Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1574 Then you leave me

    "What do you do then?"

    This sentence, let Misaka Mikoto completely completely lived.

    What will happen?

    This question actually caused Misaka Mikoto to answer some questions.

    Because, what can Misaka Mikoto do?

    If we must dig deeper, is Misaka Mikoto not saying anything about the relationship between Fang Li and Sylvia?

    Will care about the relationship between Fang Li and Sylvia, but there are only two conditions.

    One is gossip.

    If it is gossip, it also has no problem, it's just a pastime and topic.

    However, Misaka Mikoto is not a very gossip person.

    Therefore, even if this question is asked, it cannot satisfy their curiosity. There is no difference between asking and not asking.

    Therefore, Misaka Mikoto did not ask because of curiosity.

    The second is about.

    Like Sylvia that counts billions of fans around the world, that impossible does not care about Diva's romance.

    If there is a chance, I believe that everyone who likes Diva will ask Fang Li about the relationship between the two.

    As for what action will be taken after this relationship is known, it will vary from person to person.

    Misaka Mikoto did not want to ask this question because it was not because of this reason.

    Of course, Misaka Mikoto also likes Sylvia's song.

    Sylvia's song is different from the rest, giving people a sense of life that has been purified and can capture people's feelings, otherwise it will not have world-class strength.

    However, Misaka Mikoto only likes Sylvia's song purely. Even if he is a fan, it will not interfere too much with people's private life. Even if their idols declare that they have a lover, she will only be an interesting thing.

    To sum up, Misaka Mikoto would like to ask about the relationship between Fang Li and Sylvia. It is also not about Sylvia.

    However, if not because of being concerned, Misaka Mikoto, who is not gossip, would like to ask such a question?

    Since it is not to love the feelings of Sylvia, not because of gossip, that would care about the object, in fact…

    (Wai… wait! If you think about it, it will be very bad! Very bad! So can not think! Can not think! )

    Misaka Mikoto slammed his cheek.

    "Pā… /p>

    With a very clear voice, Misaka Mikoto's palm snapped on his face and made his face red.

    "Wū… !?"

    In the next second, Misaka Mikoto caught his face and she burst into tears.

    "…what are you doing?"

    Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Fang Li was shocked and silent.


    Misaka Mikoto had tears in his eyes and Fang Li.

    "I …I didn't think anything weird! Exactly! Absolutely not.

    Oneself is so assertive.

    Can Fang Li really want to say.

    "Are you self-destruct?"

    Forced to resist the urge to roll one's eyes, Fang Li could not resist tsukkomi.

    This Tsundere Railgun really is a day is not tsundere not, so easy to be seen, I really do not know whether she should envy her pure and innocent or sympathy for her simplicity.

    On the other hand, Fang Li thinks so too.

    "Sure enough, it's too early to talk about this kind of thing with a child."

    Like being funny, Fang Li Shi Shih drank coffee.

    “Who”Who is the child! ”Misaka Mikoto suddenly patted the table and said aloud: “I'm Mikoto-sama, invincible in the world, and there is still one person who can call me Onee-sama every day!”

    Do not know is not aware of Misaka Mikoto said to himself, outside the window, such as evil Spirit like the whole body exudes black aura Shirai is also beginning to dance up, as if to emphasize their own sense of existence.

    Unfortunately, in addition to the shop and the people in the street startled, and attracted a love of the eyes, there is no other effect.

    Fang Li and Misaka Mikoto naturally also do not notice the status of Shirai Kuroko, allowing them to dance in the glass window.

    Fang Li only said such a sentence.

    "No matter how desperate, you can't negate the fact that you are a Chinese student."

    You know, Misaka Mikoto is second grade of middle school, but this year it was only 14 years old.

    "After graduating from elementary school, it was only less than two years ago. This is a child."

    Outspoken words let Misaka Mikoto corner of the eye twitches.

    "biri …"

    The lightning current started to jump on its bangs.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li immediately warned.

    "I advise you not to mess up. If you go on electricity, the coffee shop's electrical appliances will be completely destroyed. Don't even think about letting me help you?"

    Moreover, this is a tantrum and the personality of the electric discharge. It proves that you are still a kid.

    After this sentence, Fang Li did not say it.

    Otherwise, the estimated lightning current of 1 billion volts will erupt again.

    "Overall, you still care about yourself."Fang Li did not say with a good manner: "Don't forget that the son of the son just obviously wanted to develop a different relationship with you."

    It was said by Fang Li that Misaka Mikoto reacted.

    By the wayMisaka Mikoto quickly said to Fang Li: “You rushed to give me a way to make the sticky candy stop harassing me again. Then the harassment continued by him. The pressure was too great!”

“……It's obvious that you are disgusted with this. ”Fang Li somewhat helplessly said : "How do people say that they have good intentions for you, but not the kind that provoke hateful, you don't have to react so much?"

    "any idea? I just can't come with him! ”Misaka Mikoto straightforwardly said: "In the past, there has been no problem. It is a matter of meeting someone who can say hello. But recently I don't know what happened. That person will stick to it whenever he has a chance."

    "Do I?"As a matter of fact, Fang Li a matter of no concern to oneself said: "In that case, then you will be far away from me."

    “Ha!Misaka Mikoto suddenly froze.

    Can Fang Li continue to say it.

    "As long as you are far from me, then that person should give up."

    As I have said before, Etzali did not expect to be able to be with Misaka Mikoto. She just wanted to protect her silently.

    Now, Etzali's enthusiastic pursuit of Misaka Mikoto is nothing more than to prevent Misaka Mikoto from contacting Fang Li.

    Therefore, as long as the distance between Fang Li and Misaka Mikoto, Etzali should also be assured, and respect the feelings of Misaka Mikoto, and no longer actively contact her, right?

    Miska Mikoto, who did not know these, pouted and looked at Fang Li.

    "…do you hate me that much?"

    A very slight voice came from the mouth of Misaka Mikoto.

    "What did you say?"

    Fang Li suddenly gave a glimpse.


    Misaka Mikoto shuffled back like this, shortly afterwards silently drinking coffee.

    Although Fang Li did not hear what Misaka Mikoto said, he did not continue to ask.

    The two silently sipped coffee from each other.

    The atmosphere was somewhat stiffened.

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