Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1442 is being formed

    "The process is quite smooth."

    Seeing the dark flame burning in Reiji Maigo, Sydonay grinned with some excitement.

    “In the near future, the vessel will be able to complete. Will the leader's will also be revealed in this world?”

    Sydonay, who spoke out of his own words, turned his attention to another direction.

    Bel Peol also turned his head and looked at the past.

    I saw that in the innermost part of the room, there was a vortex formed by a silver smoke screen on the wall where there were only pillars with the same spacing.

    In the whirlpool, there is an armor framed on the patio in a gesture of being punished.

    It is the body of the whole body showing a silver body.

    Awesome, it was the silver armor that appeared from Reiji Maigo and swallowed Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    In the silver armored body, there are also thin wires and thick tubes sticking out from the surroundings, with numerous paper symbols.

    God of Creation ————"Snake of the Festival".

    The Crimson God who was sealed in the Rift Between Both Worlds was originally absolutely impossible to return to Crimson World and the present world. He will always sleep there and never see the opportunity of resurrection.

    Through the connection with Hecate, the “Snake of the Festival” woven himself into a Psalm of the Grand Order to create things with his divine right. Regained the opportunity of the day.

    Because of the existence of the Psalm of the Grand Order, the "Snake of the Festival", although still unable to escape from the Rift Between Both Worlds, has power to allow its own will to come.

    Trinity wanted to get Reiji Maigo, hoping to create a vessel for the will of Snake of the Festival.

    To make this vessel, Balmasqué, headed by Trinity, prepared two materials.

    These two materials are called "Tyrant I" and "Tyrant II" respectively.

    First of all, in order to receive the “Snake of the Festival” and reproduce it, it is necessary to collect a variety of emotional samples, and to fuse and reorganize them.

    That is the silver armor in front of you – "Tyrant II".

    "Tyrant II" is when it feels that strong emotions are happening, then it will transfer its avatar to the place as if it shines in the mirror, instead of humans who have strong emotions to perform this kind of emotional device.

    If the human is showing happiness, the avatar transferred there will show a happy gesture.

    If the human is showing pain, the avatar transferred there will show a painful gesture.

    If the human is showing a strong hatred in an attempt to kill all those around it, that avatar will show it truthfully and replace this person, killing the people around him.

    In this way, the device known as “Tyrant II” can collect samples of emotions, and gradually merge and eliminate these feelings, eventually forming the “Snake of the Festival” personality.

    This is what "Tyrant II" does.

    As for "Tyrant I" it is a power source.

    Power source for Power of EX istence.

    So the one that was selected was the treasure of the Crimson World treasure – "Reiji Maigo".

    Bel Peol commissioned Sabrac to kill Mystes in “Engaged Link” and took part of the Psalm of the Grand Order into his Reinji Maigo within the body.

    Since that time, Reiji Maigo has been converting the power source of vessel.

    That is — "Tyrant I".

    The Psalm of the Grand Order not only in "Tyrant I" has the effect of absorbing all the existences that interfere with itself, thereby gaining power. It can also receive its collected personality from "Tyrant II", gradually covering Noble. Within Phantasm (Treasure Tool).

    In this way, "Tyrant I" will have access to Tyrant II.

    Finally, as long as the final piece of the Psalm of the Grand Order is typed into "Tyrant I," then the numerous pieces of personality that "Tyrant I" receives from Tyrant II will be joined together.

    At this time, the will of "Snake of the Festival" will be fully formed and revived.

    Next, as soon as "Tyrant I" and "Tyrant II" are combined, Tyrant, which was born, will become a vessel of "Snake of the Festival" and realize "Snake of the Festival" in this world. The recovery.

    This is the plan of “Bal Masqué” and the first stage of “Grand Order” in their mouth.

    The so-called "Grand Order" is the realization of a long-cherished wish in ancient times, creating a paradise that allows Crimson Denizen not to care for Power of Interpretation.

    For this reason, this "Grand Order" is divided into three phases.

    The first stage is to bring the will of "Snake of the Festival" to the world and get the vessel in the world.

    The second stage is to use the power of “Snake of the Festival” to open the entrance and passage to the Rift Between Both Worlds and release the ontology.

    The final third stage is to combine the role of the Psalm of the Grand Order and use the God of Creation to create the final paradise.

    The first phase of the Grand Order is now almost complete.

    “Tyrant I” has already implanted the last post of Psalm of the Grand Order. It will soon form the will of the Leader. As long as it is merged with Tyrant II, the leader's vessel can be completed. The first stage of the Grand Order is completed. Will also announce the end."

    Sydonay confirmed the contents of the Grand Order that he had not known in his own mind and asked Bel Peol.

    "How long does the fusion of the last Psalm of the Grand Order take?"

    Originally, when the last piece of the Psalm of the Grand Order was entered into Reiji Maigo, this was all done.

    However, after a few days, Reiji Maigo seems to be forming a personality, which makes Sydonay puzzled.

    "What's wrong with this?"

    This sentence, Sydonay did not say it.

    Because the so-called errors in the divine strategy and wonderful planning of the staff of the staff is impossible.

    Even if it does, Bel Peol will reverse it in the first time.

    This is the existence of the name "Arbiter of Reverse Reasoning."

    If we say that Bel Peol has encountered any miscalculations so far, it is that Fang Li's did not appear.

    This is unpredictable.

    Of course, in fact, Bel Peol oneself is not so self-sufficient.

    "After all, even more powerful staff members are unable to do everything."Bel Peol said so, with a sadistic smile on his face like this, and shrugged, "According to Hecate, Reiji Maigo had already shown Leader's will long before this time, and now he is not forming Leader. Personality, but in the form of a certain existence."

    "Form a certain existence?"Sydonay suddenly stared at Hecate.

    Hecate totally ignored it, only staring at the Reiji Maigo that floated in front of the Psalm of the Grand Order.

    There, the dark flame was still burning.

    However, Hecate's words can be felt.

    An incredible existence is gradually taking shape.

    With this feeling, Hecate's mind came up with that figure again.

    "What did you do?"

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