Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1555 has many things to do

    Academy City, School District 23.

    At the international airport, a supersonic plane slowly descended from the sky and landed on the runway.

    About ten minutes later, three people got off the plane.


    Of the three muffled sounds, one of the three people coming out of the plane fell down without warning.


    Seeing this situation, Tsuchimikado Motoharu made a tragic cry and picked up Kamijou Touma in a hurry, shouting loudly.

    "Cheer up! Cheer up Kami-yan! ”

    "Aah …There is a river…There is a river…I saw a river…"

    "Don't look! Kami-yan! That's Sanzu River! ”

    "But my grandmother waved me on the other side of the river and told me to pass…"

    "Don't pass! After coming, I will never come back! ”

    "Tsuchimikado, only you, don't forget me…"


    The two idiots played a touching parting scene in such a sideless performance.

    That picture is also more melodramatic than the melodramatic drama.

    Looking at such two idiots, Fang Li can only look speechless.

    "Isn't it a plane? As for making life so dead? ”

    The relaxed words let Kamijou Touma, who claimed to be crossing the river that could not be returned, flash back in the spotlight.

    "Is not to take a plane? It is a super monster with a speed of 7,000 kilometers per hour! ”

    Kamijou Touma bounced up, banged the ground with a hand “bang bang bang” and yelled in a loud voice.

    "Why come back to the supersonic plane? Anyway, C-Document's plan has stopped, right? Then take an ordinary plane back! ”

    In addition to the high school student boy who had nothing to do with the right hand, fierce resistance, and the sad expression on Tsuchimikado Motoharu's face disappeared without a trace and stood up.



    Kamijou Touma, who lost Tsuchimikado Motoharu's support, fell to the ground and screamed.

    However, Tsuchimikado Motoharu did not see anything and pushed the sunglasses on the face, and the hippie smiled.

    "There is no way this thing is, Kami-yan, don't rush back to Academy City. Can't we guarantee that we won't be cut off?"

    Group of three blocked C-Document's plan in Avignon and also defeated the radically-arrested Armored Units in the Academy City Board of Directors.

    If you stay in Avignon, you still don't know when Academy City and Roman Catholic Church will be backed up.

    Presumably, both sides of the block should be happy to send new troops to eradicate the obstructers.

    For this reason, the three talents returned directly on the day and got into a supersonic plane. They spent an hour and returned to Academy City.

    In general, the trio set off to Avignon in France in the morning. It was only in the afternoon and the trio had already returned.

    Being so tossed, Fang Li and Tsuchimikado Motoharu also has no problem, Kamijou Touma can have such a mind/energetic, its physical quality is also considered very good, right?

    "Can there be no problem with Avignon?"Kamijou Touma can only weakly say: "Not a lot of problems still need to be solved?"

    "Well, that's handed over to the experts. We still don't intervene."Tsuchimikado Motoharu was extremely bachelor and said: “Amakusa-Style Remix of Church has already begun to gather in Avignon. Academy City has not been able to withdraw this kind of action. The aftermath is handed over to them.”

    Speaking of this, Tsuchimikado Motoharu slapped some of his elbows on the top of Fang Li's abdomen.

    "It was you, Senpai. If you lose Itsuwa-chan, you can't even tear your tears."

    In fact, it was not as simple as tears flowing out.

    In learned that Fang Li's true identity, Itsuwa will become a lot of formality, although the Fang Li's side, once the Fang Li has what needs will come forward, but also handed make a move PA perspiration, but also feed water feeding, but as if before in front of Fang Li ' s Face told him that he was looking forward to his relationship, the girl's face has always been red, a kind of daunting shrink.

    As a result, Itsuwa was unable to make any substantial progress with Fang Li and acted like a super-heavy little commuter. Until Fang Li set foot on the way home, the young lady discovered that she had done nothing and had almost doubted life.

    However, when Fang Li boarded the plane, the young girl gave a letter to Fang Li.

    "This…"Here is my contact method! If anything, please tell me! ”

    At that time, Itsuwa was bent towards Fang Li at a perfect angle of 90 degrees, just as if he had asked for Fang Li.

    Itsuwa would really cry on the spot if he refused, and Fang Li would accept it with a smile.

    Now it's so funny to get out of Tsuchimikado Motoharu, and Fang Li is a good look.

    "Or what else do you want to do?"

    Hearing this, Tsuchimikado Motoharu's face that came to rest on his face was enough to be used as evidence to hand over to the police.

    "Isn't it also a lot of things to do? Lots of it.

    Tsuchimikado Motoharu gestured in front of his face like a hemispherical soft object.

    "After all, Itsuwa-chan is all kinds of waves!"

    He heard Tsuchimikado Motoharu saying that Kamijou Touma was also a shiver and the man of pure and innocent had a longing look.

    However, shortly afterwards, this unfortunate teenager is once again a gauntlet.

    "although…Although this is true, but I still prefer mature big sister! ”

    Say something like this.

    The Tsuchimikado Motoharu was immediately stimulated and pointed to Kamijou Touma.

    "mature big sister what is the evil way! We should leave love to Little Sister who needs love! Exactly! For example, I'm Little Sister! ”

    The dual spy of Academy City and Anglican Church finally exposed their own good feelings in this situation.

    Incidentally, this is not a fantasy. Tsuchimikado Motoharu really has a Little Sister and a stepsister who is studying at the Ryouran Maid School at the maid school of Academy City. It is a maid trainee who is only 13-14 years old.

    The name is Tsuchimikado Maika, and often seen in front of the boys' dormitory due to the care of Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

    In other words, Tsuchimikado Motoharu This guy is a siscon.

    Kamijou Touma, on the other hand, is rather a favorite big sister.

    "Why our dorm supervisor is not mature big sister!"

    The unfortunate teenager shouted in tears.

    "Actually, I still want a real little sister."

    The great and famous Backstabbing Blade revealed the insignificance but the desire to think of him in reverse.

    "No! Mature big sister is better! ”

    No! Definitely young Little Sister is better! ”

    The two idiots have thus heatedly debated and even started to fight each other.

    It was not found at all. On one side, Fang Li's look at their eyes was a bit like caring for a child.

    This also stimulated Kamijou Touma and Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

“……Think about it, but over there, even World Famous Diva and the world-scale Ojou-sama Group have conquered it. Now that we have extended the evil scheme to believers in the religious church…"

“……That is it? Can I hit you? Senpai? ”

    The two in turn challenged Fang Li.

    Of course, a second later, the airport had two high school students lying on the ground with heads in their packs.

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