Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1473 How are your ideas? (Monthly ticket

    This split second, everyone present was shocked.

    Shana was stunned.

    Wilhelmina is shocked.

    Sophie is shocked.

    Hecate, Sydonay, and the Wilhelmina group of three are all stunned.

    Even if any of the Flame Haze Corps and the Crimson Denizen Corps exist, they are all stupefied on the spot.

    Everyone can hardly believe their ears.

    Do not block

    In the end, even Amakusa Shirou stayed there.

    In the eyes, it is stunned.


    At the moment, Amakusa Shirou was totally surprised.

    It is not only Amakusa Shirou.

    With the exception of Jeanne who already knew something, the rest of us were shocked.

    And moreWait

    The sound of the Alastor's thunder-like sound is also becoming overwhelmed, and comes from the pendant in front of Shana.

    "What do you mean by this?"

    This is not only Alastor’s doubts, but also some people’s questions at the venue.

    Including both sides of the enemy, both.

    For this, Fang Li is like a pair of serene.

    "Could it be that weird?"Fang Li took it for granted: “From beginning to end, I did not say that I would stop the Grand Order and only said I had a reason to fight against Bal Masqué.”

    One of the reasons for this is the completion of Main Quest.

    In order to complete Main Quest 1 and Main Quest 2, Fang Li must defeat at least one of Trinity and earn 10,000 Killing Points.

    Today, Sydonay has lost in Fang Li's hand, unable to fight again, making Main Quest 1 complete.

    The 10,000 Killing Points requested by Main Quest 2, Fang Li has just been discovered, and it was completed without realizing it.

    After all, when they first entered the battlefield, Fang Li slaughtered a large number of Crimson Denizen, including some Crimson Lords.

    While Jeanne didn't make a move, Main God's Dimension did recognize his support for the Flame Haze Corps.

    If you want to get Killing Points, in addition to the initiative to strike to kill, you can also give enough contribution and credit for recognition through assisting and supporting, and then someone else will strike to kill, and Main God's Dimension will also admit it. Get Killing Points.

    That's because there are also some types of assistance and support in Main God's Envoy, so there is such a system.

    In view of this, Jeanne's support and reinforcement of the full Flame Haze is considered to have achieved sufficient contributions.

    Therefore, in Crimson Denizen's Strike to Kill by Flame Hazes, there is also a considerable portion of them counted as Killing Points, making the Killing Points earned by Jeanne even on Fang Li.

    At the beginning, Fang Li also spotted this, so he wanted Jeanne to obtain the command and command and took the Flame Haze Corps into Seireiden.

    Now, this goal seems to have been achieved perfectly. Both Fang Li's Main Quest 1 and Main Quest 2 have been announced.

    Since the purpose has been achieved, then naturally there is no reason to continue to cling to the war.

    On the other hand, Fang Li’s arguments for resistance are not to stop the Grand Order.

    "I said it?"

    Fang Li looked to Amakusa Shirou and said so.

    "Your Grand Order is not acceptable because it has flaws. If this flaw is made up, then I have no reason to stop you."

    This was said by Fang Li, and the people suddenly reacted.

    That's right.

    The reason why Fang Li resisted was not because of wanting to stop Amakusa Shirou's ambition, but because of a flaw in the Grand Order.

    That is human foraging.

    "As long as "Xanadu" allows human beings to be foraged for one day, the world's distortion will not stop, and the balance between Crimson World, the present world and the New World will sooner or later be broken, and Flame Hazes desperately must stop the catastrophe. It will come one day."

    Fang Li took a look at Amakusa Shirou and said so.

    "However, as long as human is not foraging, then the existence of the new world can be accepted by all Flame Haze. I no longer have reason to stop. Don't you think so?"

    Fang Li What does that mean, Amakusa Shirou can't understand it?

    This meaning was calmly brought up by Bel Peol, who was a staff member.

    "In other words, as long as the new world does not show the condition of eating humans, will you not stop the execution of the Grand Order?"

    Precisely so.

    Frankly speaking, the emergence of the new world, whether for Flame Haze or Crimson Denizen, is a good thing.

    Once the new world is born in the Rift Between Both Worlds, it will become a barrier to stop Crimson Denizen from reaching the present world. Deenizen of present world will also go to have endless power in order to get rid of the limitations of the limited Power of Existence. The park of EX istence makes the present world no longer vulnerable to Denizen.

    In this way, Flame Hazes no longer needs to be involved in a never-ending battle. Crimson Denizens no longer needs to worry about not being able to maintain its existence and power because of the Power of Exit issue, and even being criticized by Flame Haze.

    Although between the both sides, there are certainly individual exceptions. For example, Flame Haze who thinks of vengeance will not be able to stop, and he does not care about inconvenience because of his bad nature. Crimson Denizen may also stay in the present world and enjoy it. It's fun to eat humans, but that's not going to be all, and it can alleviate this situation to the greatest extent.

    So, the only remaining problem is the problem of human foraging.

    In other words,

    "As long as you enter a "Principle" in the rules of the new world you created, then your Grand Order will continue to execute."

    Fang Li said so to Amakusa Shirou.

    "Insert the "Principle" of "cannot eat humans" into the rules of the new world."

    This is the solution that can solve the problem perfectly.


    When Amakusa Shirou was about to say something, Fang Li interrupted.

    "I know that you are an affirmation of desire. If Denizens wants a paradise that is not free, then you absolutely will not allow it, right?"Fang Li said: "How do you know, Denizens is not willing to recognize this kind of paradise?"

    Amakusa Shirou suddenly saw it.

    Fang Li turned his head and looked at all Crimson Denizen.

    "So what's your idea?"

    Fang Li questioned the entire Crimson Denizen.

    "You must continue to conduct humans behavior in a new world where you don't need to worry about the consumption of Power of Existence. Do you want to continue fighting with us and die here?"

    "Can you do this to enjoy the joy of eating humans?"

    "If this is the case, then say it, we can follow it!"

    Straightforward questioning, so that all Crimson Denizens one after another lost his speech and fell into silence.

    In the dense army, there was an unpleasant silence.

    On the Flame Haze side, all Flame Haze who knew what Fang Li was planning to do was equally silent.

    You don’t need to invest in endless battles.

    This future, which made Flame Hazes unable to speak words of opposition, all fell silent with complicated thoughts.

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