Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1641 has no other means? (Monthly ticket

    On the broken starry sky, a piece of broken edge fell down. Before breaking into the ground, it turned into a beautiful starry sky and disappeared gradually.

    Standing on the ceiling of an underground street as if standing, the red-flagged giant sword cut the two-meter-long Nodachi into two parts, leaving only another broken edge in Fang Li's hand. .

    I did it.

    This split second flaw allowed the Acqua of the Back to once again erect the Ascalon in his hand.


    On it, the red light suddenly turned blue, allowing Acqua of the Back to direct the razor's generally thin and sharp part, facing Fang Li in front of him, and brushing away mercilessly.

    That is, a heavy and terrible blow set off a vortex in the air.

    The edge was scraped onto the skin of Fang Li's and told him that even the blow that Bo Xie's blade could cut was enough to cut a building away.

    Faced with such a blow, Fang Li who had lost his weapon was no longer able to parry.

    So, Acqua of the Back affirmed his victory.

    "pū chī —!"

    With the clear sound of the physical body being cut off, Fang Li's body was chopped in half and spilled a lot of blood.



    Acqua of the Back's keen fighting instincts and fighting instincts immediately made him aware of something wrong, and he didn't want to. He turned Ascalon and placed it behind him.

    "H ū — !"

    Almost at the same time, a flash kick fell on it.


    The dazzling star light flowed through Prana's fortified foot and heavily landed on Ascalon, stimulating a lap.

    "See through?"

    There, Fang Li kept a kicking position, still holding Bo Xie's broken edge in the hand, raised the brows.

    "Sure enough, it is not so easy to be fooled."

    Fang Li's voice has not yet had time to fall, and the color of the sword edge of Acqua of the Back has changed from blue to green again.

    In the middle of the Great Sword, the back of the can opener was turned back by the Acqua of the Back, and a counter-attack was shot against Fang Li in front of him.


    The torn air of the air was like an ear-piercing roaring wind.

    Lien Long's scales could all be punctured by a blow and they set off a hurricane.

    Fang Li only left a blur there, figure long ago like a phantom dodge.

    "Don't want to escape!"

    Acqua of the Back can't be pulled away by Fang Li.

    Once Fang Li opened his distance, he lost the opportunity to tightly entanglement with him. With his speed and agility, he would certainly be happily played.

    Therefore, Acqua of the Back can only sound low roaring sound, gliding forward at a rate of terrifying, chasing after Fang Li, and constantly applying Ascalon's slash to Fang Li.

    When the red light is on, the axe's thick blade blade edge, which cuts off Evil Dragon's muscles, will pop up.

    When the blue light is on, the razor's thin blade, which is present to cut off Evil Dragon's fat, will be cut off.

    When the green light is on, the opener on the middle of the blade in order to lift the scales of the Evil Dragon will launch an assault.

    When the yellow light is on, the metal wire that is attached to the sword body to remove the internal organs of the Evil Dragon will roll over.

    In addition, it also glows purple, a giant hacksaw mounted on the back of the sword to cut off Evil Dragon's bones, glows pink, and is mounted behind the hilt to pull out Evil Dragon's teeth. Fork-shaped steel nails glow white, and close combat nails are set at the base of the sword to dig out the nerves of Evil Dragon.

    Acqua of the Back, with amazing skills, constantly switched between Ascalon's attacks and methods of fighting, as if it were a Dragon-slaying warrior who was chasing the Evil Dragon, allowing a variety of flashes to flash. Made a colorful slash, hiding the sky and covering the earth against Fang Li.

    However, this alone is not enough.

    In order to truly defeat Fang Li, Acqua of the Back not only infused a large amount of Magic Power into Ascalon, but also extremely strengthened its destructive power. He also played Water Magic, which he was best at.

    So, on the huge Magic Array with a diameter of two kilometers, countless Water Magic is flying.

    There is a hammer made up of huge masses.

    There are tons of water blocks that are shaped like construction machinery.

    There are sparkling water droplets like diamonds.

    In the 3rd layer of the entire underground street, all the water was pumped up by the Acqua of the Back. A drop of water left floated and became a thin line. It was distributed to all corners of the underground street, forming a complex and huge magic. Array, and then constantly changing the shape, launching a variety of surgical techniques, to aid the Master.

    Fang Li was covered by so many attacks.

    A long spear/gun with a root length of more than 30 meters struck him.

    A stream like a whip hits from all angles.

    Huge blocks of water in various shapes are interlaced and swaying.

    In this water-fighting Water Magic, Acqua of the Back slammed tightly, turning the Ascalon in his hand into a colorful slash and storming like a storm.

    It is really a terrible situation that is more than a coffers facing thousands of troops.

    At this moment, Acqua of the Back played full force.

    Whether it is Saint Power or Divine Mother's power, God's Right Seat's Ability, or even Water Magic, which is one's own expertise, all use it without reservation.

    What is the number of people in this world who are not able to be crushed under the attack of Berserk by the fierce attack of the Spiritual Item made by the imitation of Ascalon?

    Unfortunately, Fang Li is one of them.

    Based on its own superb speed and style, Fang Li's figure is like a mirage like a mirage, swaying, like a candle, extremely unstable.

    In this case, Fang Li actually did all the offensives.

    The conversely projected ceiling of the stars was affected, crushed, perforated, rolled by countless Water Magic, and cut off, minced and destroyed by colorful slashes.

    As a result, the entire starry sky is as if it were broken, and as a myriad of Magic and countless slash, it was born out of a gully.

    It looks like a dark Galaxy is just as scary as it was born.

    Finally, Fang Li avoided all attacks.


    Heavy's stepping into the starry sky, Fang Li in the cracked starry sky, avoiding the white slash that sweeps toward, fell to the earth.

    Acqua of the Back suddenly broke his footing and chased him.

    Finally, the two landed on the ground at the same time. In the instigation of the earth, they stirred up dust and opened up the distance.

    "Qī …"

    Acqua of the Back is finally pouting.

    "It's really tricky…"

    Horrible speed.

    Amazing body.

    Based on these two aspects alone, Fang Li is invincible even in the face of Saint.


    Opposite, Fang Li looked at the Acqua of the Back, lightly uttered.

    "Is there no other means?"

    If not, then the victory will be won by me.

    This sentence, Fang Li did not say it, but Acqua of the Back still understand it.

    At the moment, Acqua of the Back put out a long deep breath.

    "In that case…"

    Facing Fang Li's gaze, Acqua of the Back quietly declared.

    "Then I will take a certain kill strike to defeat you."

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