Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1678 “Witch of Greed”

    "Rumble …"

    In the forest's forest path, the Dragon Carriage continued to drive deep into the surroundings so that the sound of the wheels could clearly be heard.

    However, as opposed to the sound of the wheels, the voices of two people sitting in the driver's seat are also constantly coming.

    "I said, Rem, what do you think of the guy inside?"

    “After knowingly asking, all of Fang Li-sama is something that Rem loves.”

    "What for? Just because the guy is strong? ”

    "Fang Li-sama's greatness is not something you can understand. You will continue to go superficially."

    "Sincerely, you can grieve this guy who hasn't been shredded by this Sir yet. It's only you except Ram."

    "Onee-sama can be a special thing for granted."

“……It seems to be not only the guy inside, but you are also surprised by my attachment to Ram. ”

    "Please don't let Rem say it again the second time. You know it."


    On the driver's seat, Rem and Garfiel constantly mix their mouths, and it looks as if their feelings are good.

    In fact, it was only Garfiel entwined Rem unilaterally. Rem was annoying to Garfiel.

    In the car, Emilia's situation has also changed.


    Lying in Sylvia's arms, Emilia's breathing gradually became smooth.

    "It seems to wake up soon."

    Sylvia said so and took a sigh of relief and dropped his shoulders.

    Fang Li also looked at Emilia's face and could not help but feel relieved.

    "I'm also hoping to cure the Holy Shroud of mind/energetic."

    Jeanne's voice came out of the pendant in front of Sylvia and was depressed to not be heard by Garfiel outside.

    “Be sure to put Emilia on it.”

    Hear this, Sylvia nodded, took out a piece of Holy Shroud and wrapped it like a bandage around Emilia's forehead.

    At this time, in the driver's seat, Garfiel's voice came in.

    "That silver-haired Half Demon is Emilia-sama mentioned by Roswaal and Ram?"

    Garfiel said in a voice that is not of much interest.

    "True, obviously "Half Breed," but he actively went to the barrier. It was really "a snowstorm in the underworld." ”

    The way to speak still is still so unfathomable mystery.

    However, everyone at least heard the irony of Garfiel's remarks.

    There is no doubt that that is the irony of Emilia.

    In response, Sylvia made a surprise.

    "Is this barrier not to protect things that are not accepted by the world as Demi Human?"Sylvia puzzled asked: "Why not come here?"

    Better to say, as the silver-haired Half Elf that is rejected by the world, can Emilia come here to conversely a good thing?

    At least, the barrier here protects her from being hurt by outsiders.

    However, Garfiel's reaction was rather strange.

    protectGarfiel, as if he had been amused, said: "Don't kidding. How could this damned thing be used to protect us?"

    Garfiel laughed badly and let everyone one after another look at each other.

    Prior to the set off from the Roswaal Mansion, Frederica had said that there was a group of Half Breed not in the accepted society.

    The "Half Breed" here refers not only to Demi Human.

    "The collective name of Elf et al. and similar species of humans is Demi Human.

    Due to the evils of the Witch of Envy, the world discriminated against Half Elf and even developed discrimination against the Demi Human as a whole, resulting in the massive civil war between human and Demi Human that broke out in Lugnica Kingdom fifty years ago. —『Demi Human War』.

    Ten years after the war ended, with the conclusion of peace, both sides started an armistice, and today's Royal Capital gradually began to eliminate discrimination against Demi Human.

    However, at best, it is only discrimination against Demi Human.

    Because of Witch of Envy's wickedness and the wounds left by Demi Human War that have not yet healed, people in the world have gradually accepted Demi Human but continue to discriminate against mixed blood between human and Demi Human.

    Even Demi Human cast an aversion to his compatriots mixed with human blood.

    Eventually, mixed blood between human and Demi Human naturally evolved into a group of Half Breed that was not accepted by the world.

    In other words, living in "Sanctuary" is not the general Demi Human Race group, but the hybrid between human and Demi Human.

    Garfiel is one of them, within the body has about a quarter of Demi Human blood.

    "What do you guys say about this "Sanctuary" barrier that protects us, but also excludes outsiders?"

    Garfiel disgusted with such words.

    "It is really nice to say that the real purpose of this barrier is not external but internal."


    The "Sanctuary" barrier is not used to protect the "Half Breed" barrier, but is used to imprison the "Half Breed" prison.

    "The barrier will bounce across the barrier's Half Breed's soul, causing it to lose consciousness and stopping Half Breed from leaving Sanctuary. But for pure human beings, it will not hinder you. You say, how could such a barrier be? Used to protect us?"

    Garfiel giggled.

    "Emilia-sama would be unconscious because it came in from the outside and crossed the barrier and was affected by the result of the soul?"

    This is not a joke.

    You know, the effect of the barrier is not to make people unconscious but to bounce souls.

    Once you want to cross the barrier, the soul is forced to separate from the physical body and stay in the “Sanctuary”.

    If you come in from the outside, you will never be able to go outside.

    If you want to go out from the inside, once it comes hard, it will eventually fall to the end of separation of soul and flesh.

    "Fortunately Emilia-sama came in from the outside, so as long as you don't go out, the soul will stay in the physical body."

    Garfiel said such things with a matter of no concern to oneself.

    "But if you want to go out from here, you can't do it for a lifetime unless you break the barrier?"

    This is really an incredible event.

    Especially for Emilia.

    "How, then, why is the mixed blood of human and Demi Human imprisoned here?"

    Sylvia raised the most critical question.

    "What is the purpose of building a barrier?"

    The answer to this question is naturally certain.

    "It's smart, woman."

    Garfiel pouted and his voice became sinister.

    Immediately, Garfiel made such a statement.

    "It is the experimental site of the creator of this ghost place named "Sanctuary" by Roswaal that builds the barrier here, as well as the place where the creator died and the cemetery."

    "The creator's name is called Echidna."

    “She is one of the Strega (Witch) who was devoured by the Witch of Envy 400 years ago in the name of “Greed” sin.”

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