Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1793 was cracked Authority

    At this moment, Sylvia with Jeanne sharing a body received it accurately.

    Received what Jeanne's Revelation looked at.

    Only, that is not the truth of Regulus's authority.

    That's just a guideline.

    A guide for Sylvia to crack the current cockroach.

    So, Sylvia is like a blessing to the soul, and the singing in the mouth has changed.

    “—————— Drive_the_end_of_the_flood, correct_the_beautiful_past, let_the_white_dream_fly_up_the_cloud (the torrent that stops the drive, corrects the beautiful past, and lets the white dream fly over the wind)———”

    It was a very jerky song.

    Just like the very word ballad that was created just now, there is a sense of the first appearance of the song, which proves that it is not a song that Sylvia would have sung, but a song created immediately in such a situation.

    However, even if this song is extremely jerky, under the beautiful sing of Sylvia, there is still a kind of dream-like sense of beauty.

    "———— the_vibration_of_the_wings_is_my_hope,waving_my_hands_is_my_wish,will_not_be_willing_to_think_back_of_the _past_forgotten,the_present_yearning (Vibration of the wings is my hope, waving hands is my desire, this is not willing to recall the past forgotten, sustenance now yearning) ———— "

    Sylvia sings the song just created so that the around the body produces the extremely rich Mana.

    Prana's glory blooms in Sylvia's body.

    Mana's stupidity makes his figure become dreamlike.

    In addition, Sylvia's dancing figure, the toes that jumped, and the gorgeous purple hair that swayed were just like Goddess who had just descended from heaven, and dazzled people.

    "Aah …"

    Regulus made a moving voice.


    The man who has always used to chatter and talk about reason is actually the only one who speaks a brief word.

    Obviously, Regulus was also taken away by Sylvia's beautiful posture.

    "Such a beautiful thing, indeed, is my Destiny's wife, although a little bit playful, but this naïve is also a kind of beauty, even if let me a little bit unpleasant, now also completely vanished, see this beauty can not forgive people in this world is not exist, yes, is not exist, and to" beautiful " To appreciate and be attracted are human instinct, I was only a human, but the thought of this "beautiful" is my own things, I can not help but be grateful for their fate, on the naïve to me too good. ”

    With this kind of moving declaration, Regulus seems to have been completely captured by Sylvia, and he seems to be fascinated by the past.

    This Regulus did not notice at all.

    Songs in the mouth of Sylvia have gradually turned into waves, scattered around every corner.

    In this moment, the atmosphere of Regulus around the body changed.

    Like a gear that hasn't turned for a long time suddenly starts to operate.



    In the sword edge's groaning, Folkvangr's sword traversed one of the most beautiful and mysterious trajectories to date and landed on Regulus' cheek.

    "pū chī …"

    With a faint tear, some blood beads spilled into the air.

    The tingling sensation awakened Regulus.


    Regulus is sluggish.

    Only this time not because of being attracted by Sylvia's dazzling and beautiful appearance, but because of the tingling sensation on the cheeks.

    Stupidly touched his cheek.

    The fingers touched the wet, liquid feeling.

    With that tingling feeling, Regulus was stupid again, and it should be understood this time.

    His cheeks were scratched.

    he got hurt.

    How could I …

    Unbelievable words, not yet enough to finish from his mouth, reality is like denying his fluke, let the second attack quietly.

    "pū chī —!"

    When the light blade formed by Mana again crossed the body of Regulus, this time it was no longer the extremely crisp metal collision sound, but the sound of cracking of the flesh.

    Sword edge cut the clothing in front of Regulus, scratched the skin of Regulus and left a small, though obvious, wound on it.


    When blood came out, the pain also struck Regulus's mind, causing Regulus to yell.

    At this time, Regulus responded.

    Your own authority was cracked.

    Although incomplete, Diva's dancing really did break his own authority and left his own body injures.

    After understanding this point, Regulus's eyes widened.

    What emerged from the eyes was no longer like a little devil, but a mad anger.

    "You're… damn's nephew…!?"

    The fury caused Regulus to finally lose his sanity.

    "BOOM —!"

    In the next second, Regulus landed on the foot of the ground and rolled up a gigantic sand curtain to make the sand gravel like a sandstorm and flew away.

    That is a real disaster.

    That is a true tragedy.

    In sandstorms, each gravel is a bullet that can run through all things, and everything in the storm is destroyed.

    As a result, the earth collapsed.

    As a result, the waterway burst.

    As a result, space collapsed.

    As a result, the world is vacant.

    In one of Water Gate City's corners, the entire area was smashed by the invisible Giant's fist, which burst and exploded.

    The scope, to say less, has to be several kilometers in diameter.

    If this is not a disaster, what is a disaster?

    Because, among them, at least tens of thousands of people did not have time to flee.

    If this is not a tragedy, what is the tragedy?

    At this moment, the corpse of the sacrificial victim may not be able to save even a trace of it. All of them have been exhausted.

    Regulus’s anger made it completely disregard and exerted its greatest destructive power.

    Desperation is the only fate under this insurmountable and unstoppable destruction.



    On the periphery of the collapsed area, space suddenly twisted dramatically, allowing a large number of people to emerge from it and fall to the ground.


    The people, one by one, all laid aside all over the place, watching the catastrophe in their eyes, and made a cry of fear.

    And at the very front of these people, naturally Sylvia.

    In the first few moments, Sylvia recklessly squandered a large number of Prana, and she took away the people within a few kilometers in diameter with space shift to escape the tragedy.

    Only …


    Rapid breathing, let Sylvia on the spot knelt on one knee.

    That's the result of the massive loss of Prana.

    Whether it is used to deal with Regulus's new song or the large-scale use of space shift, it has caused great consumption of Sylvia.

    "Sylvie !"

    At this time, Jeanne gave a hurry.


    Sylvia was also in a tight mind and quickly lifted his head.

    "I actually hurt me?"

    I saw that Regulus was embarrassed and jumped out of the collapsed area, watching Sylvia with a furious gaze.

    "You actually hurt! Actually wounded me! ? Actually wounded me! ? ”

    Regulus growled in anger.

    "As a married wife! Actually wounded her husband! ? Do you think this is reasonable? ? Is it reasonable? ? Who is giving you such privilege in the end! ? Not obedient is already a sin! You even hurt your own husband! Even the damn's nephew who doesn't guard her! Let me tear your beautiful face! ”

    After that, Regulus rolled up a sandstorm and threw himself into Sylvia under fury.

    The sandstorm turned into a destructive storm, like tornado, slammed toward the dizzy pupil Diva.

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