Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1745 deviates from the recorded future

    "H ū — !"

    The cold blizzard, like a whistling mad wave, seems to intend to dye the world with white and keep on slamming.

    In the “Sanctuary” forest, on a cliff that is not too high, two people stood upright in the wind, ignoring the frost that accumulates in the body, and only quietly looking out at the direction of the village.

    "Hey —!"

    In the village, the crackling sounds kept ringing.

    It was the arousal of the magic stake hiding the sky and covering the earth that amethyst formed and fell on the Demon Beast group.

    The two people standing on the cliff have been watching this scene.

    Until after a while, one of them raised his head.


    Ram gently so called.

    "Aah …"

    Roswaal nodded, muttering expressionlessly.

    "Finally came Ah…

    With this in mind, Roswaal and Ram turned at the same time and looked to their backs.

    There, in the blizzard of snow, a figure did not know when it appeared in it, like a ghost, in silence.

    “It's really the best place to watch. It really matches those who like to furtively do something in the back.”

    Fang Li A Knight's windbreaker hunts in the whistling winds and his eyes are glanced at Ram's eyes. He immediately turns to Roswaal, and his brows pick up.

    "It's really not at all like your expression."

    At this point, Fang Li is also somewhat surprised.

    Because, in the eyes of Fang Li's, Roswaal has no past gesticulations, nor is it funny in the past. Even the makeup on his face is not transformed, showing the face without makeup that others find difficult to see.

    It must be said that Roswaal was a beautiful man with a clown makeup and looked very elegant.

    Only, that Zhang Junya's face, at this moment, was full of exhaustion and decadence.

    To Fang Li's surprise, Roswaal did not react in the slightest.

    "I knew that you would come here."

    The tone of voice that appears in Roswaal's mouth is no longer like that, but it is extremely calm.

    "It seems that you have already guessed that everything behind me is involved."

    And that’s exactly it.

    What happened now is that Roswaal is behind him.

    Whether it was Elsa's invasion of the mansion or the sudden snowfall, Roswaal's masterpiece.

    In fact, if you think about it, you will understand that all these incidents in Fang Li around the body will be traced to Roswaal's body.

    For example, Elsa's attack on the mansion, Frederica's statement is that the other party suddenly appeared in the kitchen, and launched a fatal blow to her, Frederica can escape, is entirely dependent on luck and luck.

    However, Roswaal mansion again how to say is Roswaal residence, even if the personnel almost all leave, can roswaal ability, in mansion Arrange/laid out a barrier, prevent being invaded by foreign invaders, should be easy thing?

    In this way, even if Elsa wants to invade the Roswaal Mansion, even if he can solve the barrier, it is impossible to do nothing at all.

    And as long as there is a bit of movement and something that touches on an alarm or the like, Frederica is perfectly capable of running away and will never be forced into an impasse.

    But as a result, Elsa invaded the mansion silently, proving that the mansion was barely guarded by Roswaal.

    Or, Elsa has already known beforehand how to lift the defensive function.

    This proves that the person who hired Elsa to invade the mansion is an insider.

    No one other than Roswaal.

    "Similarly, this snow was also brought down by the large-scale operation of weather manipulation, which eventually led to Oousagi and made the residents in the "Sanctuary" in danger of extinction."

    Fang Li looked directly at Roswaal and explained slowly.

    "As far as I know, want to make the magic of this scale, or ability superb magician after a few months time, slowly cumulative magic power, ready to do, have been able to launch smoothly, or dozens of or even hundreds of magician together to collaborate, That will be able to launch the operation in a matter of days, but if it is you, it is a different story. ”

    As the most powerful Magician in the world, Roswaal was not defeated by Fang Li's Mystic Eyes. The past Fang Li did not defeat his hopes anyway.

    Without this level of strength, it wouldn't be enough to hold the whole Kingdom alone.

    So, if it is Roswaal, it only takes a few days to prepare, then you can launch a large-scale magic of the weather manipulation.

    I am afraid that these days Roswaal will disappear and stay in the dwelling. Is it preparation for launching the operation?

    In other words,

    "Now, everything that happens in the "Sanctuary" is behind you being a ghost."

    Fang Li shrugged, somewhat indifferently said.

    "Well, this is not something that is hard to guess anyway. Just know your obsession and what you have done in the past. Then you can understand."

    In order to revive his Teacher, Roswaal uses the content of the Gospel Book as a guideline and continues to act in accordance with the above-mentioned things.

    Of these, Roswaal is a criminal record.

    In general, now that Fang Li should confirm that Roswaal will do these things, as before, has been following the record in the Gospel Book?

    Looking at Roswaal's embarrassment, Fang Li abandoned the confirmation and came up with another idea.

    Show me!

    Fang Li asked this straightforwardly.

    "Since when, is the future recorded in Gospel Book deviated?"



    Fang Li doubts that the future recorded in the Gospel Book has begun to deviate.

    Otherwise, if all goes well, Roswaal will never become like this.

    Therefore, Fang Li can be sure that what has happened so far is definitely a very important part of the Gospel Book.

    In fact, Fang Li guessed it right.

    Only, Roswaal did not answer directly, but suddenly asked such a sentence.

    "Have you seen Echidna?"

    In this way, such a question was asked extremely abruptly.

    Fang Li blinked slightly and did not answer.

    Because, Roswaal has begun to talk about themselves.

    "If everything is still on the right track, then according to Gospel Book, after the first trial, you should have contracted with Echidna and become Echidna's prisoner."

    Hearing this, Fang Li will understand.

    The future documented on the Gospel Book is deviated from that time.

    "If you have already concluded a contract with Echidna, then, under the direction of Echidna, you will pass all the trials that evening, liberate the "Sanctuary" barrier, and take everyone here to return to the mansion, advocating Emilia. -sama, so that Emilia-sama finally has the camp to compete with the rest of the Royal Selection Candidate."

    Roswaal looked closely at Fang Li and sounded like a question.

    "But why didn't you conclude a contract with Echidna?"

    In this sentence, it is full of resentment.

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