Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1628 has not worked hard (seek monthly ticket)

    How to deal with Acqua of the Back?

    As soon as they came up, Fang Li directly raised this most fundamental and difficult problem, leaving the entire Amakusa-Style Remix of Church in silence.

    However, even so, the people of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church did not stop the action at hand and the quality was very high.

    Tatemiya Saiji is also slightly silent for a while, then scratched the head, helpingless opening.

    "Actually, we have a trump card that can deal with Saint."

    ———— "Trump Card".

    Moreover, it is still used to deal with Saint's trump card.

    If this matter is passed to Magic World, is it likely to cause a storm?

    As a special individual using Son of God's power, Saint's strength is really surpassed Magician too much.

    In general, no matter how much effort is made, it cannot shorten the gap.

    Even if it is God's Right Seat, you can rely on incomplete Angelic Magic to get extraordinary Ability, may not be able to say that it is against the two words of Saint.

    While Amakusa-Style Remix of Church has some history, it is not a powerful religion. It is rather weak and weak. Even members are only fifty-two.

    Such a small religion, the emergence of a Saint, such as Kanzaki Kaori, is already very surprising. If it is also able to deal with Saint's trump card, it is not a strange thing to raise doubts.

    However, Amakusa-Style Remix of Church did rely on the dedication to the existence of "Saint" to develop a surgical technique for Saint.

    Its name is — "Saint Destroyer".

    It is a type of surgery designed specifically for Saint that can enforce the balance of physical features like Son of God's physical disintegration, causing the power of withinin the body to go out of control.

    Saint is originally similar to Son of God's physical characteristics. It can derive human with Son of God same type power by Idol Theory.

    On the other hand, if there were no such physical features as Son of God, then Saint would not be able to use Son of God's power just like ordinary people.

    Saint Destroyer is a surgical technique that can be used to seal Saint Power by artificially destroying Saint's physical features that resemble Son of God.

    The principle is the legend of Son of God being sentenced. This legend is reproduced through rituals, allowing the user of the technique to be sentenced to the physical characteristics of Saint's privilege, God of Destruction.

    This is indeed a trump card.

    “Although the effective time is only thirty seconds, within thirty seconds, Saint Power will be sealed. Saint of this period of time is also only an ordinary person, and because of the sudden loss of power balance, it will also be uncontrollable. Power left behind within the body causes automatic loss of control.

    Itsuwa carefully explained Fang Li to help Fan Li to admire it.

    If Saint Destroyer Spell can really make a Saint move, it doesn't matter if the other also hasn't been sealed. It doesn't take 30 seconds. Within a second, Fang Li can solve it.

    However, the premise is to be able to hit.

    Saint Destroyer Spell is a surgical technique developed on the basis of the legend that Jesus Christ was impaled on the cross.

    If Saint Destroyer's "Spear/Gun" has no stabbing goal, then the effect is powerful again.

    Just like Fang Li's Mystic Eyes, it can kill all things in the world. If you can't cut the Death Line, it's a decoration.

    No, it can't be said to be furnishings.

    To Fang Li today's Mystic Eyes ' power, once the restrictions, even the "Movement" concept can understand, so as to make things similar to the precognition future, plus "space", "Direction", " Energy "These concept will not Dodge, also will not resist, easily can be Fang Li hit, launched two attacks, even if not cut to the opponent body of the death line, Fang Li also has many ways to use Mystic Eyes power.

    Of course, the precondition is to lift the restrictions.

    Normal Mystic Eyes of Death Perception cannot reach this level yet.

    The lifting of the restrictions is risking the brain being burned.

    Therefore, Fang Li wanted to see if he could find an advantageous way to deal with Acqua of the Back without releasing Mystic Eyes restrictions and without using Stigma.

    It now appears that it may be able to make some use of Saint Destroyer Spell.

    "It's like a hole card…"

    Fang Li thought so, and looked around at the members of all Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    These people are all supported by Anglican Church Faction.

    Although Anglican Church did not want to help himself, but instead used his own power to deal with the threat of Acqua of the Back, these accounts, Fang Li will be written down one by one, and one day, absolute will will make Anglican Church repay. .

    However, even if Anglican Church cannot trust, these people of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church can trust.

    Maybe, Anglican Church just wants to deal with Acqua of the Back.

    But these people will come here and estimate only to help Fang Li?

    After all, helping people who cannot be redeemed is the philosophy of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    Think of it here, Fang Li closed his eyes slightly.

    When he opened his eyes again, a faint smile appeared on his face.

    "Since you are so determined, then I will not spill your cold water."

    Fang Li turned and waved to the people of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    "Please come back to you."

    After leaving this, Fang Li left the rooftop and left.

    Only the people of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church left, looking at each other in blank dismay.

    After a while, a weak hand raised his hand.

    ThatAre we recognized?…? ”

    This is the idea of ​​someone in the venue.

    Tatemiya Saiji, who understands everyone’s ideas, lifts his arms.

    Immediately, he opened his mouth and revealed a big smile.

    Upon seeing this, everyone at Amakusa-Style Remix of Church got the answer.

    "Oooooooooooooooh —!"

    In the next second, a total of 50 Amakusa-Style Remix of Church members jumped up and cheered, regardless of the work at hand.


    "We were recognized!"

    "It was recognized by the adult who defeated Priestess!"

    Members of the one by one of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church in tears are in tears.

    Itsuwa is also somewhat moved.

    No one can understand the mood of everyone in Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    Only then did they know how much effort they had made and how much power they had accumulated to be able to catch up with the existence of Saint.

    Now, Fang Li defeated the recognition of Saint's expert, and it is the affirmation of the meaning of survival for these people.

    The people were told that their efforts had not been in vain.

    "The next is Priestess!"


    "Be sure to let Priestess admit us!"

    At this moment, everyone at Amakusa-Style Remix of Church is full of fighting spirit.

    Even Tatemiya Saiji is a barely pretentious look. In fact, in the eyes are also fighting intent.

    Looking at this scene, Itsuwa held his hands together and placed them in prayer.

    (Thank you, Fang Li-sama …)

    Sure enough, that adult is the best…

    With feelings emerging from within, Itsuwa quietly withdrew from the rooftops and chased after behind Fang Li.

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