sounded like this.

    "The next tower is the tower where "Gluttony" is…"

    Hearing this, the rest have not yet had time to speak, a small sigh rang.

    "That "Gluttony" goes to Betty."

    Takerice, who leaned over Fang’s clothes, made such an extremely abrupt suggestion.

    Make everyone's brows wrinkle again.

“……What is it like now? ”Garfiel said with great dissatisfaction and incomprehension: "Does all people who need to be protected want to make it happen? Is that more stupid than "rusty fangs?" ”

    I know."

    Emilia is the Royal Selection Candidate that needs the most protection. The result is active on the battlefield.

    Beatrice is the target of Gluttony, but it also plans to take the initiative to challenge.

    But think about it, Beatrice's approach is nothing wrong.

    “I'm not shamelessly eyeing Betty, but I'm still ridiculing like that. Do you think Betty will choose to be silent?”

    Beatrice spoke very coldly.

    "Although Betty was eager to fight with Fang Li, but since inferior creatures provoked, Betty also wanted to see if he could eat me."

    That said, Beatrice's around the body is also buzzing with the deafening Magic Power fluctuations.

    Feel the amazing Magic Power fluctuations and think of talents.

    The Spirit girl in front of me is not as weak as it looks, and needs to be protected.

    That is the Yin Attribute peak manifestation, which is comparable to the Great Spirit of the Control Four Great Attributes Spirit.

    "Betty will shut up to that shouted shamelessly Sin Archbishop."Beatrice gazed at Fang Li and said: "I'm sorry, Fang Li. Let Betty be just once."

    Hearing this, Fang Li knew that Beatrice was really excited about the request of “Gluttony”.

    Therefore, Fang Li silently nodded and turned to the rest.

    "The City Hall where "Lust" is…"

    If the words are not finished, one person raises his hand.

    "Let me work out the old bones."

    Wilhelm spoke in such a loud voice.

    "I am also interested in the two swordsmen who followed "Lust."

    Although there are not many words, the will of the people is fully revealed.

    I believe that no one will stand up to this understanding of the will.


    "The opponent is three powerful enemies including "Lust" and there is no reason to go alone."

    It was a powerful voice that was enough to overwhelm Wilhelm's enthusiasm.

    Reinhard lifted his eyes and smiled.

    "Not to mention also being hostage in City Hall. Compared to the simple strategy, we also need to rescue the hostage. The difficulty is definitely unusual. Let me follow it."

    If the world’s strongest combat power is such a demonstration, then no one can find a disproved discourse and no reason for distrust can be found.

    Even Wilhelm's eyes were glittering. Shortly afterwards chose silence.

    "How about this."Anastasia puts it this way: "Given the fact that the hostages have to be rescued, the City Hall is still better equipped to send more people. Julius will be together."

    -The pleasure was all mine.Julius is immediately nodded.

    "That this Sir will also go together."Garfiel grinned and stepped forward and said, "If you want to rescue the hostage, go and rescue it. This Sir is responsible for dealing with the enemy."

    In other words, City Hall is represented by four camps: the Emilia camp, the Crusch camp, the Anastasia camp and the Felt camp.

    Considering that there are three enemies, three of them deal with one, and the remaining one can rescue the hostages.

    Although, if it was Reinhard, it was more than enough to fight the next three in one breath.

    As for the rest…

    “Ferri-chan will stay with Cruss-sama and people will not have fighting power.”

    Ferris doesn't care about the spread out the hands.

    "Although I can't forgive the murderers, I also care about the status of the shelter. I'll be responsible for guiding the evacuees."

    Crusch indulged for a moment and made such a decision.

    "If the Fang of Iron's children have any new information, they will be concentrated here.

    Anastasia smiled.

“……I also stay here, and I can't help you anyway. ”

    Felt said something unpleasant and said that he would have passed away.

    In this way, all actions are decided.

    No, there is still one person left.

    But everyone understands what action this person will take.

    After all, the Murderous Aura just wasn't clear enough.

    "It is so decided."

    Fang Li took everyone's eyes lightly uttered.

    "As for "Greed," then to me."

    This is a matter decided from the very beginning.

    At the same time, no one would like to go with Fang Li.

    Not for anything else, just for the terrible imposing manner of Fang Li.

    That is not an imposing manner that allows others to intervene.

    In the face of such an imposing manner, even Reinhard could not make any refutations or proposals.

    Of course, everyone also understands.

    I'm afraid that the battlefield where Fang Li and Regulus are will be the fiercest battlefield.

    One side is the existence of even the most powerful Sword Saint in the world.

    One of the heresy groups such as Witch Cult is one of the strongest fighters.

    The contradiction between both sides has long been irreconcilable.

    In the end, what exactly is Fang Li? Or is the evil of Regulus even more threatening?

    In the hearts of everyone, only such a suspense remains.

    One hand is also gently holding the fingertips of Fang Li's.

    Fang Li looked back and looked at the past.

    I saw that Sylvia looked at himself quietly. Purple eyes seemed to have a thousand words, but in reality they were able to compress into one sentence.

    Be careful.

    After all, the rest of the Sin Archbishop also has no problem, except that “Greed” is out of the norm. Even if it was Seven Witches, which was about four hundred years ago, it wasn’t the same as “Envy”. Can't even reach this Sin Archbishop yet.

    However, Fang Li only nodded, back one sentence.

    "Do not worry."

    The Raiders started from this moment and announced the launch.

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