Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1688 do you want to be with me …

    At this moment, Fang Li finally understand that Echidna is really not thinking about other people's feelings.

    As long as the end can be achieved, the process is entirely negligible.

    So, for Echidna, as long as Fang Li can liberate Beatrice from the curse of Forbidden Library, it doesn't matter what the method is.

    Even if it's a one-time deception, that's okay.

    It's not so good or bad.

    After all, Echidna is also in order to let Beatrice live, so only to fabricate a mission to this spirit maiden, otherwise Beatrice early suicide.

    However, Fang Li is still somewhat disappointed.

    "I thought you might have something to do if you came here," he said. ”

    Although Echidna's intention is to Beatrice survival, but this thing, if the deal is not good, indeed will give Beatrice cause not small damage.

    If Echidna can do something about it, it may be easier to solve.

    But Echidna does not seem to have such a plan.

    "At any rate, I am a dead person, even if you say I am not a real death now, but at least I have not been able to interfere with the reality of the ability, even outside world what happened is difficult to know, unless it is in my graveyard, otherwise, I even you came to" sanctuary " Have no idea. ”

    Echidna took a sip tea, watching Fang Li's eyes but once again the emergence of a strong thirst for knowledge.

    No, it's not just curiosity.

    In addition to Curiosity, Echidna looked at Fang Li's eyes also carrying a very rich possessive desire.

    It is, of course, not from love, but from the desire for a unique object of study and observation.

    "Because I exist in such a way that I can understand?" ”

    Echidna finally said his curiosity about Fang Li.

    "You have become a broken man," he said. ”

    Refers to, nature is Fang Li ' s soul.

    Because the echidna is in the way of the soul, so, after Fang Li came to the cemetery side, immediately discovered the Fang Li soul condition.

    "Everywhere is the scar and the crack, even also unceasingly breaks up the loophole which causes appears, is like is gradually to the limit glass bead, obviously looks crystal clear, but the shell is at 1.1 point peeling off, really loses you in this condition still to be able to continue to survive." ”

    Echidna face all to Fang Li ' s, the tone is also bring a burning feeling.

    "It was already such a state, but your soul is still increasing the appearance of" Content ", like a book, kept in the record of something, the result of even the back of the book is already about to write full, but also continue to increase, that nature is able to accommodate" content " Place is becoming less, and when there is no more to write, then there is no time. ”

    With searing words Fang Li ' s end, Echidna smiled again.

    "I, even after dying like this, have no way to restrain my thirst for knowledge, and when I see it, I can't help but want to have a book of Wisdom that records everything in the world." ”

    "And you, it seems, is a good book for natural talent, who is no less inferior to books of Wisdom." ”

    Therefore, echidna have no way to restrain himself Fang Li's curiosity, in Fang Li has not entered the cemetery will do his best to call him, can't wait to invite him, finally even only drink their own hospitality tea can become their own guests, answer the newcomer the precedent of the problem is broken.

    Therefore, Echidna will want to Fang Li.

    "What in the hell are you recording in your soul?" ”

    "What will your end be like?" ”

    "Why is your nature so?" ”

    "How do you intend to solve these problems?" ”

    "This one by one question, are challenging my curiosity and curiosity, so I can not help but want to turn you into my things." ”

    Echidna, in an almost courtship tone, caressed Fang Li's cheek in a loving way.

    Eyes, the incomparable intoxication.

    "If the so-called love is to mean to always keep each other in their side, the so-called lust refers to is to want to be always on the other side of the request, then this is undoubtedly love ah." ”

    Echidna smiled and said such words.

    "It's not a lucky thing to get Strega's love," Witch said. ”

    Brisk and beautiful laughter, inside carrying is to let a person feel terrifying of the thriller feeling.


    "If this is love, then your love is too cheap." ”

    Fang Li has been watching echidna, no matter how intense the curiosity and possessive desire in the eyes emerges, and how hot the words are, he is indifferent to his face.

    "You only desire dissatisfaction, witch of greed." ”

    Hearing this, echidna ' not angry, grinning.

    "Yes, I am greed, thirst for desire is endless, even in the knowledge of the desire to make a special, that this greed is no end, as long as it is able to satisfy my curiosity, then I will continue to thirst for, thirst again, until the world shattered that day. ”

    With that in mind, Echidna also licked his lips.

    At close proximity of the beautiful charming face, with this action, become extremely flirtatious.

    "My curiosity and thirst for knowledge tell you that, as long as you can get you, you can get a whole new world and see a whole new heaven and earth." ”

    "So, I really can't resist ah, can't restrain this desire of mood." ”

    "It's the first time in my life, isn't it?" No, I didn't even experience it even before I was alive. I only met after conversely died. It's really a pity. I'm sorry. ”

    Echidna's tone is really full of regrets.

    But shortly afterwards, Echidna's expression was changed.

    Like a dark rose, bloom a smile.

    I said.

    Echidna said such a sentence.

    "Do you want to be with me …"

    In a word, before it was finished, it was forced to break.


    The surrounding space suddenly became distorted, making the whole forbidden of the reconstructed Library sway.

“……It seems to be the end of it. ”

    Echidna smile slightly a lag, immediately very explicit sigh aloud.

    "It should have been night outside, and the function of the cemetery began to focus on trial, and this dream has not been maintained." ”

    Echidna's words just fell, and the surroundings began to shatter like glass.

    Fang Li ignored the changes around, only calmly looked at the echidna.

    Let echidna, once again smile.

    "I really like your calm expression, it's great." ”

    Echidna, like a girl in love, loves to leave a kiss on Fang Li's lips.

    "Next time, let's go on with today's topic." ”

    This is the last word.

    The next second, heaven and earth reversed, space annihilation.

    Fang Li only felt a spin and disappeared.

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