Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1552 can’t even go to hell

    "dí dā …"

    The blood turns into bright red drops, falling continuously from the fractures of the Terra of the Left limbs, and continues to dieed red with the earth.

    Fang Li's voice, Terra of the Left, has been somewhat unclear.

    Terra of the Left only knows that his own life has come to an end.

    Even the only limbs that have been cut off are not vital points. If it continues to lose blood, then Terra of the Left will only have a dead end.

    Even if the Terra of the Left wants to prevent blood loss with the EX ecution of Light, the paralysis brain has become dysfunctional because of the severe pain.


    That means the status of the Terra of the Left.

    Death has already made a clear countdown to the Terra of the Left.

    At the very least, Terra of the Left has been able to foresee his own death.

    But at this moment, the expression of Terra of the Left is not only painful, but also a great relief.

    It looks like it is not taking death as a matter of course.

    Look at this Terra of the Left, Fang Li raised the brows.

    Immediately, Fang Li thought of it.

    "So that's how it is, do you think you can get redemption after the Final Judgment?"

    ————『Final Judgment』.

    That is, after the end of human ushering, God will perform Judgement for all people and determine the legend of people's soul.

    The Bible records that after the Final Judgment, souls with religious beliefs will be sent to God's own Divine Kingdom for eternal salvation.

    And that is the pursuit of the Terra of the Left.

    The desire of Terra of the Left is to guide people to the Divine Kingdom and to give humanity equal salvation.

    For this reason, Terra of the Left will become God's Right Seat.

    So, for the Terra of the Left, death is nothing more than a process of salvation.

    He died here and was then selected by God in the Final Judgement to enter the Divine Kingdom. It was the greatest relief for the Terra of the Left.

    The only thing that Terra of the Left regrets is that it has not been able to bring equal salvation to human.

    The definition of "Person" by only, Terra of the Left is extremely narrow.

    In his view, only Roman Catholic Church believers can be called people.

    As long as you have a devout faith, you can be saved whether you have committed a crime or not.

    Not the existence of the Roman Catholic Church is but a livestock.

    That is, pagans are not human in the eyes of Terra of the Left.

    As long as it is a Roman Catholic Church believer, even vicious criminals should be saved.

    As long as it is not a believer of the Roman Catholic Church, it does not qualify as a "Person," and it doesn't matter if you spend it casually.

    This is the view of the Terra of the Left.

    Precisely this view, so that the Terra of the Left does not use people other than believers as humans, and he can use his rebellion/riot without hesitation to attack Academy City.

    In addition, the Terra of the Left also tried to adjust their own EX ecution of Light and used children as experimental subjects to kill them.

    Such Terra of the Left …

    "It's too ugly."

    Fang Li's eyes on the Terra of the Left began to fade.

    "The so-called all mankind equality if the refers to is the existence of such a degree, then that of your god is not so, it is not worthy of belief at all."

    Fang Li's indifferent words made Terra of the Left's distracted eyes gush out of anger.

    Because it is blasphemy's words.

    However, Fang Li is dismissive of this.

    "do you know?"

    Fang Li likes to talk to himself, so to speak.

    "I have a really nice Saintess around me."

    In a word, let the Terra of the Left directly hold back.

    The next sentence of Fang Li's made Terra of the Left stare.

    "The Saintess was originally just a little girl in the countryside, but she heard God's voice."

    Fang Li continued to speak in defiance of the terrifying, excited eyes of Terra of the Left.

    "God sighed because of the never-ending human struggle."

    "So the Saintess took the weapon and went to the battlefield to liberate the country from the war."

    “But, on the battlefield, Saintess fought bravely. Everyone kills his own hand.”

    “So, the Saintess also sincerely believed that one day he will be punished.”

    "Finally, the person who pushed it to the frame of the fire was still a religious person with the same faith as her."

    Fang Li's words made a name appear immediately in the hearts of the Terra of the Left.

    (Saintess …could it be that is Jeanne …?)

    This is definitely not something that is hard to guess.

    After all, Jeanne is the most famous Saintess in the world.

    The same goes for Fang Li.

    “She once said that even if there are serving people with the Lord, the belief is not necessarily the same.”

    “She has also said that beliefs are like beliefs and can be insisted, but they can't be blind.”

    "It is because she is such a person that she can become Saintess. God's sigh can only be heard in her ear."

    "In her eyes, whether it be fellow countrymen or enemies, believers or villains, they are all equal human beings. If they are killed and their blood is tainted, they should be punished."

    "In my opinion, that is the person who really has a religious faith."

    With this, Fang Li rushed to the Terra of the Left.

    "And you are just taking faith as an excuse to satisfy yourself."

    "If you guys like you are accepted by the so-called Divine Kingdom, then the so-called God has also approved what you are doing. What kind of God is also worth pursuing?"

    "If the true God is like that, then let me kill him!"

    The cold words stimulated the inner heart of the Terra of the Left.

    It's just because such words are too persuasive to have the Mystic Eyes that the legendary God can kill.

    This made the eyes of Terra of the Left disgusted from anger.

    But soon after that, it was turned into horror.


    In the arc of chilly, Fang Li raised the Moon Blade in his hand.

    "do you know?"

    Fang Li said something lightly.

    "My Mystic Eyes can kill anything in the world. As long as the other person is alive, then God can kill."

    Speech finished, Fang Li gazed at the Terra of the Left and smiled.

    "As for killing, I can also choose not to kill her body but to kill her soul."

    This sentence, let Terra of the Left's in the eyes emerge unprecedented panic.

    Kill the soul?

    WellDoesn’t that mean…


    Fang Li sneers.

    "Even if you have a Final Judgment, your soul will not be able to wait until then."

    "Don't say heaven, you can't even go to hell."


    The words fell and the Moon Blade in the hands of Fang Li stabbed in the gaze of the Terra of the Left eye socket wants to crack.

    Hey, he pierced his body.


    A shattering sound like a glass appears in the body within the body of the Terra of the Left.


    In the eyes of Terra of the Left, the spirit finally began to fade away.

    Only fear and hopelessness remain on his face.

    Here, Terra of the Left was killed.

    Even the soul did not stay.

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