Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1565 Do not be close to Misaka Mikoto

    After that, Fang Li exchanged contact information with the people of GROUP to leave.

    Stepping out of the unfinished building, Fang Li looked up at the blue sky slightly, and was still somewhat brooding.

    "After having a dark channel and Scorpius's eyeliner, at least a lot of prevention can be done."

    That is the way it is, but Fang Li is not completely at ease.

    As an Assassin, Fang Li is very clear about the defense.

    "It is not enough to prepare to do more…"

    However, Fang Li has already reached its limit.

    With these arrangements, plus Jeanne itself is also a Revelation of Ability, the chance of being able to emerged is not much.

    Originally, Fang Li had also thought of negotiating with Aleister and borrowing UNDER_LINE's intelligence collection ability. That way, he could almost be completely safe.

    However, Aleister is definitely an object that cannot be trusted. Fang Li does not want to hand over Sylvia's security to this black hand behind the scenes.

    "So, we can only go one step further."

    In any case, ensuring the success of the concert is the purpose of Fang Li now.

    After all, that's what Sylvia wants to do.

    Moreover …

    "I also wish I could watch her sing under the stage…"

    Fang Li, who told his deep in one's heart, could not help laughing.

    "I didn't expect that I also thought so pure and innocent…"

    It's just like bacouple.

    Thought of this, Fang Li took out the cell phone.

    On the standby interface of cell phone, the date displays –——『October 13』.

    "From the concert also seven days?"

    Want to be ready in seven days a concert for the world, that is not the most difficult.

    However, since Oyafune Monaka decided this date, it should be no problem.

    “No matter how I say this, it is also Academy City. I have advanced technology that is leading the outside world for 20-30 years. Now it's a matter of managing all the Board of Directors of Academy City. It should be no problem.”

    As for the issue of ticket sales, it is not Fang Li who wants to say.

    "Don't say it's seven days. It can be sold in one minute."

    Only this is unquestionable.

    The days of ticket sales are three days later.

    "But Sylvie should be able to get an entry ticket faster?"

    This makes Fang Li also expect something.

    "Think about it. Since I first saw Sylvie's concert with Senior Brother Zhao, I haven't seen the concert anymore."

    Of course, this does not include live broadcasts and broadcasts on television.

    Excluding live and broadcast on TV, Fang Li really only saw Sylvie's concert once.

    "As a lover is really incompetent Ah…

    This made Fang Li more determined to want to see the idea of ​​a concert.

    With this idea, Fang Li is ready to leave.

    at this time…

    "wait a moment."

    A voice called him from behind Fang Li.

    Fang Li's figure slapped a little, then turned and looked back at himself.

    I saw that in the unfinished building, a man was walking out, as if to catch up with himself.

    That person is Etzali.

    "Sorry,"Etzali said: "Can you bother you for a little time?"

    So, Etzali's face is also with a refreshing gentle expression.

    Only, Fang Li's is clear to see.

    In Etzali's in the eyes, there is still a slight hint of divulgence.

    This man, in stark contrast to Musujime Awaki, has always been hostile to Fang Li and has always had fear of Fang Li.

    Fang Li can be sure that he is meeting with Etzali for the first time today.

    But the Magician of this Return of the Winged One did not hesitate to use the fatal Magic that could dismantle the human body for Fang Li. It has also been hostile to Fang Li. In the eyes of others, it is not only unfathomable. Mystery is not overconfiding.

    You can know Etzali's things and Fang Li is not surprised.

    Although a bit innocent, but this Magician does have enough reason to host Fang Li.

    Unfortunately, Fang Li has no reason to accept it.

    Therefore, Fang Li only looked at Etzali and somewhat indifferent smiled.

    "also what's the problem?"

    The unawareness of this attitude made Etzali no longer want to maintain a smile on his face, and his fists shook slightly.

    At the moment, Etzali took a deep breath, asking calmly.

    "You should be a relationship with Diva?"

    Such a question was raised so abruptly.

    And Fang Li is still answering bluntly.

    "Yes, what's the problem?"

    The words of course, Etzali's fists clenched hard and showed some funny smiles.

    "If so, then I have a request. I don't know if I can ask you to agree?"

    Hearing this, Fang Li did not answer, only waiting for Etzali to speak.

    In such circumstances, Etzali made such a statement.

    "Please don't stay near Misaka Mikoto afterwards."

    This sentence, Etzali said in almost threatening tone.

    Inside, it is already carrying cold emotions.

    This also means that it is Etzali's absolute reason not to back down.

    However, Fang Li laughed.

    Laugh very deliberately.


    If Etzali's words are a threat, then Fang Li's words are ridiculous.

    Let Etzali's in the eyes finally carry anger.

    "You've already been a lover with Sylvia Lyyneheym, haven't you?"Etzali was staring at Fang Li, and some of the fire said: "Since there is already a lover, then please don't entanglement with others."

    This is why Etzali is hostile to Fang Li's.

    If Fang Li had no lover, Etzali would not be so excited.

    However, there is already a lover in Fang Li but Misaka Mikoto is wrapped around it. Etzali cannot ignore it.

    In this regard, Fang Li gave only one piece of advice.

    "What position do you say in this position?"Fang Li indifferently said: "What is your relationship with Misaka Mikoto?"

    Etzali suddenly fell silent.

    Immediately, Etzali made a sound of coldly.

    "Although I don't have any position to say this, it doesn't matter with Misaka-san. However, I will never sit back and relax."

    After that, Etzali went to Fang Li's side and didn't look at him, only throwing such a sentence.

    "I will not give you Misaka-san."

    This is the declaration and the declaration of war.

    Only, not the declaration of war on the battlefield, but the declaration of war in the love scene.

    Just this sentence, then you can be sure.

    Etzali, like Misaka Mikoto.

    This is why it is hostile to Fang Li's.

    Immediately, Etzali left.

    Fang Li turned and looked at Etzali's back and grinned.

    "It is imagining that one's love is reciprocated."

    I know."

    Even if Fang Li already has a lover, there is no reason to alienate Misaka Mikoto.

    Also pure friendship between men and women — this estimate is just a shit, right?

    If you have a lover, you will not be able to get in touch with other people of the opposite sex. This is also a good reason for shit.

    But is Etzali really imagining that one's love is reciprocated?

    not really.

    Maybe this man has noticed it?

    If Misaka Mikoto continues to contact Fang Li, it will be very bad.

    This is the reason for his warning.

    Fang Li did not care about this matter at all.

    Only, even he did not think.

    The conflict between the two people was an accidental one.

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