Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1489 is impossible to be Little Sister! (Monthly ticket


    Fang Li rubbed his forehead and sighed like he felt tired.

    "Wū… /p>

    In front of Fang Li's, Shirai Kuroko did not know when he was coming back and was standing in front of the dormitory door, as if he was prepared to guard against dangerous enemies. He posed with a grin and stared at Fang Li while he waited. Buried appearance.

    怎么样? Calm down yet? ”Fang Li, like Shirai Kuroko's invisible performance, said impatiently: "I'm not interested in playing with you again?"

    "Who is playing with you!"Shirai Kuroko shouted shouted: "Kuroko only prevents the nasty pests from approaching Me and Onee-sama love nest."

    "love nest …"Fang Li opened his eyes and spoke in an uninteresting tone: "This thing, Onee-sama in your mouth knows?"

    Of course.Shirai Kuroko licked his own hair and said, with an air of excitement, "Onee-sama said to Kuroko. You are my most important person. Here are our two secret hotels. You can't be used by others. To know, especially a bad bastard."

    It's really the same thing.

    "Can you bother you first to get your Onee-sama out?"Fang Li was too lazy to shout with Shirai Kuroko and said, “I have something important to do with her.”

    "I'm very sorry that Onee-sama has fallen asleep today. There is no way to deal with the bad visits that come in the middle of the night."Shirai Kuroko is said to be the speed of the second answer. Such a skinless smile said: "By the way, Onee-sama's itinerary is already full, and then it is Tokiwadai's Ace, Academy City Level. The third place in the 5 (Esper), there is a lot of entertainment, not the same as a gangster who only engages in big news all day."

    This is exactly the same as true.

    "It seems that you are determined today to reject me outside the door…"

    Fang Li rubbed his forehead again.

    "also fine, I don't want to stay in this dangerous place for too long, I don't know when I'll be seen by the group of Ojou-sama, or let that put Electric Younger Sister out for myself."

    After that, Fang Li took out the cell phone, ready to call Misaka Mikoto.

    Incidentally, at the beginning, Fang Li wanted to call out Misaka Mikoto by telephone, but unfortunately was stopped by the Last Order.

    "I want to see where Onee-sama lives! Misaka as Misaka strongly pleads! ”

    Therefore, Fang Li will be unwilling to come here with a Last Order.

    "If you didn't press the walkie talker earlier, I just called…"

    With this idea, Fang Li is ready to call.

    "I don't want to succeed!"

    Shirai Kuroko's figure is "shuā" and suddenly appeared in front of Fang Li's. He took Fang Li's cell phone at the fastest speed of his life.



    Along with a heavily pounding sound, the iron fist of sanctions fell on Shirai Kuroko's head.


    The sound of being squashed, Shirai Kuroko went on the ground.

    However, even so, Shirai Kuroko grabbed the cell phone and slammed toward the door, facing Fang Li baring the teeth with vigilance.

    "As a side-man of Onee-sama, Kuroko I will never allow pests to defile the noble and pure Onee-sama's ears!"

    Obviously this is the kind of discourse, Shirai Kuroko's voice is filled with tragedy and sense of mission, showing the will not to give up.

    "This mind / energetic, if you can use in the serious place, you have already come out ahead."Fang Li didn’t even look at him. He could only smile and say: “The person who wants to see Mikoto is not me but her Little Sister.”

    Shirai Kuroko was shocked.

    Shirai Kuroko then laughed.

    I laughed like I was frivolous.

    "The kind of bad lie is like a gangster that you can't do right now."Shirai Kuroko raised his head and said with a high spirit: "Kuroko I have already investigated …cough cough, Onee-sama had already told Kuroko personal information, there was no secret before Kuroko's face, you think Kuroko I don’t know if Onee-sama doesn’t have Little Sister at all?”

    Indeed, Misaka Mikoto does not have Little Sister.

    Not so much as Little Sister, it is better to say that she is still the only child. In addition to her own family, her parents have no other children.

    Misaka Misuzu had also been to Academy City. Shirai Kuroko had to be wandering around him all day in order to please her. This level of intelligence had already been clearly investigated.


    "so that's how it is …"Fang Li, as if thinking of something fun, laughed wickedly: “Do you understand Mikoto only to such a degree?”

    "you…What is your tone? ”Shirai Kuroko's corner of the eye twitches, said with a strong smile, "Want to shake Kuroko with deliberately mystifying? Do you still save it? ”

    "It is not deliberately mystifying and you will soon be understood."Fang Li grinned, pointing in one direction and said: "Look over there."

    Hearing this, Shirai Kuroko unconsciously looked at the past.

    The next moment, Shirai Kuroko saw it.

    Behind the stop sign at the front bus stop, a little girl showed half his head from there.

    "That person seems to be very dangerous. Misaka's crisis management function is conveying this message to Misaka. Could it be that Misaka has come to a terrible place? Misaka as Misaka is very arrogant in his heart. ”

    The Last Order said so, as if he was afraid to hide there, watching it carefully.

    When Shirai Kuroko saw the Last Order, the whole person was lighted.


    Shirai Kuroko dumbfounded.

    There’s nothing to be done.

    "When I was a kid…Onee-sama …? ”

    Whoever sees the Last Order will produce this idea?

    "did you see that? The appearance is the biggest evidence? ”Fang Li seemed to be reminding him of his good intentions. He said to Shirai Kuroko like this: “You don’t even know that Mikoto has such a Little Sister. It seems that you understand her like this.”

    Shirai Kuroko suddenly trembled.

    "Not…impossible…! Take my understanding of Onee-sama! Onee-sama should not have that Little Sister…! ”

    Shirai Kuroko shakes.

    "Can that look…Obviously, the kid's version of Onee-sama…could it be that's what looks like Ability…? Phantom …? Psychological influence…? Visual interference…? Impossible is Little Sister…! Impossible is Little Sister Ah… ! ”

    Shirai Kuroko hugged his head.

    "Is it really only this level of my understanding of Onee-sama? Nooooooooooo! ”

    Shirai Kuroko screamed like this, and his eyes began blood congestion.

    Until a sound is heard behind it.

    "What are you doing there alone?"

    The door to Tokiwadai Dormitory finally opened when it sounded.

    The person who came out from inside, precisely Misaka Mikoto.


    Misaka Mikoto, who came out of the door and saw Fang Li all of a sudden, first started and then got angry.

    "How are you here!?"

    This sentence, Fang Li has not had time to answer, a small figure is to fly in the direction of Misaka Mikoto.

    "Onee-sama !"

    Hearing the sound, Misaka Mikoto finally found the Last Order.


    Misaka Mikoto was completely dumbfounded.

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