Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1457 is still in the war!

    In fact, Jeanne's mood is similar to Sophie's.

    Also as one of the believer of God, if Jeanne, the saintess, is not a devout believer, then who is a devout believer?

    Even though Aqua is not the Lord of faith in Jeanne, the most basic respect is offered, except for those who are extremely rejecting the pagan.

    Jeanne is naturally not a mad cult.

    So, when learning from Fang Li that he had stored a Goddess avatar in his Magic Item, Jeanne would almost like to treat this Magic Item as a Holy Relic.

    However, in the face of such Jeanne, Fang Li said it directly with a weird look.

    "I have no objection to paying tribute to being a god, but I want to say that when you use this item, if the Goddess who comes out of it turns and runs away, then you will directly catch her back. ”

    I have to say that Fang Li really saw the retarded goddess completely.

    "Anyway, with my understanding of that guy, if it really happened on the battlefield, the guy's first reaction was definitely to choose to turn and run."

    This prediction was achieved with great precision.

    Precisely because of this, Jeanne was prepared in a skeptical situation, and as a result he actually saw Aqua turn away and subconsciously caught him.

    Seeing like a little girl crying like a little girl and crying Aqua, and shaking his face in the side, as if doubting the meaning of life in Sophie, Jeanne can only speak with helplessness.

    "Aqua-sama, please call down."Jeanne can only say this: "Now, we need your power to help us recover from the defeat. Please also help us."

    Originally, the three Magic Items that Fang Li got from Megumin, one stored EX plosion Magic, one stored Purification Magic, and the remaining one stored Support Magic.

    Aqua Although IQ is touching, there is basically no use in peacetime, but in purification, healing, and support, it's really Goddess level.

    As long as it is the opponent of Undead System and Devil System, it will definitely be the ending of Aqua.

    No matter how serious the injury is, even if it is dead, if it is not to be killed by power like Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, then Aqua can also use Resurrection Magic to save people.

    And the intensity of its support magic is that it has raised Fang Li's full Attributes by more than tens of points.

    Such power, if used in the entire Flame Haze Corps, can only be enhanced by Jeanne's Charisma.

    This is the third advantage that Fang Li has prepared.

    If Bel Peol wants to implement the advantages of quantity, then Fang Li thoroughly implements quality superiority.

    To this end, Fang Li handed Magic Item, which holds Aqua's Support Magic, to Jeanne.

    Now is the time to use this Magic Item.

    The only bullshit is that the magic item produced by Crimson Magic Clan perfectly copied and stored the magic owner's personality, and the result required only so much effort.

    At least, now Aqua is reluctant to kill.

    "Let me use Magic in front of the group of wild primitive people? I do not want it! ”

    Aqua's “barbaric primordial” evaluation caused Sophie, who is part of it, to have a big drop of sweat on his face.

    “My Magic Power is very precious. It is the power of my followers. Even if I am great and noble, I am not a luxury Goddess who does not know how to save!”

    When one has money, he eats and drinks, he does not know how to control his debts, even if he is outside, and Goddess, who also bought an egg with hundreds of millions of Eris, said so.

    Although Jeanne did not know these dark history of Aqua, he was still speechless.

    What is Magic Power?

    This Goddess is just an avatar copied from the Magic Item. It doesn't have any power, and it can only be used Magic stored in Magic Item.

    As for Magic Power consumption, it is all provided by specially made Mana Ore particles in the Magic Item. Even if the consumption is to consume Fang Li's net worth, when does it become Aqua's Magic Power?

    "Please also don't say so, Aqua-sama."Jeanne can only be very cautious: "You are Goddess after all. See those who are suffering, can it be that that should not give them guidance?"

    This remark is quite relevant.

    Unfortunately, Jeanne looked at Aqua's shamelessness.

    “Ha! The suffering people? What does it have to do with me? ”Aqua takes a natural look and says: "They are not my followers. Who cares about their lives?"

    Jeanne almost destroyed the worldview.

    Not to mention Jeanne, Sophie was stunned.

    In this world, Goddess is actually so selfish.

    Day Ah…

    At this time, Aqua touched his chin and cast eyeballs to Jeanne.

    "Well, why don't you join Axis Cult?"Aqua said with great interest: “I can feel a very religious faith from your body. But it is a pity that the god you believe in is not me. With such devout beliefs, don’t believe in the useless gods or join in. Axis Cult, be my believer."

    The most useless God in this world is you.

    At this moment, even Jeanne could not have had such an idea.

    But Jeanne in the end still is a simple rural girl. Such an idea, if it is not because of special objects, is almost impossible.

    Therefore, Jeanne can only say with respect: “No…ThatI didn't change my beliefs…"

    This sentence, Jeanne was not interrupted by Aqua.

    WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? This is Axis Cult? The greatest Axis Cult! 什么? Don't you know Axis Cult? It's just ignorant and inexperienced! Tell you! Our doctrine is that patience is a harmful thing to the body, please be true to yourself and live, you should do what you like to do, you can be willful not matter, if there is a favorite person, that regardless of the other's status of how lofty all have to think even if hard to also want to like the status of the person to pull down to the same level as their own, With such a momentum of action to do! ”

    No This is not right! ? ”

    Not really. It is no use for you to conceal me! You can't panic in front of Goddess! I can feel that you are a good candidate for Axis Cult! Because I feel like-minded aura from your body! ”

    "…like-minded aura…?"

    “Correct.” You must have recently come across a taboo experience! ”

    "The taboo experience…!?"

    "Combination with male, for example!"

    "Combination with male…!?"

    No problem! It's okay! The fruits of taboo even if the devout followers can not resist the temptation of it, we Axis Cult can fully understand that if there is a ban on love in the doctrine of your faith, then that kind of thing will quickly give me up! Join us at Axis Cult! Our teaching is that as long as it is not an offence, then no matter how taboo it is, it can be done. It can even be done! ”

    "Always doing…!?"

    ‘Yes! Come on! Patience is harmful to the body! Tolerating these two words violates the teachings of Axis Cult! Obey your own desires and desires! Follow your ideas! Come on! Say you want to join Axis Cult! Taste the taboo fruit with us! ”

    "Aaaaaaaah! Don't say it again! ”

    Jeanne finally collapsed, throwing away the Holy Flag in his hands, licking his face, and kneeling on the ground, seeing no more people.

    Fortunately, Aqua is still indoctrinating the doctrines around him and Jean Jeanne is flushed and wept.

    Even wearing a messenger in front of Jeanne, a chaotic aura is filled, telling others that Sylvia has also entered the wrong state.

    Sophie had already been messy in the wind and could only rush up and down.

    TaelTwo! It is still in the war! In the war! ”

    As a result, Flame Haze's two leaders were nearly destroyed by Aqua.

    If the last Flame Haze lost because of this, then Fang Li swears.

    "If I had the opportunity to do so, I wouldn't bury the retarded goddess and I would break myself!"

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