Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1659 Status Quo Each Other

    In fact, Frederica's heart is a bit of a surprise for Rem's performance.

    (I didn't expect it to happen in less than a few months. Rem actually produced such a big change.)

    As a senior of Rem and Ram, Frederica is naturally very familiar with the sisters.

    Unlike the Ram whose workability is basically not compatible with maid, Rem's all Ability is perfect, not only housekeeping Omnipotent, but also quite versatile at work. In today's Roswaal Mansion, it can be described as a character-like character, but it is not to maintain the function of the mansion. Or lack of existence.

    Even Frederica couldn't single out Rem's problems at work, even conceding that if Rem's, his housekeeping Ability not only overrides Ram, but also overrides the equivalent of enlightening Teacher himself.

    For the Rem of Omnipotent, the hearts of Frederica in the past were only distressed.

    Just because Rem of the past was too hard.

    "Everything Onee-sama can do is done by Rem."

    Rem in the past used this as a reason, constantly demanding himself, whipping himself up and allowing himself to do better.

    "Onee-sama's words can certainly be done, and they can do their best."

    Because of this, Rem has never been willing to relax and is really trying hard.

    This kind of constant desperation, so that the heart becomes bloody Rem, in Frederica's opinion is really very sad.

    But now…

    (Rem can also smile like this…)

    Rem who looked at the past would never be hung on smile on face. Frederica was glad to see some of them except curiosity.

    (What caused Rem to make such changes?)

    No, Frederica knew it.

    Frederica also asked Ram about this matter.

    And Ram answered Frederica like this.

    "The only man who was deceived was deceived."

    As such, the unfathomable mystery is given without mercy.

    Later, after Frederica's understanding, she realized that in the month before he returned, there was a man who had been sent in this mansion.

    The other person is Emilia-sama's Knight, also a partner of Roswaal-sama. Even Ram is not denying his Ability extremely excellent and powerful. As for Rem, he is completely devoted to the Knight.

    That is the man that caused Rem to make such a big change.

    Now REM, though as it used to be, is based on the ram of elder Sister, elder Sister Ram, and believes that elder Sister is omnipotent, so he must work harder. But no longer like before desperately demanding himself, as if punishing himself immersed in remorse, guilt and inferiority, can not extricate themselves.

    What's more, Rem seems to have become more active.

    "In order to be able to deserve to stand by the adult, Rem needs more hard work."

    Rem of this declaration has indeed been honing their skills, not only the housekeeping skill, but even the combat ability seems to be improving.

    It was not the kind of hard work that was caused by inferiority and self-reproach. It was out of a better desire.

    In a nutshell, now Rem is no longer the one who is immersed in the past, but is a future love girl.

    It was such a change that led to the change of Rem.

    (I really want to see the person who changed Rem, and even changed Emilia-sama's Knight.)

    Frederica thought so.

    Unfortunately, the adult seems to have left mansion a month ago and does not know where to go.

    Both Emilia and Rem are very sure of this.

    "He absolutely will be back."

    The two are so convinced.

    Not for any reason, only pure trust.

    This also made Frederica quite surprised.

    Not to mention Rem, Emilia was said. In the past, no one had ever trusted anyone other than the Packed Spirit Pack, and it has always been a solitary effort.

    (This is also the change brought by the adult?)

    Frederica really is more and more surprised and curious.

    In my heart, Frederica has always been talking to Rem.

    "Yesterday, Emilia-sama seemed to stay up late."

    Frederica revealed such a message.

    "Do I?"Rem was not surprised, only nodded, and said: "It seems that the management of the Territory seems to be too reluctant for Emilia-sama."

    "That is no way."Frederica rather thoughtfully said: “Until one month ago, Emilia-sama had no experience in managing territories. Now Roswaal-sama hand over official business to Emilia-sama. If I want to get used to it, I’m afraid it’s not too short. time."

    "Rem understands."Rem said so, but it looked like somewhat worried when he kissed, saying: "I hope Emilia-sama is not too tough."

    "I think so too."Frederica smiled like a smile and said: "Only you and Emilia-sama are trying to make you feel yourself. It's very worrying."

    thunderRem already has introspection. ”Rem suddenly said something bleak: "Please do not take this thing to make fun of Rem."

    Seeing Rem's embarrassing appearance, Frederica felt like she was very cute.

    At least, much more than the past Rem provoking a person to love tenderly.

    "Okay, I won't make fun of you."Frederica was coloured and said to Rem: "It is a routine for you to prepare Emilia's breakfast and send it to the room. I am responsible for Beatrice-sama."

    "Yes.Rem bowed again.

    After that, they both went to the kitchen together, prepared the breakfast, and then drove away each meal car to go in a different direction.

    Frederica is ready to look for the Forbidden Library.

    But that probably takes a lot of time.

    After all, the Forbidden Library's door is random.

    Unless Beatrice's permission, you can only take a chance.

    Rem came to Emilia's room and knocked at the door.

    "Emilia-sama, I'm Rem."

    Rem's call did not return the room Master's response.

    Rem sighed slightly and immediately opened the door.

    In the next second, what appears to be in Rem's eyes is a picturesque landscape.

    I saw that in the luxurious and extravagant room, the sun shone through the window and bathed the desk.

    And at the desk, the silver-haired Half Elf was lying on it, with a copy of the document in front of him.


    Silver-haired Half Elf took a peaceful breath, fell asleep in the sun, and made a silvery long hair appear shiny, elegant and incomparable charming face is even more glow, beautiful and suffocating.

    Even Rem can not help but feel this beautiful scenery.

    With such beauty, it's no wonder that even the adult cares for Emilia-sama.

    Rem thought so. Then he pushed the dining car and walked in.

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