Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1495 power for protection (seek monthly pass)

    "Whatever I attack?"

    The Accelerator spoke to Fang Li's slightly raise the brows.

    Why? Not afraid? ”

    The Accelerator is a vast opener. There is absolutely no defense. Eyes and expressions carry a touch of embarrassment.

    "If you can't even attack me, then you can quickly go back and tell the guy who instructed you, and let him keep his eyes longer. Not everyone can touch."

    Hearing this, Fang Li is also laughing.

    Feelings, does this guy also think of himself as a gangster attempting to get to the Last Order?

    Originally, Fang Li did not plan on how to use Accelerator.

    But now…

    "All right."

    Fang Li raised his eyes and looked at the Accelerator.

    "Try it now."

    The dagger that glows with moonlight is falling into Fang Li's palm.


    At the next moment, the air under Fang Li's feet burst into flames, raising a gusty wind, turning its figure into a shadow and slamming it in front of the Accelerator.

    The Accelerator does not catch Fang Li's speed at all.

    For Accelerator who rely on Ability to fight, Fang Li's inhuman speed is beyond the reach of the naked eye.

    So, Accelerator didn't see it either.

    In Fang Li's in the eyes, ice blue Mystic Eyes is glittering.

    Blade light, scratched the air.


    Accelerator's ability was killed with a crack like glass.

    More precisely, it should be said that the Accelerator's reflection was killed.

    Under normal circumstances, accelerator will keep their ability "Reflection", only to calculate the minimum required energy, such as gravity, air pressure, light, oxygen, heat, sound wavelength and the others The conditions necessary for the survival of the body, everything else is all the settings for reflection, so that they are invincible state, will not be any physical attack.

    Now this default reflection is directly killed by Fang Li along its Death Line.

    When Esper uses Ability, except for Gemstone, other individuals need to be calculated and calculated in the brain to be used successfully.

    Therefore, the Accelerator's calculations were interrupted at the instant that the Reflective Ability was killed.


    Perceived this, Accelerator's face finally changed.

    Immediately, a fist is quickly magnified in the Accelerator's field of vision with a screaming strength.


    In stifling sound, the impact bursts on Accelerator's face.


    The Accelerator suddenly groaned, and the entire man was blown out and fell on the ground, in an extremely embarrassed gesture, rolling until after a while.


    Accelerator dumbfounded.

    Thoroughly dumbfounded.

    "I …It was hit…? ”



    How can this happen?

    However, the tingling sentiment from the face was told by Accelerator.

    All this is true.

    Let Accelerator's head become a blank space.

    "Presumably, you haven't been hurt for a long time?"

    At this time, Fang Li's voice was passed into Accelerator's ear.

    怎么样? Long-lost skin injury should make you miss it? ”

    The disbelieving words made Accelerator's head produce a reaction, raised the head, and saw Fang Li standing in front of him.


    Accelerator's face no longer hangs cruel turbid smile, but becomes terrible.

    "Don't look at me like this. It's your own request."Fang Li spread out his hands and looked over the Accelerator lying on the ground. He said, "If you think about it, if you can't do this, you won't care what I plan to say?"

    "Qī …"The Accelerator couldn't help but be stunned. He was ready to hold his body on the spot.

    However, the shock caused by just that punch was not only to make Accelerator's face swell up, but also to make his head feel dizzy, weak, and unable to stand up.

    Looking at such an Accelerator, Fang Li is also squinting.

    “If you have time to exercise your fragile body, it is just that the fist is the level that the average person can send, and the result is that you can trip to this point and be careful to meet the situation that the Ability does not work. Can things not be solved so easily?"

    Having said this, Fang Li took over the Moon Blade in his hand and handed over another thing to Accelerator.

    "This is for you."

    With Fang Li's words, small objects are slowly thrown into Accelerator.

    The Accelerator slightly surprised, almost sublime extend the hand, catch it.

    "protective talisman?"


    Fang Li throws Accelerator precisely protective talisman.

    And, not a protective talisman, but two protective talisman.

    "The two protective talisman, you wear one yourself, and the other one will be handed to the Last Order."

    Fang Li took a look at the Accelerator and said something like this.

    "In the critical moment, they can keep your life."

    With this left, Fang Li turned around and was ready to leave.

“……Stop for me. ”

    However, the Accelerator's deep voice came from behind Fang Li.

    "What are you planning? Why did you give me this? ”

    Upon hearing the sound, Fang Li did not stop and only dropped the sentence.

    "You can also choose not to trust me. If I have done everything in the best, and want to protect important people and my own power, then you can use it."

    As the voice goes further and further, Fang Li disappears into the darkness ahead.

    Looking at the direction of Fang Li's departure, Accelerator's eyes looked cloudy and uncertain.

    "Protecting important people's power …?

    The Accelerator kept his protective talisman tight and sarcastically.

    "What kind of power can I really catch?"

    However, Accelerator did not give up the power held in his hands.


    “The things I’ve always dreamed of appear to be in the hands of Ah…

    The irony on the Accelerator's face is growing.

    Who knows?

    Accelerator's power is the strongest, but he does not want such power.

    His power only hurts people.

    No matter who, as long as extending to the hand, that hand will be reflected, and then broken.

    Accelerator has been hurting people since childhood.

    Precise In order to no longer harm people, Accelerator wants to be invincible, so that everyone fear, afraid to make a move on themselves, not overwhelmed to challenge themselves.

    For this reason, Accelerator only participated in the "Level 6 Shift Project" experiment.

    Unfortunately, the experiment was suspended, so that Accelerator's wild hope can only be suppressed.

    Accelerator then encountered the Last Order.

    Do not know whether it was because of the death of their sisters or the pity of the blood in the heart. Accelerator became the protector and caretaker of the Last Order.

    Maybe, Accelerator is also instinct in the search for ways not to continue to hurt people?

    The power he wants is actually the power to protect.


    The Accelerator gave up on the ground and looked at the night sky.

    "As a result, has it always been me to daydream?"

    "What a bastard Ah…

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