Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1468 Fortifications Determine Death (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    Like the invisible air, the high temperature slammed into the Fang Li's body, causing the skin to begin to sweat.

    The dark flame clumps bombarded in the direction of Fang Li's apparently carry amazing power, melting all the ice and snow around them. Even a thick layer of snow on the ground starts to turn into water once it falls The human body, in general, will absolutely be burned in an instant, leaving no trace.

    Facing the amazing flame clumps, Fang Li was advances instead of retreating.


    Under the faint sky-splitting sound, the ice blue Mystic Eyes looked straight up before Fang Li hit the flame clumps from the plane with an extremely fast bang.

    "Qiāng — !"

    The blade light is on.

    "pū chī —!"

    The massive and heavy flame clumps, like the rock, suddenly fell apart without any suspense, following the splitting of blade light, neat and tidy.


    As a result, the flame clumps that had been cut off by one knife fell across Fang Li's left and right sides, carrying great heat, blew open in Fang Li's back, and set off waves.

    The Yanlang wave was actually like a shock wave. The bang's impact was behind Fang Fang Li. The speed of Fang Li's with extremely fast sudden leaps was improved by a rank. It seemed like a flash of light flashing in front of Amakusa Shirou. .


    Amakusa Shirou suddenly shocked.

    Responding to this creator God is a cold voice.

    "Unfortunately, this kind of long-range attack is useless to the eyes."

    In the moment of falling voice, blade light is once again lit up.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Seven Nights Curtain !"

    God Speed's slash is like a comet in the sky, with a trace of white, breaking the obstacles of space, turning into a fatal flash in the direction of Amakusa Shirou.


    Just like a balloon, God Speed's flash twinkled Amakusa Shirou, who still had a surprised look on his face.

    However, Amakusa Shirou, who was split in two, was like a mirage and disappeared into the air.


    Amakusa Shirou, who was wrapped in a transparent strip of Unrestricted Spell composed of letters, with Teleportation's Unrestricted Spell, avoided the fatal knife of Fang Li and flashed out in the distance.

    Brow, already tightly wrinkled.

    Until this time, Amakusa Shirou seemed to have to care about it, and he turned his gaze to Fang Li's ice blue Mystic Eyes body.

    "The pair of eyes…"

    Amakusa Shirou's eyes began glittering.

    Do not know why, Amakusa Shirou actually felt a trace of God's power fluctuations in the pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes.

    "Could it be that, is the pair of eyes part of the God's Authority?"

    Amakusa Shirou's eyes finally became dignified.

    The God of Creation feels right.

    Although it hasn't reached the point of prototype yet, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception is indeed a derivative of Magic God's Mystic Eyes in Celtic Mythology.

    If, Magic God Balor's mystic Eyes is undoubtedly able to show the power of God's authority, the level of highest rank of rainbow mystic the Eyes, which is only one step away from the prototype Fang Li's mystic Eyes, said to have come into contact with God's authority that also cannot be too.

    Even if it is restricted now, it is reliable that Fang Li recorded the particularity of the dead soul more than the Root of TYPE-MOON World, and its Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's Rank was enough to exceed Ryougi Shiki connected to Root.

    In other words, if the Amakusa Shirou is the authority of God in charge of "good Fortune" and "determination", then creation Li is able to exercise Fang of Slaughterer.

    If the ontology of God of creation is another matter, as vessel's Amakusa Shirou does not show the complete God ' s authority ability, Fang Li, even if not to remove the mystic Eyes restrictions, that also foot To match the Amakusa Shirou.

    "So that's how it is. Is this the snuggle you can stand here with a human body?"

    Amakusa Shirou looked into Fang Li's eyes and became hostile.

    Although Fang Li was not lightened, Amakusa Shirou did not believe that Fang Li could prevent himself from implementing Authority to create a new world.

    Apart from that, the Psalm of the Grand Order used by Amakusa Shirou to perform Authority and create things, each piece of Unrestricted Spell itself is enough to become an independent Unrestricted Spell, no one can destroy, only God's The Authority, known as God-slaying God's God of Religion Alastor, can completely destroy it.

    So, with the exception of God of Retribution, the rest are only seen as obstacles, not enemies, by Amakusa Shirou.

    But now, understanding that Fang Li also has God's Authority's power, Amakusa Shirou would never dare to think so again.

    Amakusa Shirou can be sure.

    With the power of that pair of eyes, it is entirely possible to kill the Psalm of the Grand Order and prevent itself from implementing Authority and creating a new world.

    Therefore, Amakusa Shirou finally regards Fang Li as an enemy.

    "Your power is too dangerous!"

    Amakusa Shirou all burned a very dark flame.

    "It seems that Yu must first consider that you should eliminate your threat before dealing with God of Retribution!"

    In front of Amakusa Shirou, who burned with a dark flame, numerous Unrestricted Spells form themselves. They flared up, set off waves, and fired one by one huge flame clumps into a barrage and hidden the Sky and covering the earth went violently shoots in the direction of Fang Li's.

    Before the ice blue Mystic Eyes, Fang Li's entire field of vision was covered by countless flame clumps and turned into a dark fire, leaving no room for a trace.


    "Isn't it telling you that this attack is useless in front of the eyes?"

    Fang Li once again crushed the air under his feet, and in the blistering blast, he fought to the flame clumps that hiding the sky and covering the earth without fear.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Instant Prison !"

    Fang Li's figure suddenly became obscure and began to split into countless figures, instantly becoming a legion, facing the countless flame clumps and wielding Nodachi in his hands.

    "pū chī —!"

    Cutting sound starts to sound.

    "pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –!"

    Innumerable blade lights flash to countless flame clumps. In the successive cut sounds, the hot black fireball one by one is cut off.

    "Hey —!"

    Suddenly, the sound of explosion continued to appear in mid-air, allowing the dark fire wave to expand toward the surroundings in one breath and flock to all directions.

    And in that amazing explosion, the dark flames that one by one opened burst clumps turned into numerous fireballs, falling like meteor rain, toward the earth below.

    "Hey —!"

    This time, the explosion occurred on the ground.

    The innumerable fireballs, like rocks, continued to fall on the ground and set off waves of fierce attacks.

    And more



    In the Flame Haze and Crimson Denizen both sides's positions, the meteorite-like fireball also fell, causing a strong explosion while blowing the unlucky person to the air, causing a wave of sorrow.

    "Has already retreated to this distance and is still affected…!?"

    Bel Peol finally grinned again, waving the chains, and the fireballs in the future attacked one by one.

    As for the Flame Haze side, Jeanne, who also holds the Holy Flag, turned the Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) into a barrier that protected the people around him.

    Regardless of the confusion around the Flame Haze, Jeanne was always watching the war in the air.

    In front of him, the Jewel in the pendant is also lit, like one eye, looking straight up.

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