Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1764 Capricorn and Fang of Iron

    Main residence, front door.

    Here, there is a Mercenary Group on standby.

    The number of Mercenary Group is about thirty people, some are Demi Human, some are human, but the number of Beastman seems overwhelming.

    And around these people, there was a large grey dog ​​parked.

    It is a large dog that is comparable to a tiger and has no physical difference.

    The name of the large dog is Liger, and in Kararagi it is the same as the Dragon Dragon of the Dragon Kingdom Lugnica. It is widely known as a mount, and it is difficult to reproduce in countries other than Kararagi, so it is rare.

    Compared with Earth Dragon, Liger's strength is much smaller, but if it is more sensitive, it is above Earth Dragon.

    Now, the team that stopped in front of the gate is obviously using Liger as its mount and waiting here.

    So when Fang Li entire group came out from the front door, he just greeted the team.

    "Captain !"

    Everyone immediately gave a loud greet.


    Ricardo immediately raised his hand and responded.

    That being the case, what is the immediate team, it does not need more explanation.

    Except for Fang of Iron, he didn't want to.

    "how is everything?"

    Ricardo said something like this with pride.

    "They are all good and valiant?"

    This can be felt from the lingering atmosphere of the Mercenary body.

    Although Fang of Iron is merely the Mercenary Group, its strength as Anastasia's main battle for the throne is not to be underestimated.

    At least, in the case of equal numbers, compare the Fang of Iron with the Kingdom Knight Regiment. The former is no different.

    With the equal number as a condition, in Dragon Kingdom Lugnica, the only estimate that can surpass the Fang of Iron is the Guardian Knight Regiment that has gathered the elites of the major families and fights for the Royal Family.

    So one by one Mercenary that appears here is all elite of the elite.

    "Of course, not all of them are here. To send an entire Mercenary Group for an invitation to the districts, then we think that you will also doubt whether we want to go to war. So, in order to avoid suspicions, I took these 30 people this time. ”

    Ricardo stood in front of the Mercenary of the Fang of Iron, taking advantage of his height and looking down at Fang Li, asking his own request.

    "I heard that your Knight Regiment of Nii-chan also seems to be thirty people? Do not call out to know each other? ”

    There is no doubt that this is a provocation.

    No, it's wrong. If it's provocative, it's better to say that it's a comparison.

    Each of them is a corps under the crown of the candidate, but in any case have to be in various comparisons.

    Ricardo also wants to see it?

    Look at the Knight Regiment that will become your enemy in the future. How many catties and how many taels there are.

    This seemingly five big three-Beast Uncle Beastman actually had such a plan.

    No, this is not a calculation, but as a direct impression of martial arts, right?

    And the one-one-one-of-one-of-iron member actually had already had the inspiration. One by one emitted solemn killing aura, and he stared at Fang Li's body tightly, making the air heavy.

    After one of Emilia, Rem, and Beatrice's expressions one after another became serious and seemed to understand Ricardo's ideas.

    "How come suddenly the smell of gunpowder is so heavy? This will not be ready to open? ”

    Conversely Natsuki Subaru, did not understand why the situation became such a look of horror.

    In the performance of everyone, Fang Li raised his eyes slightly and looked at the Fang of Iron Mercenary Group that had solenmn killing aura.

    The next second, Fang Li lightly smiles.

    "Yeah, those guys are tired of training in the deep forests all day long, and they pull it out to the sun."

    So, Fang Li glanced at the Beatrice of the side.

    Beatrice immediately felt nodded and raised one hand.


    In behind Fang Li, space is suddenly twisted.

    "Hey —!"

    With a mirage-like shake, a Knight Regiment appeared in behind Fang Li.

    "Hey —!"

    The weapon in the sheath was heavily pound on the ground.

    "H ū — !"

    A robe hunted in the wind.

    The Knight Regiment formed by human and Demi Human's hybrids, which numbered around 30, appeared suddenly here, with Fang Li as the center and neat and tidy as two teams.

    "Oooooooooooooooh —!"

    The shouting sound that struck the air suddenly broke out in the mouth of everyone in the Knight Regiment.


    Natsuki Subaru was so scared that he was about to burst, and screamed directly.


    Headed by Ricardo, the people of the entire Fang of Iron Mercenary Group are also suddenly changing complexion.

    The cry of the Knight Regiment, which appeared suddenly, was like an invisible pressure, instantly breaking the chilling atmosphere of the Fang of Iron and turning it into the imposing manner of topple the mountains and overturn the seas.

    Obviously there are only thirty people. The result is a huge aura that is just like thirty thousand people. It is shocking.

    "This is really…"

    Ricardo's dog face looked dignified.

    Ricardo is naturally able to perceive himself as an expert in battle.

    The members of the Knight Regiment in front of them have almost every strength.

    This is a matter of course.

    These residents from "Sanctuary" originally flowed with the bloodline of Demi Human, which has more advantages than pure human, and even inferior to pure blood Demi Human.

    Although there are only 30 people, but the 30 people are also selected from the "Sanctuary" elite, even if not on Garfiel, it will not be much worse than the Knight Knight Regiment's Knight.

    And such a group of elites, in this year, has gone through hard work.

    Fang Li hone their close combat.

    Beatrice hone their magic power.

    In addition, since the beginning of this year, there have been quite a few actual combat operations under the command of Fang Li's. Everyone in the Knight Regiment seems to have had a fruitful result and has had a good fight.

    At least, Fang Li is confident that with these 30 people's Knight Regiment, they can defeat the three hundred people of the Kingdom Knight Regiment, and even compete with the Guardian Knight Regiment of the same and the others.

    This is not an exaggeration.

    After all, Garfiel alone can overpower the Guardian Knight Regiment's second hand, which claims Valuable Knight's Julius, and even overrides Captain, who was once the Guardian Knight Regiment. It was called Sword Demon and defeated his predecessor, Sword Saint. Wilhelm.

    And these hybrids with Garfiel same root with different branches, although not like Garfiel's breaking the rules, let Roswaal pay attention to them, after careful selection and hard work, these people who made up the Knight Regiment will do nothing more. Will not be able to attend any Knight of the Guardian Knight Regiment.

    Without this level of Ability, that is not enough to be considered as the main force of the Emilia camp.

    Therefore, although the members of the Fang of Iron Mercenary Group are all elite, they are still inferior to the others in the elite Li Fang’s Fang Li’s Knight Regiment.

    Fang Li led the Knight Regiment and smiled at Ricardo.

    "You can call them Capricorn."


    This is what Fang Li took for his own Knight Regiment.

    If, say, Scorpius only pure back organization, then Capricorn is a real fighting group.

    Including battle groups within Fang Li and Garfiel.

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