Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1760 unexpected visitors (seek monthly ticket)

    Main residence, reception room.

    With Rem's service, Fang Li, wearing a Guardian Knight Regiment's Knight suit, took Beatrice and came here.

    Rem opened the front door and let the scene inside the parlor enter Fang Li's eyes.

    I saw that Emilia was already sitting in the meeting room and was entertaining the guests.

    Only, when Fang Li saw the guest sitting opposite Emilia, even if he could not help but exposed his surprised expression.

    Because that's completely beyond Fang Li's expectations.

    "Oh, long time no see, my fellow countryman!"

    The person who said such a sentence, precisely the first encountered in the past when he came to the world.

    Wearing sportswear that is incompatible with this world and is extremely out of date.

    The body is robust, but the action gives people a very low vigilance and no sense of self-consciousness.

    A pair of triangular eyes looks like somewhat vicious but can only scare children.

    Amazingly, it is Natsuki Subaru.

    "It's you?"

    Fang Li really exposed a surprised expression.

    "hum hum ~~"

    Seeing such a Fang Li, Natsuki Subaru looked like he had been waiting for this for a long time. He looked up and looked very proud.

    "Yes, that's right! That’s it! What I want to see is your expression! ”

    Natsuki Subaru speaks to Emilia in front of him.

    "Miss Half Elf here is also surprised? Didn't think that the door-to-door messenger actually was me? But this is the effect I want! Hahahaha! ”

    Natsuki Subaru is like a small man intoxicated by success and laughing.

    In exchange for Emilia's incredible expression.

    ThatEmilia said some confusedly: "Where have we met? I know you? ”

    Natsuki Subaru's proud laughter came to an abrupt end.

    The complacent smile on his face also became somewhat reluctant.

    "This…"Should this be a joke? ”Natsuki Subaru said to Emilia with a strong smile: "It's like being acquainted with each other?"

    acquintance?Emilia's expression seemed more and more confused, even with some cautious replied: "That, we are familiar with it?"

    In a word, it directly pierced the heart of Natsuki Subaru.

    "Haha …Hahahaha…"

    Natsuki Subaru's laughter began to empty.

    "Is it such a development? In the silver-haired bishoujo heart did not even leave a little impression? Could it be that At that time my sense of existence was so low? ”

    I still remember that Natsuki Subaru met Emilia for the first time at Royal Capital more than a year ago in the Stolen Goods Warehouse.

    Of course, it was Natsuki Subaru who was killed by Elsa and returned by Death.

    At that time, in order to ask Witch Cult's intelligence from Elsa's mouth, Fang Li will boldly look for the Natsuki Subaru who came to the door and throw it in the corner. Even Emilia who came with the Pack was bound by Fang Li.

    Afterwards, Fang Li resolutely resolved Elsa and was invited by Emilia outside the Stolen Goods Warehouse to Roswaal Mansion.

    As for Natsuki Subaru, it was taken away by Reinhard.

    In other words, the intersection of Natsuki Subaru and Emilia was tied together in the Stolen Goods Warehouse.

    Even words, have not said more than 10 sentences.

    "I feel so low!"

    Natsuki Subaru went straight down.

    However, the next second, Natsuki Subaru's head was directly grasped by a large furry hand and raised.

    "Hey hey hey! Give me cheer up! You are the messenger! What kind of kneeling on the ground! ”

    This is a sound that is loud enough to create a sense of vibration in the air.

    The Master of the sound is a wolf like a dog's head, all over the body covered in copper-colored bodies hair, even the skin is copper color, height of nearly two meters of Beastman.

    Beastman's figure is also quite strong, behind also a big knife, a mouthful of fangs in the sparkling, a glance can be seen is very pure blood demi Human species, and mixed blood completely different.

    Such a Beastman would stand behind Natsuki Subaru, relying on the huge palm of the hand, wrapped the whole head of Natsuki Subaru and put it up, causing Natsuki Subaru to scream.

    "Head It hurts! Neck It hurts! Ears also it hurts! dying! dying! ”

    Under the screams of Natsuki Subaru, Beastman's uncle's heroic laughed out loud.

    "Where is this degree dead? It is not stone! Do not pinch it and burst it! ”

    "Have you considered the fact that my head is softer than stone before I say this?! Saying you can really pinch the stone! ? I heard my skull cracking! ”

    "It's okay to have mind/energetic, so it's okay!"

    "Aaaah! dying! dying! ”

    Regardless of the screams of Natsuki Subaru, Uncle Beastman greeted Fang Li.

    "You are Emilia-sama's Knight, right? Really famous name! ”

    So, Uncle Beastman introduced himself.

    "I'm Captain of Fang of Iron, Ricardo Welkin."

    ———— "Fang of Iron".

    That is the name of the private Mercenary Group of Anastasia.

    "so that's how it is …"

    Fang Li suddenly understood.

    “Is the Royal Selection Candidate that Rem just mentioned Anastasia?”

    After all, Captain of the other private Mercenary Group came here.

    Just that…

    "I only came as a bodyguard!"

    Ricardo pushes things out very simply.

    "It was this guy who sent the message as an envoy. This guy! ”

    Saying that Ricardo pushed Natsuki Subaru out, let Natsuki Subaru fall and almost did not fall.


    Natsuki Subaru hurriedly stroked his head.

    YesHas it been broken anywhere? ? Does the head have a good connection to the neck! ? Why do I think my vision seems to be getting a bit higher! ? This will not be a long neck pull it! ? ”

    The appearance of that embarrassment is hard to imagine that the other person is a messenger from the Royal Selection Candidate, but it is like a comedian who is comedy.

    "You're still the same, completely unchanged."

    Fang Li shook his head and laughed and asked directly what he was most concerned about.

    "You are the messenger of Anastasia? What's going on here? ”

    At the time Royal Selection began, Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru parted ways in Royal Capital, and then they did not meet again.

    Fang Li thought that Natsuki Subaru had been eating and dying in Reinhard's home all the time. Even if he appeared in front of him again, perhaps he should be a member of the Felt camp.

    Who once thought that once again, the other person became an ambassador of Anastasia and came here to deliver a message.

    What happened in this year?

    Perhaps it seems that Fang Li's doubts that Natsuki Subaru is finally cheering up.

    "You could it be that forgot?"Natsuki Subaru looked like a thief and treacherously laughed: "Did I not show you my plan to make a fortune?"

    "Getting Rich"?Fang Li started with a glimpse of what she thought and thought. He murmured: "Could it be that…"

    "It's that can it be that!"Natsuki Subaru shrugged and shouted, saying: "The plan was taken by the profiteer, and I was hired!"

    This is the truth.

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