Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1692 you want to stop me?

    This is a very mature tone.

    The tone is very mature, but the sound is quite immature.

    All the people follow the Prestige.

    Shortly afterwards, standing in the cemetery before the figure, is to enter the eyes of everyone.

    It was a girl with long, light red hair, like a doll.

    The maiden wore a generous robe, sleeves and trousers both long to cover the hands and feet, feeling a bit like a little child wearing a grown-up clothes out to play.

    The girl's ears are still the same as the Emilia, as long as the slender leaves, apparently with elven bloodline.

    The girl's age, it seems, is less than 15 years old, even if not Beatrice, but also quite young.

    Such a girl, who was supposed to be in the age of innocence, uttered such words in a very mature tone.

    "Lauming is Lewes Meyer, is a" sanctuary "in the" Half breed "representative, did not come here when you welcome the debut, is really sorry. ”

    The self-proclaimed elf girl Lewes was such a low head.

    "I hope I didn't snub you youngster." ”

    Lewes's words, let the people all have some look at the each others in blank dismay up.

Sylvia even whispered to Fang Li, "is that kid could it is that old?" ”

    I think.Fang Li in distress-like said: "The other party is not human words, that can not be judged by the human point of view, I know that spirit younger daughter than she looks small, the results have been alive for more than 400 years." ”

    So it's not necessary to have a tangle of appearances.

    Otherwise, there are a lot of people in the Fang Li who have met so far, who have been talking endlessly about this.

    At this time, Garfiel also came forward.

    "I brought people here, grandma. ”

    Looks more Lewes older than the Garfiel a face of course so called the other side.

    But Lewes is somewhat dissatisfied.

    "All said don't call Lauming grandma, that will make Lauming appear very old, Gar-bou." ”

    This sentence is full of slots.

    Do not want to be called old, that even if can not change the tone, the "older body" claiming that it is easier to remove it?

    What's the theory that people call themselves "boys", but don't allow them to be called old?

    "That, Lewes-san. ”

    Emilia does not seem to understand these slots, weak and weak toward the Lewes accosted.

    "Could it is that Lewes-san is the half Elf?" ”

    Cannot blame Emilia think so.

    Living in the "sanctuary" is the "Half breed", then prove that Lewes is not pure-blooded elf.

    And if it is human and elf's mixed blood, it is undoubtedly Half Elf.

    In this respect, Lewes did not admit, also did not refute, only so said a sentence.

    "Lauming things are good, after all, the next need to let Emilia-sama to do some things can not be frankly safe, and Lauming as a representative of them, also have no qualifications and Emilia-sama set near it." ”

    It seems that Lewes as an older person should be able to be sure.

    That kind of guilt about the reluctance to youngster to take risks is palpable.

    Only Garfiel is still heartless.

    "What are you guilty of alone there, old woman?" ”Garfiel said: "This is a transaction, they help us untie barrier, we will help them out in the future, in three years after the princess over there to become king, you love Me, that is," staggered spicy taste, "you daytime Is this all about lobbying the people in the village? ”

    "That is so, but as an old man, Lauming really have no way to feel at ease." ”Lewes regardless of Garfiel that unfathomable mystery's saying, only so said: "Also, call others old woman's words too much, Gar-bou, don't think Lauming will not angry, you want to let Lauming knock your head?" ”

    Since you don't want to be called an old woman, why do you call yourself an old man?

    Fang Li and Sylvia at the same time feel speechless.

    As a result, the big nerve Emilia as usual, earnestly said.

    "I've decided to take part in trial, Lewes-san, and please don't be guilty, and I'd like to help people in sanctuary," he said. ”

    Sincere tone, let Lewes face of dissatisfaction finally turned into a smile.

    "You can think so, Lauming very gratified." ”Lewes said to Emilia: "Then, Emilia-sama, please go to the cemetery. You should be eligible for the trial."

    Although want to participate in trial words, in addition to be able to be barrier interference "Half breed" outside, still have to get the cemetery recognition.

    Will Emilia be recognised?

    That's what everyone wants to know now.

    "Lia. ”Sylvia looked to the Emilia, softly said: "Be careful." ”

    Emilia nodded, immediately looked to Fang Li.

    Perceiving Emilia's gaze, Fang Li did not say anything.


    Only this simple response.

    But that seems to be enough for Emilia.

    So, Emilia face dew firmness of color, lift up the pace, go forward.


    When Emilia's footsteps set foot on the steps of the cemetery, Phosphorescence was glittering from the cemetery.

    On seeing, all the villagers who witnessed this scene, one after another issued a exclamation.

    "The cemetery recognised it!" ”

    "Emilia-sama Get trial qualifications!" ”

    In such a voice, the villagers also expressed their feelings.

    Even Lewes seemed to have relaxed.

    "Finally, someone has challenged trial …"

    Whispered whispering like this.


    Emilia put one hand in front of the body, immediately ready to step into the cemetery.

    At this time, Fang Li only to make a sound.

    "WaitFang Li said, "Let me go in with you." ”


    Emilia suddenly froze.


    The villagers were also stirred up.

    "you are…"

    Lewes a surprised expression.

    "Call me Fang Li then it'll be alright." ”Fang Li did not have too many civilities, concise said: "I daytime when also got the cemetery recognition, should be to have to participate in trial qualifications, insurance, let me go in with Emilia." ”

    In this way, even if something happens to Emilia, he can make a move.

    Said to wait and see the change, but Fang Li also did not intend to let Emilia encounter what danger.

    However, some people do not agree.

    "You can't join the trial!" ”

    It is not others that say such words, precisely garfiel.

    Saw, Garfiel stood in front of the cemetery, as if intended to guard the cemetery, side as the lifting of the claws of the general hands, while staring at Fang Li, said with no trace of politeness a sentence.

    "With Strega (witch) on the relationship between the guy, this Sir can not trust you to go inside trouble!" ”

    Hostility, has been directly shown out.

    But Fang Li only raised the brows for a moment, like laughing smile aloud.

    "That means you want to stop me?" ”

    Hearing Fang Li ' s words, Garfiel also opened his mouth.

    "Yes, and what?" ”

    In a word, let the atmosphere become sinister.

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