Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1634 There is no reason to do it (seek monthly ticket)


    Itsuwa could not help but sucked in a cold breath.

    The man who walks in the direction of the main entrance, his figure and appearance, even if only from the intelligence know something, Itsuwa really knows.

    Brown hair.

    Straight line face.

    Blue tone sweatshirt.

    Strong and powerful like a body.

    At the same time, there is also a terrible sense of oppression that people can't breathe.

    Itsuwa impossible did not recognize that pressure.

    Because the figure body pursued by the people of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church has such terrible power.

    That is,

    "Saint …!"

    The Acqua of the Back of God's Right Seat, in this moment, came in silently.

    "How…How could it be

    Itsuwa could not help but shake.

    This is not not the mental quality of Itsuwa, but it is too unpredictable.

    Even if the other person did attack, but the intrusion of open and aboveboard, and the companions of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church, who are all around, are not possible to be discovered, how could they be approached silently by the other party?


    Itsuwa’s heart had an unpredictable feeling.

    It turns out that Itsuwa's hunch is not wrong.

    "Rest assured, I didn't kill the people who were staying around."

    Acqua of the Back is like perceiving the thoughts in Itsuwa's heart, and some indifference.

    "Only, when I'm doing Quest, if I'm being chased by you, I'll get a headache."

    After all, Acqua of the Back was not naive enough to think that he could defeat Fang Li under the harassment of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    "Even if your power is insignificant, even if I can't show a slight distraction in the next battle, I must first sweep away unnecessary obstacles."

    Ruthless declaration, Itsuwa's charming face began to turn white.

    At this time, Fang Li raised his eyes and gazed at Acqua of the Back.

    “When you choose to enjoy the leisurely time of bathing, it's not always time for you to come.”

    As if he had not heard the just-clarification of Acqua of the Back, Fang Li responded with an indifferent tone.

    If it is the usual Acqua of the Back, this time may even smile.

    However, at this moment, Acqua of the Back seems to have completely entered Warrior's state of mind. Not only does the body exude a chilling atmosphere, but it also has a faint coldness on his face.

    Then, Acqua of the Back said that.

    "Things are enough to do it once. There is no need to do two times."

    Acqua of the Back said so.

    "The last concert was necessary for the war. It was also something I was happy to see. Since that is the case, I will not be conscious of one thing."

    Speaking of such words, Acqua of the Back stretched out a hand.

    "But this time, I have no reason to do it."

    As soon as the voice fell, in the shadow of Acqua of the Back, a huge metal stick, such as a killer whale jumping out of the sea, flew into his palm.


    Almost at the same time, Acqua of the Back disappeared on the spot in a sound burst.

    Itsuwa did not have time to respond.

    Only Fang Li had already extended the hand before that and pushed Side's Ittsuwa out.

    The next moment, the thunderous turmoil appeared.


    With a thunder-like roar, the entire underground street was a shock.

    Taking the reclamation center as its source, a circle of shock waves slammed like a real sound wave, blowing up the air flow, setting off a rush of wind and allowing the whistling power to expand in all directions, stimulating the “Rumble” sound.

    "What…what happened…!?"

    "Is the earthquake?!?"

    In the Underground Street, one by one visitors were all caught off guard and one after another was exclaimed.

    After shortly afterwards, everyone was in a hurry and started riots.

    In such circumstances, no one found it.

    On the recreation center's building, an open-air terrace was suddenly smashed and set off a strong dust and rags that fell to the ground like a collapsed rock tray.

    And in the gravel rubble that fell to the ground, two figures stood on a piece of concrete that had been exposed and rebars, and the sights had passed through countless gravels and strong dusts.


    Amazing strength to break through the exposed concrete exposed concrete.

    The two figures emerged so suddenly leaps each other that they met in the undissolved gravel and dust.

    Then, a blade light was hit, and an underarm was struck.


    Time, back a few minutes ago.

    In the food center of the recreation center, Index eyes were beaming, and Kazakiri Hyouka, who was overwhelmed, ran around and tried to eat. He tried desperately to eat, and the expression of the one by one receptionist suffered.

    Sylvia has always been behind, watching Index's happy appearance and Kazakiri Hyouka's fatigue, as if happy, and with a calm smile, but also did not step forward to stop thinking.

    At this point, Jeanne, who had just disappeared from the beginning, suddenly made a sound.


    The voice is full of solemnity.

    Sylvia stopped suddenly in the footsteps.

    Because she also found it.

    There was a hidden power that slowly passed in the air.

    The power is weak and weak enough that even the first-rate Magician is still not aware of it, but Sylvia still understands what it is.

    "barrier."Jeanne whispered: “Someone had a barrier nearby, and the effect was estimated to be to drive people.”

    What does that mean?

    This means that in the following it will become an area where idlers do not enter.

    The upcoming events in this region are not suitable for the eyes of ordinary people.

    So, this People-Clearing Field is necessary to start.

    "What to do now?"Jeanne asked: "Would you like to inform Fang Li?"

    Now that barrier's power is still weak, Fang Li's feels keenly aware of this, but it is not so sensitive to this innocuous power. It is estimated that this has not yet been noticed.

    On the other hand, Jeanne, who knew Mystery on top of everyone, coupled with Revelation's help, and also Magic Resistance, was able to detect it.

    Sylvia shared a body with Jeanne, and he sensed the strangeness of Jeanne.

    But Sylvia didn't worry.

    "Get Index and Hyouka out and talk about it."

    Sylvia did not hesitate to make such a decision.

    "Fang Li There is no problem over there, as long as we can make him fight with confidence."

    This is the unconditional trust that Sylvia has placed in Fang Li. It is also his own self-consciousness about what he should do.

    Behind every successful man is a great woman.

    Sylvia fully embodies this.

    “Before Index found barrier, try to keep her away from the battle center.”

    This is the most needed thing at present.

    After all, the enemy might not be just facing Fang Li, also Index Index Librorum Prohibitorum.

    Jeanne gave silent approval.

    So, Sylvia came forward and said to the Index of Interest.

    "I know there is a place better than the things here…"

    In this way, Sylvia left the recreation center with the ebullient Index and Kazakiri Hyouka with a puzzled look.

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