Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1610 You Can’t Go

    "clang …"

    In a slight drop, the small bottle containing the detonating water rolled out.

    Feeling the terrible gravity of the body's suppression, the spies stunned as they made a sullen voice.

    TOWhat happened in the end…! ? ”

    “ Why?”

    One by one of the spies was bitter.

    Because the one-by-one Anti-Skills around them finally responded to sudden changes and realized that these colleagues are not ordinary teammates and they started to come here.


    The spy, who was responsible for the detonation work, gripped the teeth, and went against the hand of the detonating water that had fallen to the front not to reach the hand.

    However, this time, Sylvia's singing was passed away.

    “————A_breeze_in_the_sky, That's_the_proof_of_I_love_you (Breeze blowing on the sky is proof of my love for you)———”

    Mana, unable to catch the human eye, stuttered throughout the venue, resulting in changes in the airflow.

    "H ū — !"

    The disorganized atmosphere became a stock of wind and suddenly rolled up under the cover of the one by one spy and rolled them all up in the air.

    On the stage, Sylvia, shining with Prana's glory, looked at the panicked spy who was struggling in the whirlwind. There was a bright sparkle in purple eyes.

    Although I do not know what happened, it is clear that those people will bring a huge disaster to this venue.

    That being the case…

    “————Allow_me_to_send_you_an_invitation, Leave_this_earth_together (please allow me to send you an invitation to leave this land together)———”

    In the venue, space began to ripple out of observations.

    “————Look_for_the_bright_light, And_the_falling_stars (looking for the dazzling brilliance, and the passing meteor)———”

    Rippled ripples to the one by one spy, covering it inside.

    The next moment, several "BLOCK" spies suddenly disappeared into the venue and lost their sight.


    "Un… /p>

    In the auditorium, Shirai Kuroko, who was stealing oil while carrying Misaka Mikoto, suddenly raised the head and looked surprised.

    "what happened? Kuroko? ”

    Misaka Mikoto pressed Shirai Kuroko's head and looked at her performance slightly.

    "Onee-sama …"Shirai Kuroko only looked at Misaka Mikoto. After hesitated, tentatively asked, "Did you find there was something weird about the space in the hall?"

    It seems that as a space Esper, Shirai Kuroko is vaguely aware of the changes that have occurred in the venue.

    But Misaka Mikoto is a look of doubt.

    Upon seeing this, Shirai Kuroko is not entangled.

    "Forget it, today I don't want to be that much."

    Although as a Judgment, Shirai Kuroko also cooperates with Anti-Skill to protect the order and safety of the venue.

    However, listening to Sylvia's singing, Shirai Kuroko has an incredible sense of relaxation, not to pursue so much.

    "I really don't know how bad bastard actually fooled this Diva…"

    Shirai Kuroko can only produce this level of dissatisfaction.

    After shortly afterwards , Shirai Kuroko no longer thought about it. He continued to entangle Misaka Mikoto and make Misaka Mikoto furious.

    Not far away, Shokuhou Misaki took a second look and took another glance at the dazzling Diva on stage, glittering with a strange glow.

    "Queen?"Hokaze Junko is intoxicated and listens to Sylvia's song. After observing the strangeness of Shokuhou Misaki, he tilted the head and wondered: "What happened?"

    Shokuhou Misaki did not reply in the first time, but he set his sights around the venue.

    Looking at the scene of the Anti-Skill, who was originally observing all due diligence, walking around all around, faintly turbulent scenes, Shokuhou Misaki seemed to guess something.

    However, Shokuhou Misaki smiled.

    "It shouldn't take me to make a move."

    Tokiwadai's Mental Queen is still as smart as ever.

    "Sylvie !"

    "plus…Come on! ”

    Not far in front of Shokuhou Misaki, Index and Kazakiri Hyouka did not notice anything, a happy one, a somewhat restrained, but constantly waving a glow stick in his hand, cheering for Sylvia.

    At least, everyone in the venue enjoyed the singing and was fascinated by Sylvia's touching singing.


    Outside the venue, in an alley.

    With the distortion of space, one by one of the "BLOCK" spy wearing Anti-Skill uniforms fell from it.

    "It hurts …!"


    The spoils of one by one were stunned by being spoiled on the ground.

    "damn …!"

    One of the first people felt that the gravity of the body disappeared and his teeth were clenched.

    He knew that not only was the plan, even the plan to detonate the venue was shattered.

    This time, they "BLOCK" completely lost.

    "Who is it?!?"

    There is no doubt that the reason for this suddenly becomes like this, and there must be someone who is doing it.

    However, now is not the time to consider this.

    Although the audience at the venue did not notice anything, Anti-Skill must have acted.

    In order to avoid being caught, the spy leader spoke without hesitation to his companions.

    "We hurry to leave! Otherwise you can't go! ”

    However, it was not a response from the companion but a chilly voice.

    "Yes, you can't go."

    This is the last word heard by several spies.

    "Qiāng — !"

    The cold blade light suddenly emerged in the lane's space, such as a silver line, ran over.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the cut sounds of crispness, several heads flew into the air and fell on the ground, rolling all the way out.

    "Pā———— !"

    A lot of blood shot like waves on the surrounding walls, dyed red blocks of asphalt.



    A corpse who had lost his head was stiff there, only took a few moments to slow down, and as if to confess something, he left his body.

    The blood continues to spurt from the fracture that lost its head.

    The pungent smell of blood and dark red completely replaced all of this space, bringing a terrifying atmosphere.

    Fang Li kept a knife and was bathed in blood and rain, his face not changing in the slightest.

    Only one pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes ,glittering with a sly luster.

    At this time, a voice rang from behind Fang Li.

    "Your Mystic Eyes should not be used to deal with these weak people?"

    Strong and powerful voice, let Fang Li a twinkling ice blue Mystic Eyes.

    Immediately, Fang Li turned and looked to his back.

    I saw, there, I do not know when a man is standing.

    As thick as a rock, it is as hard as a steel, and it is a man who exudes pressing power.

    "It's you?"

    Fang Li's eyes slightly condense.

    Unexpectedly, this man actually suddenly appeared in Academy City.

    "Should we say long time no see?"

    The Roman Catholic Church God's Right Seat belongs to Acqua of the Back and stared at Fang Li.

    Let the air in the alley suddenly become tense.

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